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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Wow it was interesting First, I have to thank the Cdn Embassy Consular staff. They were awesome. I handed them my passport, and they said they would renew it and put it on fast track. Also, they said that when I came in to get my new PP they would domy letter that morning even though I did not have an appointment. Got my passport on 30 December ( they were closed on Boxing Day and Fridays), I went in and got my passport, and everything was done. I talked to GF, but she could not get any time off until 08 Jan, and even that was only for the morning. I went in on the 6th and got my passport switched. No problem For the past 9-10 years, I have lived at the same address. In the past, I went in and gave them my paperwork minus the TM30, but I had my GF with me, and they did not need any proof of residence. Wouldn't you know it, this year, they needed proof of residency, so I advised the Captian at immigration that I would have to get the info from GF and be back. I went back this morning and was ready for everything except that the girl would not talk to me. She told my GF, who speaks English, what she wanted, but she is not great. It turns out that I needed to do the tm30 because even though I lived in the same place because my GF now owned the house, I needed to change it. I got that done and made the copies again with them, talking to GF, who advised that they needed to explain it to me. Then they announce that I am overstaying 9 hours, LOL. I need to pay an overstay and a fine of 500 baht. LOL I finally got everything done and was out of there TOTAL TIME 1HOUR 20 MINUTES including 90-day report. Evidently, from now on, I have to do a tm 28 for residence. AGAIN, ANYONE GOING TO PATHUM THANI, if you have trouble, talk to the Captain. He is sharp, speaks great English, and will take the time to explain. Also, thanks to everyone who helped and gave advice. It was much appreciated.
  2. I am confused Could be old age, but where are the tops daily I googled it, and none showed up on Walking Street As to the fight first i don't stay out that late. Second, never harass a Thai lady especially if you have been drinking There are many reasons to upset people but again I wonder with the location maybe people can explain are there not Tourist police in that part of the street.
  3. First teacher to do something will be charged with a crime by the students, If students are caught vaping, then the school should have the legal right to remove the E-cig from the student. If I follow the law then any student that is caught smoking Mary Jane or yaba can not have it confiscated from them
  4. Yeah been living in same place for 10 years lol. They do love making things interesting
  5. Yeah but you chose your wife house and dog 😂
  6. Yeah the big problem isn't the criminal it is all the horny drunk tourists that cause the problem. But if they ever checked that mist of us would be barred
  7. Even if he had the best policy available it would be for nothing and useless. No helmet no insurance
  8. Did you ever doubt he was in charge. Hell he ran the party while he was in Dubai. Why doyou think it is family members that are always elected. They speak when he tells them to. Look at duaghters record. What record you ask. AW , there is the answer. She goes to a multi Asian summit and, instead of being at the summit, goes shopping. Consider this if you look at the PTP and Thaksin now look at what the DNC Barry and friends would have been like with Kamala.
  9. No I don't think it is lack of confidence it is more that she knows who owns the place and their connections
  10. OK, thanks. The issue is that a lot of people in Thai and Farang get dogs and have them cooped up. If you are on a beach, I would be looking at a more friendly dog. A pit bull is not what I would consider man's best friend, and if I was your neighbour, I would have reservations about being involved with a dog with their attitude. I think going to the local pound you would be able to find man's best friend. They can also tell you about the dog's temperment
  11. I got hit with the residence paperwork LOL 10 years never asked for paperwork. Usually have GF with me this year gf stayed at work and I went they asked for it.
  12. Eventually he will be back in Dubai. Have to wonder howuch longer a person not listed as a party member will be allowed to run a party. Side note In lieu of fat lady I heard anutin is taky singing lessonx
  13. You know it's funny check points are for drunk driving usually but there doesn't seem ybe a problem. Would like to know age groups and helmet stats.
  14. Where do you live. There are many good lawyers in Bangkok.
  15. Where do you live City country House apartments Land to run no land
  16. and this is why they have the death penalty
  17. My point about weestern banks is that they also put limits. I do not know what group you hang with but i know very few Thais that can do a tfr of 50K Howevr, the challenge that is faced is that for political reasons the PTP has to show that they care about the people. With the recent number of issues with peole losing money to scams something had to be done. If the banks were willing to self regulate it would be great. BUT there is not system in place nor a willingness to do anything. Hell they just look at customers and smile saying sorry nothing we can do. Is it ideal for th government to step in NO but if they have to they have to. Do not forget that the other part of this law is gong to be resrictions as well as responsibilities for banks. This will make the average Thai person in the voting areas that PTP and BJT are concerned about happy and realy willnot affect many others inteh day to day life.
  18. YOu my friend are like me One of the last cash is King members LOL The process they are talking about here is digital it is doing the money transfer over the phone. ATM's wil still operate the same. Hospitals willknow the procedure and you can be rest assured that they will know how to breakit up if need be. I went infor surgery on my back 300K and had to pay up front and get reimbursed by Government in 2011 they understood the limits and after i contected the CDN bank they just withdrew the money i packages. Also I think that if you are transfering money to BNH Yanhee or a known hospital there will be ways around it. Again this is to protect the Thai people that need protection from big brother because they lack the brains. So that they are not all filing crinimal charges and taking banks and government to court.
  19. Get a pad or a large pillow and put it under your knees and sleep on back
  20. Believe it or not, it would not be a bad next step. The situation is that people do not like weed smoke. It would be a selling point for condos. Again if it is the will of the majority there is nothing that can be done.
  21. i know there have been issues but my wifi has been pretty good. All of a suddent hough it is almost useless. I have TRUE data and wondering if anyone knows what is happening.
  23. The government is supposed to do things to protect the people. Is it a shot gun affect YES. But using your thinking because not all people that drink get into accidents then the governemnt should not have rules and laws against drunk driving. ISlam is a lot more than rape it is a belief that the only person that should see the ladies beauty is her family. You need to study and look at hisotry hijabs and veils have been around for a long time. They were even a fashion statement
  24. The flaw to your thinking is that you are thinking of North America, Europe mentality. First, how many Thais that you know can afford just to hand out 1.8mill one-time shots? Second, the banks should be doing this. However, they have been so protected that they do not want to do it. Again remember you are in Thailand. As to limits for triple bypass or an SUV or buying a house, there are ways around it. Try taking that much out of your western account and see how fast they stop the payment. You need to contact them so that they can allow it, know it is you doing it, and know that their reason is legitimate. Stop thinking of just you and look at the average Thai. The Thai government could care less about you and what you think. They are responsible for protecting Thais, and that is all. I can guarantee that if the upper-class Thai wants to buy a car, they are not worried about doing it with an app. The same thing with hospitals. This is a measure to protect THAI PEOPLE, not some rich farang that they could care less about.
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