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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. You could give them a raise of 600 baht, and they would still say prices are too high. The challenge is that the government has and needs to be more quick to subsidize or to limit the cost of items. Thai people are spoiled in that sense. If they want to make it better, then put newer and cheaper run buses on the road. It will be interesting in 10 years when they have to upgrade and maintain the new lines what they do for money, or do they just let them become death traps
  2. Problem is that most of them are MFP supporters because they want certain laws changed and are not big on Thaksin.
  3. He has a problem, though, with most of the things he needs to change being against what the military and Anutin support. Also most of their plans is falling apart. How was that wage hike before the new year? The wallet is dead. He has been given an out but can't take it. The constitution reform is dead also, as the military will not allow changes. The powers that be do not want the chagnes that PTP want. They never have adn never will. PTP is in power only because the military needed them for the numbers. Thaksin coming back was the reward for being a military puppet. BTW I am hearing talk about LGBTQ just as I am hearing talk about liquor changes and Marijuana bills. NOTHING has happened so right now all these things are just talk.
  4. I have been with NCS and am now with PSI Ben Weinstein. For someone to talk to and get non-filtered response, Ben is good. Ben is located near Phrom Pang BTS. He will do zoom or in person.
  5. The problem is that Thaksin's comms channel has never worked for the military or elite. Consider that every time he or a family member got elected the military through his or her out-of-power The only reason that they are together now is because PTP needed someone to prop them up and bring him home, and the Elite needed a party or person that they could control due to the MFP threat. The elitet will let Thaksin have his freedom only until it suits them to take it away. The LM charge and April case date is proof of that. They can either hammer him while everyone is celebrating or pardon him and hope no one notices. Also remember that little sister is now left on her own and not able to come back. Name one thing that the PTP promised that has come to pass or looks like it will come to pass.
  6. Why don't you buy it and give it to her later. I don't really understand or knowany Thai teens into realestate. Also where does she get the money to buy it.
  7. But as long as thaksin stays out of jail the elite still control the government. Therefore PTP has to kowtow to them
  8. The chances of that are the same as the military not wanting control. The interesting quote or joke is The Pheu Thai party, associated with Thaksin, currently holds power, presenting an opportunity to shift the focus from past conflicts to future progress. The PTP holds almost no power as they are owned and responsible to the military elite parties to stay in control. The PTP is only in power as long as either the MFP is a threat to the military or they (the PTP) upset the military. The military/elite control a great deal, consider that the power positions in eh government are controlled by the Elite proxies.
  9. Yeah this article spells it out pretty good. Does anyone have one? I am wondering what the electric bill is like and how long the average battery charge is?
  10. You know what they say about hot air rises LOL Stop breathing while reading AN
  11. Has anyone ever tried to set up a meet up for expats living in BKK. Next question how many would be interested in meeting for a coffee. Or....
  12. My MIL tried to commit suicide. They told her that she needed to shoot below her boob so that she would hit her heart. She did what they said but blew her kneecap out.
  13. remember that close to 50% of the country is rural and really lives a life that is not dependent on anything other than what they grow/ make or sell. There is also a definite poverty level in the big cities. i think in the cities it is more abserved than in the rural aras. The interesting point I wish they would make with these polls is the percentage of rural and age groups. 80% of the people polled are 18-25 would mean a whole different result than 80% over 55 and living in rural areas,
  14. This is not a Thai thing Take a look at Pakistan. To a greater extent, this is an Asian thing. How many countries in Asia have free elections that are not controlled.
  15. Actually, this site proves the point. I had a reasonable comment removed because future discussions might have gone over the rules.
  16. The funny thing is that if you look at the election they just held in Pakistan the same thing is happening. Change is coming, but it is going to be so slow. None of us will live to see it. Movie theaters to me are an interesting view into the country. 6 years ago, if you did not stand when the clip came on, everyone looked at you. Now if you stand, everyone looks at you.
  17. Personally, I would never buy a computer online. there are just too many issues. The first one is what happens if there is a problem. Is it what is adveertised. I agree with other posters. Go look at them, and If you go to a shop, you might get a lower price or price that is just as good, and you also have a place to take it if there is an issue.
  18. It is going to make for a very interesting time in the future. If any of the Shin's get involved in the government or next election. You can be guaranteed that the military parties voters and the PTP supporters will be reminded of this. But then again TIT
  19. Perhaps the Republicans got fed up with the Dem government and the way the city is and went to Texas or Florida like a lot of other people. NY is a Dem state, pure and simple. Rudy got in and made a lot of difference as Mayor.
  20. Sure they can ask. Then I would either go and look or have a team that is trained look and evaluate. Then I might change the offer. The other thing that I am sure banks look at is how much of his business they can get.
  21. I make the assumption that it is more than a few baht. As to the cost of a lawyer, you are right, but my point is that the OP and the MGMT are not going to be able to hold a conversation. It sounds like there is a war brewing. Having a lawyer or someone of authority talk might resolve it quickly.
  22. If he is in the high range then seeing a specialist and getting retested will reolve if there is an issue. It does not hurt to find out things about your diet or lifestyle that may be a cause. That way, the OP knows what may be a problem in the future. Preventative medicine is always better.
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