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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. I think the answer is going to be jail or house arrest. The elites made this deal with the understanding that his family would not be in charge. They also made the deal on the belief that he would stay out of the limelight and publicly keep his mouth shut. This has not happened and worse than that his daughter is making a laughing stock of the Thai country. We all knew there was a limit to what the elites would accept. Now that the BJT senate is set they can bring in the PP.
  2. The issue in this case is that they are probably in some country like Nigeria and really can not be touched.
  3. Were any AN members present, and if so, can they chime in, please?
  4. I think in all fairness the challenge that advisors have is tht the governemtn really is not letting people know. This was set up as stated for the rich to have to pay. I firmly believe that a lot of us were not even thought of. I talked to an advisor a couple of days ago, and he explained that it is only money I bring into the country. However, he advised that my Canadian Penson from the government is exempt, but he was not sure about military pensions or medical benefits. He outlined what I would have to pay and left it at that. I will file only because it is cheap for me, but I think a lot more needs to be outlined. Do Thqais get a break on their mortgage if so that should apply to us.
  5. Add t that the low number of casualties in Afghanistan. as well as the plan for a safe full withdrawl. No one was going to save teh Afghan government too much corruption and not enough balls. It was doomed from teh start. Alsot consider that the U.S. and U.K. do ot have that great a record in Kings making
  6. That was UK officials. Thai officials want to know what happened, I think, more than the UK.
  7. A lot of us in BKK doing that you can get the apcialis for 500 baht in NANA at the main pharmacy on Suk near Hermes. Stay away from side streets
  8. The fire service has sated that a lot of these fires are caused by the homeless that live in the mountains. The other thing that has or is a problem is the lack of upgrading hydro. A recent interview with Adam Carola who lives there, was that the hydro poles are old and decaying and there is a need to replce them or put the wires underground. But the eco weirdos are stopping it because they don't want the earth upset. The other catch is the stupidity of the California people. They see these people or things they elect worrying about reparations, sanctuary states, raising the minimum wage, outlawing everything electric, and not really caring about the state itself. Money has been given to them to build desalination plants and reservoirs, but because it might hurt a little fishy or a smelt, it can't be done. The forests are not maintained to clear away dead brush, and it is illegal for a person to do it, even if it is beside their property. They have had massive fires there for over 2 CENTURIES AT LEAST, but they still l do not get the idea. The fun for this state is going to be when people try to rebuild their houses and find out that they can't due to the new rules that have been in place for the building codes as well as the different parts of the California government that have to authorize the new buildings.
  9. I think the fly in your ointment is that the body is being brought back to the UK for burial. From what I read, it is not being cremated. The autopsy, I am sure, will also be looked at by the British Embassy at some level. I'm glad that it was not alcohol-related. As to deaths on the island, I can only ask how many deaths they have had. If the ones we know in the media are it, then it probably is not that bad considering the number of people that go there. The main thing I am happy abut is that we are still getting reports. Usually, Thai and British/western papers just do the sensational and then leave it
  10. God no it was a no win war. The difference is in how they pulled out. There is the panic withdrawl that leaves everything behind and leaves people confused. Then there is planned and organized withdrawl that gets all the equipment and people out of the country safely. Biden just said leave all the equipment behind and run. Not the way to do it. Trump for all his faults was correct you want to withdraw but you want to do it in a way that you get as much and as many out safely. There was no plan as to how to suport the government or sfeguard those that helped the Forces.
  11. Simple who paid for the equipment Ammunition training and intelligence. It was all paid for by the American taxpayer
  12. here is the competiton bikini starts at 44 min mark
  13. Consider that under Biden as VP and Pres Russia took Crimea and possibly a large part of Ukraine. Also NK ramped up its nuclear arsenal China has made huge statement in the Pacific Ocean and the U.s has done nothing. A stronger U.S. that did not just walk out and show how weak it was in Afghanistan created the doubt tht the U.S. military and leaders were clueless. Jpe did nothing in the Ukraine war except coninually putting money into it. There were no talks there were no actioned threats.
  14. I am a firm believer that Joe just signed the papers where mommy Jill told him to. Things left out the amount of infrastructure and weapons that were left behind in Afghanistan The joblessness and crime that his immigration policy creted in cities The financial crisis that his immigration policy created in sanctuary cities and states. China policy that was easy let them bend over and he kissed their rear because junior had so much money he owed them in Same with Ukraine Burisma The biggestone though is we are not going to drillor explaore fir oil or NG but we will buy at huge prices from Iran and the middle east.
  15. No <deleted> Sherlock. Try getting some if you meet her at starbucks make her buy her own drink and then say let's go to my hotel. Usually if you are dating a GOOD thai girl you are going to pay for it. Dinner movies maybe buy her clothes and you probably have to do that a few nights before she is willing. The interesting thing about bar girls is that a lot of the older singles are looking for a boyfriend to get them out of the game. Not all bar girls are shor time girls. Dating sites if you are looking for a quick shag forget it these are ladies unless they are working girls that are looking for you to buy the cow not just drink the mik. They are going to want a promise of a future
  16. hey the uni girl thing is ot just Thai there are girls in Canada that work in strip clubs or have sugar daddies that look after them. It is just good business really. They get the education the jewlery and the bling and walk out with not student debt. But again I ask you which is worse a girl that basically rents her body for sex and an education or a girl tht goes on a private site and shows her body and gets paid for pervs like us to look at her. Last time I checked you can't get VD or aids on a website.
  17. Renw your passport march 26 and then get everything shifted over to it. You can not get a 1 year extension if you have less than a year on your passport.
  18. Once the clock on the wall says 0001 on the day after your extension expires you are OVERSTAY there is nothing around that. you need to leave the country. Go across the border come back on the new visa. If you have everything you need to extend then simply do that and do not worry about it. If you don't then it is best to go out of the country and come back in on a tourist visa. The question you do not anwer is how long after it expires are you planning to stay?
  19. key word probably I have no idea but if an insurance company can wiggle out they will use it. Again there is an assumption that he had or did not have. We simply do not know
  20. While I agree that there may have been a few GI that gave teh story of yes I will be back and we can get married rot. I think that most of these young or old thai women saw a way to makle their lives better financially by looking after a GI for a week while he was here. It is no different here now with thetourists that come here. A guy comes here he does not want the bar scene or a different bar girl every night so he finds a lady either on a date site or by other means possibly a bar girls and they spend the week together. She gets free meals, clothes and enteratinment along with sleeping in a nice bed in a nice hotel and of course money to help mother that is ill. Had a friend in the 90's that used to come to thailand for his 2 week holiday. Once he knew his dates he emailed a lady her that drove moto taxi. Told her the dates and she met him at the airport and spent the 2 weeks with him travelling around thailand. At the end of the time he would give her 10k for her sick aunt and come back. The only thing she had to show was recent medical check up that she was clean. He was under no illusions that she had other friends like him
  21. Ther is probably no insurance company that will cover free diving. If they do the rates would be huge. These guys come here as a friend has told me because it is so great diving in Thailand.
  22. Yeah but is that not the AN way let's make ass um shun. LOL There will be more, and I still think that blood will be drawn to check for alcohol. We are dealing with teens and an accident that took lives and is only one vehicle and those damn things that jump out in front of cars and trucks. True there may not be booze involved but it is best to kow for sure than leave it open for parents tht will eventually want to sue the world to hve that as their trump card.
  23. Had a talk with John at expattaxthailand.com seems reasonable and was helpful explaining the new tax system But again each person may be looking for different things
  24. I've been her long enough to see the hypocrisy in the Thai culture. this is the same culture and government that says in the news we are going to show there is no prostituion on walking street announces whenthey are going togo there and loudly proclaims to the media with them that as they have seen there are no prostitutes on walking street let alone any scantily clad ladies or bargirls. An hour after the media and the police an government have left it is back to normal. Itis a country where mom in issaan is quite happy at the end of the month when her daughter sends her 5ooo baht which the money that she made as a waitress in a restaurant. Thai culture is one thing but when you look at it it is the same as a lot of religions in that is has it's faults and they are starting to show. A girl can get on a stage and stand moving from one foot to another and be called a dancer. It is ok that she then goes to a table and massages the customer and goes with him for bar fine and 3k. If this was a true bhuddist country there would not be scantily clad ladies working in bars for money. There would not be Pretties that go to parties as eye candy and to get drunk. Notice tha the country was up in arms about ilegal online gambling. BUT a lot of people do it. Now even though they say it is bad and it hurts families what is the government doing legalizing it for the eliltes to make more money. If online gambling is so bad and we know it is because of the addiction and money that is spent families ruined then what is so bad about a person that goes online in a private forum that does not allow underage and creates a living for the girl other than working at bars. Would you rather have your daughter doing only fans or would you be happier if she worked in a bar?
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