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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Just wondering what is happening with Samed? Looking for a holiday mid October.
  2. The fines and prison term is too lenient. Most of them make more than 2ooK.
  3. No idea just walked past not really my thing buying porn or vibes. GF not a fan. Just likes the real things
  4. WAIT Wasn't the main reason or the impetus of the last coup because Yingluck and some of the PT members were trying to get her brother home? Every time they bring up Thaksin half the country goes into war mode getting ready to fight his case and the other half goes into war mode to fight him coming back. The fact that these old fossils are still relevant shows the problems that the young people have. Instead of protesting it might be better for them to start forming a new political party going by the book with 100 baht donations from thousands of people instead of thousands of baht from 100 people. Start no only explaining what is wrong but also how they plan to rectify it. Start showing people that there is a political party that is for the people not by protesting but by good deeds.
  5. Had to go see lawyer today. Their office is at NANA. So I took a walk around. I got there at 9 and walked over to Starbucks. First street pedlar I saw selling non food items was ???????? Selling viagra and such. Went across the street later and anyone want to guess the main thing being sold on the street wasss You guessed it sex aids and porn videos. Cops were only a few feet away, You have to laugh at the Hypocrisy of it all you can not buy a sext toy on lazada or have it mailed in but you can buy them on the street. Have to wonder what type of deal the cops have to look the other way. It was kid of depressing also to see a lot of the shops closed and for sale. Should be interesting once things start to get back to a dull roar.
  6. Frankly, one of the things I miss the most is the nightlife. I enjoy sitting in a bar or coffee shop watching the people and soaking in that nightlife. I know a lot of people that can not feed their family because their wages were all due to the nightlife. Think about the restaurants, bars, spas. Most of Bangkoks money is made after 4pm and before 3 am. It is not just the sex industry bot a lot of off shoot things come from them. It is surprising to see the number of shops that are closed with ery little reason to open. Enjoy your sleep while you can. Once this city reopens people are going to be blowing the roof off it.
  7. Please tell me of a country where people are not told to follow the party rules.
  8. The funny thing is that the actual people that live in these areas can resolve a good portion of this themselves. All they need to do is take a couple of fields and dig a big hole like a pond only dig it big enough to be a lake. The other problem that a lot of these villages have obviously is that they are below the required height. It is funny you see this in every country in S Asia. Pakistan and India are even funnier in a sad way. People see an area of land that is dry and no one is living on so they move and build their huts on the land. They do not realize or care that it is a dry river bed that goes active during monsoon season.
  9. The U.S. is so screwed up with covid and it has become so political that it is out of control. It will be interesting to see if the MSM covers the areas to see if there are any major outbreaks. Personally why anyone would go to the PC FL is beyond me but hey I guess they need something to do. Before we use the U.S. as a poster child for what to do about covid I think they need to get it resolved. Love Vegas but right now even if I could afford it it is the last place I wuld want to go. Too much hassle with people on the airplanes. Covid is not under control Only want to gamble with money not my life.
  10. Would not surprise me if there were not a few more fires on teh water side of the street. Nashaa is a test run.
  11. I think that you are reading this wrong. The way I read it both the Dane and the Thaqi lady did not see themselves as doing anything wrong. The lady was already his adopted mother. She married a Dane they decided to live in Denmark thinking that he could adopt Guide if he liked it there. In all actuality it makes sense to me. You have a child that wants to learn appreciates what he has been given and a loving mother and father that are working, paying taxes and ot a burden to the community.
  12. I hear you the one thing I am not sure of is if he is the childs legal adopted father, Seems he has tried and been denied. Wonder what would the outcome be if he came bck here and fully adopted the Guide.
  13. Yes she is his mother by law. Chances are his real mother does not exist anymore. The bottom line to this is teh Danish government has a problem with people coming into the country either illegally or seeking asylum and passed laws that are made to stop it. Some paper pusher that can only read the rules and doesnot understand life has made a decision and hit the denied button striclty because he is Thai and not because he came to Denmark with his mother who is also Thai but because she contributes to the taxation they will leave alone for now. Imagine what awaits him if he is sent back, Thai public schools Grandparents that can not afford an extra mouth to feed Living in Thailand. Solution seems simple If you are going to refuse him then refuse him after he graduates high school. Then he can apply at universities and get a studetn visa to almost any country.
  14. It seems that you forgot the one rule when owning a business. Have a good lawyer on retainer and pass all legal issues through him. The fact that you fell behind in paying him is a huge issue because it is his credit rating that takes a hit if he can't pay the bills. Utility companies will demand a penalty as well as a deposit. Banks do not care if you are late he has to pay them or pay a late fee. Depending on how late you were and how erratic you are the new amount he wants is to ensure next time you are late he has enough to pay the bills before he kicks you out. BTW yes he is harassing you but legally. His greatest hope is that this problem child tenant will do a midnight move. If he has a tenant that pays on time great he makes money. No tenant great he gets tax deduction can turn off power and water and save a bundle in taxes. An erratic paying tenant is a pain in the assets.
  15. No but It will be interesting how long it stays as patpong. Very few of the bars are making monkey and I do not think a lot of them will reopen. They may start looking at redeveloping.
  16. The problem is that students are in close proximity to others they play together and are involved in activities. Before the mask mandate was in place and it seemed to work. The issue of vax is a new one but for Matayom students it makes sense. The problem with the younger crowd is that they touch things and pass them to another student. They cough and sneeze and pass that to everyone. Trying to have Pratom students especially in the younger crowd keep their mask on and wash their hands is insane. Time will tell and we are not 100% sure how or when the schools will be opened but considering the choices that parents have getting your child vaccinated seems to be the smartest thing. 1 they get out of the house 2. they will actually learn in school 3. It gives mom dad and grandparents some relax time.
  17. It is going to be interesting to see what happens to places like Walking street and Patpong. Even after covid is gone I still do not see it ever getting to a point where people make money. The big money people are going to have to make s decision.
  18. Ah you may be right but who elected them??? They are correct though in that Thais just like almost every other country the people are their own worst enemy. Talked to friends in Ontario and they want to kill everyone that lives in Toronto. There is s pike the government acts with lockdown or minimize action. People complain Government lowers the restrictions and people go out partying and acting like nothing happened. Same thing happened in Thonglor.
  19. I have a suggestion why do they not get in touch with CP ALL and buy some of the 7/11 door bells. The question though is if the cop was in the loo why did she not meet him eventually. I used to do duty when I was younger in the military and there was 2 of us on duty at all times. Around midnight if nothing was happening one of us used to get a couple of hours sleep while the other one did the duty. If you had to go to the can yo either held it or woke the other person up.
  20. GF sells on lazada and I buy a lot of stuff mostly small items and computer parts and have not had an issue with them
  21. Why limit yourself to these areas there are plenty of locations that are not on the main line that are easy access and cheaper. Look at the northern part of the BTS towards Sai Mai and Rangsit. The further away from the center the cheaper the prices for everything. BTS is only steps away. I pay 6k a month for a garden house
  22. Hi folks need some help trying to find an Notary that is actually working. I live in Rangsit but with BTS can travel almost anywhere in BBKK area. Anyone got any suggestions I just need my Canadian divorce decree notarized.
  23. The choices are limited. I think that with the new term starting in a month they can open the schools and start teaching again in class. I agree that students need to learn in a classroom but really did the government have a choice. We are no different than a lot of other countries that had to go to the online lessons. It is a fact of life.
  24. CPALL CENTRAL are not going to want to have to limit the people or go through the process of saying yes you can come in no you can't. They want people in their stores so that tenants can start paying rent.
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