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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. I have a suggestion why don't we form a consortium and buy it under the ASEAN NOW BANNER
  2. Working with Jet fighters and pilots I can attest that the one thing they hate the most is seeing a flock of birds. A bird strike will damage a cockpit and can down a plane. many airfields have noise emitters that scare the birds away. It is the same for passenger jets the time from when you are taking off until you have reached altitude or from altitude to landing is the scariest as you have no idea what might be flying around out there. If he says a bird hit him believe it. The only other thing that Canadian pilots hate is winter and lots of snow.
  3. Ok I am confused Hotels and restaurants/look like bars can stay open and serve booze until 11. On NYE they will stop serving booze at 11 does that mean they have to close at 11 also What abouot all these hotels that have big galas
  4. It is the same thing for life insurance If somchai dies because he was accidently killed while cleaning his pistol a life insurance is paid. however, if the insurance company finds that Somchai actualy died form a gunshot to the mouth and that his fingers were on the pistol and his saliva is aon the barrell then they probably would not pay as they have reasonable belief that Somchai did not die of accident but of SOOEEEE SIDE
  5. no one is saying they have been released. What they are doing is going after the driver or the party they insured as there was something they did or did not do. For instance it may not have been the wife of the lawyer that was driving it may have been the lawyer with a little too much allkeehol in his system. In that case they have to prove that it was the man and not the woman and it may depending on the wording of the policy either make the policy void give them the ability to after payment to the inured party recoup their losses
  6. Am I missing something???????? The insurance company is suing the driver of the Benz for fraud. They are not suing the parents of the dead girl. It is quite common for insurance companies to try to recoup their losses from the party at blame or usually the party they insure. If te person was able to afford a Benz and is a lawyer's wife that means that hubby is a lawyer and probably makes good money. If the woman driving the car made a false statement to the police that would be all that the insurance company would need to attempt to get the 2.5 from the driver. Usually though they pay out then go after people. The girl's parents in their naivete are worried that they will be sued. NOT THAT THEY ARE.
  7. The problem that I can see is that as the families grow they are going to spread out and take more land. The government would be better off to give these people land or a place ot live in another area and move them for free. The other alternative would be to give them the land they are on but restrict their growth,
  8. Name me one private or public school anywhere that teaches finances and looking after your money. It is amazing to me that we hear the same thing form teachers no matter what country. I need to be paid more I can not live on my pay. I need a raise. I need a better pension plan where the school pays more into it. I guess I must be ancient because I can remember the first credit cards that came out and you only got enough credit that you could pay it off at the end of the month. I can remember when I wanted something that I did not have the money for and instead of letting me buy it the store was nice enough to say that they would put it in the back and I could make payments on it and when I had paid for it I could have it. What was the beauty of that simple stores made a lot of money from people that changed their minds BUT on the flip side a lot of people did not spend huge amounts of money on things that they did not need.
  9. my point exactly if they get are going to lose then they need a court order prohibiting all exploration and mining in the area
  10. it is going to be a very quiet NYE if you can not go anywhere to celebrate. I thyink the reason for the closure has not hing to do with covid but a lot to do with being able to have a year that people can advertise less deaths on Thai roads. It is to keep the drink and drive people happy and nothing else. Wonder how many hiso people will have parties at home
  11. I would take the statement further and say that these are traits not practiced by people in western society either.
  12. Agreed but we know that there are people that will do it and then cry and throw temper tantrum about how unfair life is when they are not allowed back home. 555
  13. The real reason is that the government does not want to lose the money that the gold mine brings in. The people with money in the country see the money they can make if they stop the Aussie country. If you were that country I would not want to settle. I would keep ownership build big walls around it declare yourself as the owner and stop anyone from digging in the area.
  14. Porn is popular around the world. But just like when people were polled if they supported TRUMP people lie. Imagine if you are asked if you have ever smoked marijuana people will say no. If you ask most men they will say that they never look at porn someone has to be watching and paying for it I don't want my kids seeing it. OKAY we can all agree with that BUT that is why websites have restrictions. that is why onlyfans and sites like them cost money or you have to use a credit card. Any thai male can watch and enjoy porn. They can see Chinese, Korean and Japanese girls having sex or making out on YOUTUBE. They can log on and watch women from all over the world (except Thailand) simulating sex. Those Thai girls (and probably some guys) that do perform are like hookers not paying any taxes. you can walk into a bar and watch a girl blow out a birthday cake, blow darts, empty and fill cokes bottles and shoot ping pong balls using their vagina BUT porn is illegal. Imagine if they legalized it. It makes no sense.
  15. You may be right but it would still be the best bet for making sure things are done right. If they have to leave it open to Thais then so be it. I thought that there were restrictions in Macau but I may be wrong
  16. That is why I suggest giving the contract to Wynn Caesars or MGM. Let one of the Vegas companies open and run it. You can have your convention center and all that pretty stuff in Pattaya. Hell even the Hard Rock could house the casino. Restrict it to international tourists only ie people with a non-Thai passport. The big players know how to get the whales in and know how to operate for a profit. They also know all the rules. and last time I checked were all getting kicked out of or losing their shirts in the other locattions in Asia.
  17. A Casino would be a good thing but there would have to be rules. Will it cause people to be more poor. Not really As was stated in the article they are already gambling. The other option is to look at some of the major international players like Wynn or Ceasars or MGM contract or allow them to build the building and run the casino. You can also restrict who is allowed to partake of the casino. In the 90's I went to Teneriffe and to get into the casino I had to show my passport. If you set up the casino in the same manner that it was for tourists only then you will get the tourists with cash to spend. You will also be able to bring in entertainment that can attract local people or people that want to see the shows or acts. The government would rake in a large amount of money that could then go to the military. There would also be a large increase in the desire to learn English and Chinese so that Thais could get jobs working in the casino. A perfect spot would be Pattaya after they tear down the Eyesore building.
  18. The rules in Thailand are very strict. outside our home or hotel room wear a mask. Obviously if you are swimming, eating or drinking then you can not wear a mask but as soon as you get out of the water or stop eating and drinking put the mask back on. Masks in Thailand I think are going to be pretty well mandatory outside for quite awhile. As to travel I would have said it would be easy but with the SA variant be careful they could close/restrict the border at any time.
  19. I don't doubt that that will work my worry is if they will just stop there or take it further. The Gazette posting that the station is a national heritage site and can not be altered in any means would be the way to stop any worries
  20. Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob said the ministry and the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) have plans to redevelop the 121-rai station for commercial purposes by clearing it to make way for condominiums, hotels and malls. There is a big difference between going to register and registering. Especially in this country. All it takes is someone with money to put it up and they keep the outline of the building but develop it into offices or shops. Until the government passes a law or the king decrees that it is to become a rail museum it will never be safe from the money people
  21. I was thinking the same thing. It could be used for a history of rail museum could be ties to so many things about Thailand. To destroy it for the sake of another high rise that can not find enough people tolive in it is stupid. It is a heritage site and should be treated as one.
  22. She was not standing on the flag. She was standing on carpeting that had the flag as the motif. BIG DIFFERENCE. Thais like many people are jus to <deleted> PC. They have to take everything seriously. They hide on line and take shots. remember there is no love lost between this lady towards the Miss Universe. She is a has been beauty queen that still thinks she is all that.
  23. I thought that this was the way it worked long ago in this country. Grand parents look after the kids while mom and dad work to support grandparents and kids. This is not a Thai thing only. I was raised for the most part in my early years by my grandmother during the day. I got up mom or dad dropped me off at Grandmothers and then if it was a school day I went to school and came home to grandmothers. Mom or dad at tend of the day would pick me up and take me home. This allowed parents to work so that we could have a good house and good lifestyle. To me it was far superior to this have a baby drop them at some strange persons house or business and leave them there. At least the person looking after the kids cares about them. Day care you are just a number and a paycheck.
  24. Real easy my 3 yesses for today 1. Yes Bars should be open 2. Yes Porn should be allowed in either the privacy of your home, private clubs or on the internet 3. Yes Casinos should be legalized Just think of the tax dollars they could rake in.
  25. Going to be interesting a lot of laws are going to have to be changed. There are a lot of legal processes that stated theperson must benotified by regietered letter.
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