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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. There's a village death fund as mentioned above that every member of the village pays into their whole life that covers the basic expenses. (20-50 baht per month) Donations are collected at the final temple service before escorting the deceased to the furnace. These are in envelopes so there's no monetary marker saying how much is in each 1. The family is responsible for for the after-chamber (the tall shrine-like thing that holds the ashes and a picture - don't recall the Thai name). Have buried grandma, a nephew and a sister and they all went into the same family shrine.
  2. You should ask Thaksin when he gets back. He and his sister took it out by the truckload.
  3. 1. Why didn't any of them know how to do the things the girls in Hustler knew how to do? (then I turned 13) 2. Nowhere in Europe, unless forced to to claim a LARGE sum of money. 3. Neither - (same reason as above) I have 1 goal left in life and once I achieve it I'm looking forward to dying before drooling on myself and wearing diapers becomes the new norm.
  4. If cost isn't an issue, here's a search I did from the states: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=pool+monitor+with+a+smartphone If the results come up for you the same as they did for me you might find what you're looking for.
  5. So, if you agree with important people it strengthens your argument but if your opinion is uniquely your own it fails? ???? As for the topic - find a needy uni student willing to walk around cleaning your house naked and doesn't mind you "bumping" into her from time to time. Pay her well for the cleaning.
  6. Worked in a school with a couple /11s - even the Thai teachers refereed to them as "Buffaloes" or "The Monkey House" .
  7. Didn't Thailand just arrest, charge and relocate to inactive posts some 100+ immigration officials for doing this w/o the brown envelopes reaching the top?
  8. Maybe, if it's flown in at night as pallets of cash to Iraq who will ship it to Israel who will buy ships loaded with oil at a discount from OPEC who will transport it to Turkey who will buy it at inflated prices and secretly fly the cash to NATO who will present it to him on bended knee in a public ceremony as back payment for US support.
  9. could be your offer is cutting into the proxy's commission.
  10. Things will get better when Trump becomes president again, buys Canada and Iceland, closes the southern border, then defaults on all of China's currency holdings while repossessing all of its land holding in the US for "National Security Purposes". This will be while he restarts American oil production and restores the US to an export country out producing and outselling OPEC.
  11. PM me if you're close enough to Nakon Nayok. You can buy my set of ProKennex. Never used very much due to back issues. I paid 11k for them on sale but since I've moved to the states and the clubs are still there...
  12. There's a company near Kabin Buri along the road from Nakon Nayok that sells them and builds houses out of them on your property. A friend did this and it turned out pretty nice. Tried to google it but you may just have to take the drive. Can't miss it.
  13. Found this from the story of the broke female from the US story. Might help: If you or anyone you know is in emotional distress, please contact the Samaritans of Thailand 24-hour hotline: 02 713 6791 (English), 02 713 6793 (Thai), or the Thai Mental Health Hotline at 1323 (Thai).
  14. If he were licensed in Canada he would have never needed a waiver. I taught for 23 yrs in Thailand and never needed a waiver. I was also 1 of the 1st in line once Ktue Supa was created to get the new 5 yr license and was on my 3rd renewal when I retired. Before that I had been issued a lifetime license from the MoE which they found a way to 'void' when TCT started collecting their fees. With a Canadian license and copies of his old work permits, the International school can apply for him but it's a hassle since he's not in Thailand and most schools are pretty lazy in regards to helping teachers.
  15. How to join these groups to help monitor things like this? You can't ever find new postings on pornhub anymore. ????
  16. So, next we'll be rehashing Jerry Lee Louis and Woody Allen? Nobody cared about Hugh Hefner and his plethora of young hotties. BUUNNNIIIEEESSSS ????
  17. the reason you present to the US office for the divorce would be your own - doubt it would be challenged or even investigated.
  18. He probably means "Elite Government Schools" like Suan Kularb since there's no such thing as semi-private. It either is or it isn't private. You are correct in that money talks no matter the school. Assumption has more buffaloes than most farmers. The entrance exam determines the class at a schools that the students are excepted at. Not only the special IEP, EP MEP, etc but also the second digit of the normal classes such as 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, etc. The higher the second digit the lower the overall IQ of the students (or ability or just a measure of laziness). Nobody fails in Thailand. If the Thai ED system allowed failures there would be a HUGE lack of grads as well as teachers.
  19. W/O trying to hijack the thread, was wondering what a person would/could do if married by a judge in an office (in the states) and the Thai woman vanished 3 months later after returning to Thailand (4 months after the judge office thing). Add to this that the current location is unknown and it was over 25 years ago. Would you still need to "serve papers" or just pay an annulment fee so that it just goes away like it never happened? Might be an option for the OP as well.
  20. No, my wife and her parents are Thai and Thai tv is free. The 399 is for internet for everyone in the house so hardly "paying for tv". That's just a bonus.
  21. We have a 3 rai fruit orchard and a fish pond. Internet is only 399 a month. (you can watch tv for free online with an HDMI cable from the cpu to the tv) Cooking is gas and we don't have a/c in every room going all the time so electric is around 1500. We buy the same meat/veggies at the local markets that the big, pricey chain stores have but 1/3 the cost. We feed 4, my wife and I and her parents. Everybody's medical is covered and we all chip in to the village "death fund" as I call it. Living like a Thai with few embellishments isn't costly. That's why I moved to Thailand. ps. for the skeptics - it's a 4 bdrm, 3 bath house and everyone has their own tv - we just don't live in front of them
  22. OP - given the exact guidelines of your post let me say this - My wife and I live just how you described (Non-O married) and our expenses w/o the occasional splurge are around 10k BHT per month. (our truck and bike are paid for so only yearly insurance renewals)
  23. while living out in the provinces a friend was shopping in BKK and found Kraft Mac-N-Cheese. He asked if I wanted some and I said yes. He mailed it and I'm still waiting. That was around 19 years ago. ????
  24. If you're dealing with "hard water" then it could just be a build up of mineral deposits preventing proper function. Taking the handles off to see the connections will tell you. If it's a build up then sprinkle it with baking soda and use a stiff, non-metallic brush on it - rinse and repeat as necessary.
  25. I don't know if you followed it or remember it but there was a really nice thread on here about 2-4 yrs ago (?) about train travel in Thailand. The guy did a great job with reports, videos and photos. My wife and I loved 3rd class car day trips or for a long weekend.
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