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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Why should the unelected PM really want to curb corruption? Doesn't he want to see his offshore accounts keep increasing?
  2. I visited Graceland not long after he died, at that time you were allowed into the grounds but not the house. I visited again about ten years further on and the whole place was commercialised, you were allowed in the house, but not upstairs. Across the road were his two planes and you were allowed in them, it was some experience.
  3. Perry Como had a hit with that song back in the Fifties. ????????????
  4. Is that one of these camera's that go up in smoke when to take a photo?
  5. Read my post above about motorcycle rental companies being owned by the police.
  6. From what I understand, some of these rental companies are owned by the police.
  7. Yes, gyms are more for these unsightly muscle bound guys filled with steroids. Running, swimming and cycling is surely much better for you.
  8. NoshowJones

    Gold Shop.

    As I will shortly be in Bangkok and Pattaya and wanting to buy gold, I understand there is a reputable Gold shop in Pattaya similar to the ones in Chinatown in Bangkok. As I will be in Pattaya first, can anyone tell be about this Gold shop, where it is, and if it's recommended, also are it's prices on a par with the Gold shops in Bangkok? Thanks.
  9. If I knew of a thirteen year girl involved in sex with any adult, I would report it, and to hell with anything to do with money. there are far too many perverts and paedo's about these days.
  10. Us expats would also have to put up with these Military Academy educated misfits and their flip flopping if any one of them is the next unelected PM.
  11. Looks like he won't be the unelected PM's sleeping partner much longer.
  12. He is a dead ringer for Gessler from the old UK TV series William Tell.
  13. The unelected PM and his soldiers need to make it much easier for people under 50 to stay in Thailand in the longer term without having to get married.
  14. Sorry for being so ignorant, but what is the difference between a gogo and a bar?
  15. Good to hear that, thanks, maybe I will come down to Pattaya when my license is due in November, I managed it OK the last time, but I think it was more like luck when I passed it, I never had a problem before that.
  16. Where the driving license test goes badly wrong, and not just in Thailand, but in the UK and probably other countries also, is the eyesight test. Test examiners etc, are not qualified to give any kind of eyesight tests. That should be left to qualified opticians. Thailand is the worst with the stupid test involving lining up the two sticks. I stood and watched people taking that test a few years ago, and they were failing one after the other, no one is going to tell me that all these "failures" have defective eyesight.
  17. Thanks for the explanation, but I do not believe in coincidenses, and between 2014 and now, that is just too much.
  18. I got a taxi from the rank over a year ago and paid 1,250 Baht including the tolls. I don't know anything about the Thai taxi service, but why should a driver not be prepared to take you to Pattaya, unless he is near the end of his shift. I think I will get a taxi off the rank for 1,500Bt including the tolls. I have never tried Grab or Bolt before.
  19. I don't dispute what you say about Thaksin, but when his sister was in office there was no manipulation of the Baht against the UK £, you got over 50 Bt to the £ then. Look at it now. As for Thaksin, are most senior politicians in almost any country, not have the same sort of mentality, fill their pockets first and keep filling them before doing anything for the people?
  20. I can predict the future. As long as the unelected PM and his soldiers are in office, or to put it another way, as long as there is a military Junta in charge, the best we can hope for is about 45 Bt to the UK £ but only for a very short time, then it will decrease in value again.
  21. "BOT manipulation comes to mind. Something they have been doing for years." Yes, I keep saying that it is no coincidence that the Baht was just over 50 to the UK £ in 2014 when the unelected PM stole the country. It has never got near that since.
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