Yesterday I was riding home on the hard shoulder up the 117 highway when I saw this case lying on the 1st lane with the traffic driving round it. I stopped, picked it up, it was heavy, so I strapped it up on the back seat and continued on my journey.
I was thinking about what to do with it when I got home, obviously opening it up and seeing if there was any sort of ID so I could get it returned to the owner.
A few Ks up the road I saw a truck sitting there with the hazzard lights on, and a girl with a baby looking at the traffic. I stopped and she saw the case on my bike and I knew it was hers.
What would you have done if that girl with the truck wasn't there? What if there was a fair amount of money in it? I know I would not have taken it to the police with the money in it for obvious reasons, so what would you have done?
I have found money in the past and handed it in at the police station back in the UK, I even found a credit card the last time I was in the UK and took it to the bank. If you found a large amount of money with no ID on it while in a taxi or a bus, or even lying on the pavement. Would you take it to the police here in Thailand, or handed it to the taxi or bus driver?