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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. You are not anti social, I agree entirely with your rules, but back in Scotland even when I go back to see family and friends, still a problem, because I don't drink alcohol, I tend to get left out of things.
  2. I did do Karate in my younger days and got to a green belt, but I would not recommend it for self defence in the street, all these fancy movements would soon be taken care off by an able street fighter. If I was back in my twenties, I would take up boxing, but for self defence, not fighting in the ring.
  3. I read the bit where the OP said he walked away when a farang squirted him hard in the eye. I am nowhere near as heavy as the OP or as strong as him although I have the height and speed, but I will say one thing and have said it many times on this forum. If any farang hit me like that with a watergun, I am 99% certain that I would be very capable of knocking the living daylights out of him, and I would.
  4. I can't see one, unless a Forza owner can say, It would be really handy if there was.
  5. No kickstart, sometimes bike left for up to a week without using, and always starts very quickly. I am just worried that the battery might let me down at an awkward time.
  6. My Forza is nearly 7 years old, it had to get the battery changed at about 12000 Ks, now bike has done about 45 Ks and battery still working fine. Should I just renew it now as it has had more than a good innings, to save any hassle of it giving up at an awkward time, or is there still a chance it could last for a few thousand more Ks?
  7. This answer was not in reply to this post, so what's happened?
  8. At least I know I am on a forum and not my smartphone. Now run along sunshine.
  9. "we have laws in place to protect the population".
  10. Idiotic laws made by idiotic people, most of them by people with a lower intelligence level than yourself. Soldiers, police etc.
  11. If you don't agree with any law and are of at least normal intelligence, then just break it.
  12. True, but I am still getting a laugh at this topic, troll or not. ????
  13. I have never tried it but trying to wear a mask even without a full face helmet would, I think, be a bit awkward.
  14. You cannot wear a mask with a helmet, and when riding a motorbike, you should always be wearing a helmet.
  15. Yes, if the police or any other people in authority pull you up for anything silly with a smile on their face and without raising their voice, even if you don't agree with them, talk back in a nice manner, and maybe even laugh at them, most of them are the equivalent of a western country's village idiot, so just treat them as such. ????
  16. I go along with that, you cannot wear a mask with a helmet on, it is almost impossible, but is the fine for not wearing a mask not a lot more than for not wearing a helmet? I would bet the policeman who stopped the OP would not have done that with a Thai. A policeman told my wife to tell me to wear a mask while cycling or I would get fined, I told my wife just let him try. These policemen, who pay for their jobs, have about the same mentality as the average Thai along with the soldiers in government. No wonder the country has gone to the dogs.
  17. It is time for a change as things could not be any worse, but we have to get these soldiers well and truely away and back to their barracks and parade grounds, that's where they belong, certainly not in any parliament.
  18. But the soldiers will have to go too, otherwise what is the point?
  19. Same reason as they have stupid ranks like Lt/Col, Maj/Gen and other bought and paid for ranks.
  20. That's true, their attitude will probably be "we need kids to look after us financially when we get old so we will just go to bed and make another one.
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