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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Look who's talking "English" should have a capital E. Back on the drink earlier today Steven? ????
  2. if the unelected PM had done his job properly in the first place where vaccines were concerned, Thailand could have been opened up long before now. As for opening up, does that mean he is going to get rid of the money making scams like the insurance for $100.000? I would bet not, what about the over expensive PCR test needed again when you arrive in Thailand? Another scam. Is their no end to this guys greed? If Prayut and his generals had decent brains and education, why did they join the army in the first place?
  3. That was me as well playing in bands both full time and part time, had so many girls and dates, started finding it harder with a lot less young females chasing me as I got older. I played in bands right up till I came to live here in Thailand, then had so many younger girls to choose from again, then I met my wife, now happily married for last 15 years. Never thought about the future when I was young, just kept on enjoying life the biggest majority of the time.
  4. "and got most of my assets.". I don't understand that. Did you have kids by her? Did she work and contribute towards household expenses? I was married for 12 years, No kids. She did very little towards contributing to household expenses, never had a fulltime job, only the very odd part time job. When divorced and house sold, I got everything except for £500 which was agreed between our lawyers.
  5. I have lived in a small town for 15 years and I have never heard of any girlie places here, I am the only farang left here, but that was not always the case, I am sure if there was any I would know about it.
  6. There is, although not exactly a law, but I forget what it's called.
  7. Soldiers and politicians are a very bad mix, if soldiers had more than the average brains, they wouldn't be risking their lives by joining the army in the first place. There should be an international law of some sort to keep soldiers away from any countries parliaments.
  8. Cannot comment on Taksin, I arrived here not long before he was ousted. How many countries in the world are run by the military?
  9. Your last sentence. You wouldn't be saying that if you, like the unelected PM, had billions in an offshore account.
  10. "clear rules for entry would have been in place two months ago." Of course they would, But the unelected PM and his Generals would not have had the brains to do that.
  11. Try and tell that to a certain poster who says he has dealt with the same IO for 40 years and never had any problems.
  12. I did not know there were agents in Phuket, is there really? I thought that most of them worked in Pattaya, though there is one very good one in Bangkok. Regards. Possum.
  13. Great post until that last paragraph. I take it you are not referring to the UK.
  14. and what about the Military Academies, turn them into universities? That will be some upgrade.
  15. "On 5 October 2021, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Don Pramudwinai ." Excuse me! I thought that the other Chuckle Brother Anutin was the unelected DPM? It seems that the Thai reporters are as bad as the Thai government at not knowing who each other is. The left hand and right hand springs to mind again.
  16. Yes, your right. Thailand does not make the rules regarding the insurance scam for the $100K insurance. Sorry about that.
  17. What a scam, get the $100K insurance so that the brown envelopes keep flying in the same direction.
  18. No, that can not happen, do you think that the unelected PM and his Generals are going to cut part of their income stream completely?
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