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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. A few crumbs is a lot more than all the lies and deceit the unelected caretaker PM ever gave the ordinary Thai people.
  2. Unfortunately that is the case, I realise Thaksin will have had his drawbacks, and shooting drug dealers was not one of them as long as no innocent person was shot of course, but when I think of the way Thailand was when I first came to live here with Thaksin as PM and Thailand today, I know what I would prefer.
  3. That will be because the Thai military has always had more strength, with weapons and tanks than all the politicians, and the reason why the unelected caretaker PM will never get what he deserves, a very long jail term.
  4. Thanks everyone, I know exactly what I need now.
  5. Somebody already told me about this but I have lost the notes. I have full internet on my smartphone. How do I get it from my smartphone on to my laptop. Thanks.
  6. Take it to Fortune Town Bangkok. On the third floor is Nick at Pro Corner. He speaks good English. He will soon sort things for you.
  7. You would wonder why they would want to do that. More tourism means more jobs for the Thai people. They should want to encourage tourism and try and make up for what was lost during the pandemic.
  8. Yes, I got an email from someone I am meeting with about business. It has download all attachments as a zip file, and two little pink boxes with 21 on them, and 1.5 Kts. One has invite ics and the other untitled printed below. I have tried everything without success.
  9. On TinyZone there is the whole lot of one of the UK's favourite soap's Crossroads, every time you click on it, it just does not work. How disappointing.
  10. I'm watching The Virginian, Cheyenne and Bronco just now. Brings my childhood back.
  11. I was there back in the mid eighties, the cross wasn't there then, I certainly didn't notice it. Anyone know when the cross was put there?
  12. I never noticed an X at the spot where Kennedy was shot. I stood on the exact spot and looked up at the window. It showed you the exact spot on a photo up in the museum. I have also been to Vegas, did you go to Circus Circus?
  13. You mention Gettysburg, I would have liked to have visited Manassas where the Battle of Bull Run was, also the Little Big Horn where Custers last stand was. I was also at Niagra Falls.
  14. "Fisherman's Wharf, San .Francisco" Yes I have been there too. "Dealey Plaza, Dallas, where Kennedy was assassinated." I spoke to a man who witnessed the whole thing and said after he was shot the car immediately drove of fast away up the road.
  15. Can anyone tell me how to download attachments as a zip file? Thanks.
  16. This is one time I would support the police, getting Thaksin's daughter elected as PM would be the best way of keeping the soldiers away from any elected government. Also you would get a pretty face to look at regularly instead of Cha Cha or his ex sleeping partner.
  17. I have been to Graceland twice, visited the Theater in Washington where Lincoln was assassinated, also the house across the road, and see the bed he died in. Have been in Dallas and seen the place and spot where Kennedy was assassinated, been to the Alamo in San Antonio, saw the place where Jim Reeves's plane came down not far from a main road on the outskirts of Nashville. Visited the place in Los Angeles where you see the footprints of the stars. Anyone else like to tell of any famous places they have been to in America?
  18. It would be hard to say exactly what reasonable force is. If I came home and found an intruder in my house and put him down, that would not be the end of it, I would make sure he stayed down and was incapable of getting up, I am not going to try and not hurt him as he could have a hidden knife or even a gun.
  19. I am also a law abiding citizen, if I agree with that law, if not I will try and work my way round it, and yes, I have been in Jail, a tour of kilmainham Jail in Dublin.
  20. I don't know about today, but there were plenty in recent years, you could see their regular meetings in the restaurant. Any bank I have dealt with when there were no English speakers on the staff, someone would hand me a phone with an English speaker who I could talk to. The manager did hand me a phone, but the speaker on the other side spoke Thai, I shrugged my shoulders and handed it back to him, he told me to wait then returned and handed me the phone a second time, again the speaker spoke in Thai, he then asked for my phone number and said someone would call me, nobody did. Make of that sort of service what you will.
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