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Everything posted by Dazinoz

  1. I just saw a tree chasing a dog.
  2. I love plant based meats - from a meat packing plant.
  3. Looks like more and more adverts on the way.
  4. Isn't a border run classed as leaving the country?
  5. Not bad considering today is April 10.
  6. I never went to the bar areas but had friends I had met on the internet. Even though catholic they were much more willing and less inhibited. But never asked for money for the deed. But did ask next day for money for food, etc.
  7. Off topic and on topic sort of. Anyone know of any filipino communities or groups in Chiang Mai? Lived Thailand 10 years and only been to Filli a few short times but I found Pinay to be very nice.
  8. Don't know what she dialled. We ended up having a Microsoft Teams message.
  9. Oh ok, I only looked up +69. Explains more but she did try 3 times.
  10. A few days ago I was expecting a call from Australia. At about the expected time my phone rang but when I looked at the number it seemed strange. Normally I would not have answer, however I did but there was no one there. A short time later I received an email from the person trying to call saying she had tried to call 3 times but I had only received 1. The number was +6970500000000. When I looked up country code on Google I got "69 is the special area code dedicated for the Ministry of Defence (Vietnam) and the Ministry of Public Security (Vietnam).”
  11. I bought a couple of small cattle prods in Oz before I left for this reason. These were designed for small cattle. They are about the size of a torch. Tried it out on one dog in Oz and when ever it saw me after that it ran away. A couple chances to use here I didn't have it with me. Use to see a dog regularly around the bar area here in CM and sometimes gave it food and seemed ok and I never threatened him. One night I was heading to the area down a back soi. He was lying under a bush. He looked up as I walked past. I saw out the corner of my eye as I did pass he got up and started following me., thought nothing of it. Next thing, ouch, bit me on the back of the leg, drew blood. A course of Rabies injections followed but could not get the dog to pay for them.
  12. There used to be a TV ad for Colgate Toothpaste "get that ring of confidence". I guess he was very confident.
  13. Sorry to go off topic but reminds me of a joke. Why cant Miss Piggy count to 70? After 69 she gets a frog in her throat.
  14. Been to the bar in the photo many times as an ex works there. She hits the balloons very hard. I tried it once, just gave me a headache.
  15. Yep, saw his vids. Often go past the bar and usually not too many people in it. As the name suggests it is the last bar in a line of bars and I think most patrons get hijacked before they reach there.
  16. I would be a little wary of using a welding O2 tank. Yes its the same oxygen but breathing tanks are purged and refilled and the oxygen tested, welding tanks are not as they are not intended fro human consumption.Just a thought.
  17. Blatantly sold from a bar in the Loi Kroh area of Chiang Mai and customers come from other bars to buy the balloons and take back to their waterhole. I tried it once, just gave me a headache. A friend of mine who works at the bar who sells them has at least 4 large balloons everynight costing 100 baht each. Some nights more drunk on the balloons. Combined with alcohol not good. But she did learn lesson the other night. Caught riding motorbike drunk. Cost her several hours in a cell, a trip to the courts and 9500 fines.
  18. Reminds me of a joke. What is the difference between a catfish and a lawyer? One is a bottom dwelling scum sucking scavenger and the other is just a fish.
  19. Yep, always from day you apply. I think it should be from due date but no. I renew my retirement extension up to 45 days in advance but it is alway 1 year from due date not application date.
  20. I am an Apple user and works most of the time. When it doesn't usually lots of posts from others saying they are having problems. Maybe they all own Apples.
  21. Think I have met that guy in CM. Told me he is an ex Navy Seal, an ex 747 captain, plus more. I felt so privileged to meet him.
  22. Never blamed Thaipost for anything. Just asked if anyone had similar experience.
  23. UPDATE: Arrived at destination today 4th Jan. So it looks like my assumption of Thaipost tracking was correct in that "delivered" meant was delivered to Australia Post then another 12 days to get to delivery address with no further update on Thaipost tracking.
  24. And cheaper.
  25. What? You telling me Google is not always right?
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