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Everything posted by dddave

  1. dddave


    Yesterdays news reported a very serious motorbike collision on Pratumnak-5 a few nights ago. One guy was really badly messed-up. Bikes speeding on P-5 seem to have no awareness of how long it takes to stop when going downhill.
  2. I had to uninstall an ad-blocker for my BKB app to function properly after an update late last year.
  3. dddave


    That's the problem. It's usually the boneheads that "survive with minor injuries", unlike the hapless victims in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  4. Rest assured, OP Your largesse has not gone un-noticed and the good luck you so richly deserve is in transit from the China clearing office of such rewards. You will be notified of the delivery date once the good luck clears customs. The donation box tally crew appreciate your cash contributions though they did find the bags of .25 satang coins somewhat annoying. Paper money usually gets quicker results. (Please note: NOT the Chinese burning paper money)
  5. dddave


    Last night, about 10pm, on my motorbike, I turned South onto on Jomtien Beach Road from Soi-7. As always, before turning I stopped and looked both ways, checking to my right one more time before pulling out. There were no visible vehicles approaching. As I pulled onto Beach Rd, a sudden loud exhaust blast and a speeding, black Motorcycle literally brushed by me...The &$%#& idiot was back on one wheel, front wheel and headlight pointing to the sky, racing down Beach Rd, passing every vehicle without regard for oncoming traffic, remaining one wheeled. I see idiocy every day in some form on local roadways but this Bozo took the prize for imbecile of the year. He nearly rammed me and if he'd lost control at that speed with that big a bike, could easily have maimed or killed anybody walking or riding nearby. No matter how careful one tries to be, they'll always the chance a moron such as this will appear out of the shadows.
  6. I often see Ultralight and Paraglider aircraft flying over Jomtien Beach, usually around dusk. The paragliders are frequently in a formation of 3. As it gets darker, they usually head in the direction of Huai Yai. I believe there is a field for small aircraft around there. Over my 20+ years in the area, I recall here have been several fatal crashes of personal aircraft. They may look simple and benign but a single mistake or misjudgment can be very costly, but then again, the same can be said for cars, motorbikes and motorcycles, even bicycles.
  7. A woman friend engaged Bolt to take her to Don Muang from Jomtien and agreed to the price. The driver picked her up and everything seemed OK until he exited the highway onto a side road. When she asked what was going on, the driver told her they were going to meet his friend and the friend would take her to DMK in his car. She made clear that no way would she switch cars and immediately began recording the conversation on her mobile. The driver got angry and threatened to leave her roadside but fortunately, she was fluent enough in Thai to make clear she was calling the Police. The driver relented and agreed to continue on to Don Muang but she didn't trust him and had him take her to N. Pattaya. She was flying out of Thailand so did not have time to pursue the incident with Bolt or the Police but it's clear that there are risks using ride services.
  8. I buy all my veggies at Rhampo Market. Usually fresher than Makro and the supermarkets, reasonable prices. Chicken and meats at Makro. I figure the rapid turnover of product in the bins makes freshness more likely. One of the poultry dealers at Rampho is somewhat arbitrary with his prices and does try to overcharge if he thinks he can get away with it. I do not like the open market on Soi Wat Boon Kanchana. Does not seem as clean and cared for to me. The vendors there seem to practice dual pricing as there are many Russian shoppers from nearby condo's.
  9. I'm no great fan of Starbucks but it's not just about the coffee there. Starbuck's are usually spacious and well appointed with enough fairly wide-spaced seating to sit and have a conversation with a friend or associate for however long you want to stay. I agree Amazon's coffee is pretty good for half the price but seating is pretty sparce and hard to come by: the one close to my residence has one table with 2 chairs and a counter with 4 stools, hardly a place to hang-out. My point is that at a Starbuck's, you are paying for a lot more than the coffee, you are paying for the ambiance.
  10. LAZADA has a lot of varieties. I bought this one, really sturdy. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/aibg-djd-i3346014941-s12408513796.html?
  11. That area is a very dense condo area with probably 10 foreigners for every Thai, mostly Russians so don't expect many cheap Thai places. "Coffee Be Original" on Soi Wat Boon has excellent Thai food as well as western at reasonable prices. There are several seafood restaurants just South of the traffic light that are OK and reasonably prices. I live close by and most casual Thai restaurants are found in side sois off Soi Wat Boon. If you care for good bratwurst, the German bar at the corner of Soi 10 and 2nd rd. is very good.
  12. I take that bus frequently and that is the only additional BKK to Jomtien stop I've experienced. i have never experienced them picking up passengers at any other stop BKK bound after departing Jomtien.
  13. Netflix certification allows 4K and HDR which is immaterial if using older 720 P TV's. You might also consider a mini-pc. There are windows-11 mini PCs with great specs for watching TV and normal internet browsing, YouTube and Netflix. For example this mini-pc from Lazada would work very well. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/geekom-mini-pc-mini-air11-se-intel-celeron-n4020c-nuc-11-mini-computers-with-fan-coolingup-to-28ghz-6gb-lpddr4128g-ssd-desktop-windows-11-pro-support-4k-uhddual-wifibt42gigabit-ethernet-i4871547293-s20400690342.html? Actually, with your older TVs, you could probably get by with some of the even cheaper used office mini-pc's with VGA graphics. and windows 10. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/acer-veriton-n4640g-i5-gen6-mini-pc-i4831860551-s20788104352.html?
  14. It has never occurred to me to check my condo router for being used by others in my building. How does one go about it?
  15. Unless he has millions of Baht to grease many hands, his only option is to book a flight out of the country, check-in, go through security and hopefully be allowed to pay the overstay fine of B20,000 and accept a 10 year ban. There were reports recently at Phuket Airport of overstayers being arrested before they got to Immigration, perhaps tipped-off by a check-in employee but I have never heard of that at BKK. What your friend needs to realize is that he could face an indeterminate incarceration in an IDC if arrested and they are very unpleasant places.
  16. This is 2nd hand. A friend with similar issues, paralyzing back spasms, sciatica and meralgia was being told by several orthopedic doctors that surgery was the only option. He kept digging and somehow found a Physical Therapist who was what one would call a minimalist. She worked with him on a variety of exercises: strength, flexibility, motion, resting. Her focus was always finding the minimum amount of exercise that provided relief. Everything was done slowly and easy and not getting aggressive about the number of reps or testing the limits of motion. She stressed allowing and encouraging long term healing of joints, bones, tendons, muscles. Not to aggravate then further but to just do the minimum to keep them flexible and maintain strength and motion. He said it was actually difficult to maintain such a minimalist program as it was in his nature to push himself but it seemed to work so he kept up with her and was amazed at how successfully it turned out. His back spasms meralgia and sciatica attacks went away and have never come back. He was able to totally avoid surgery. This was nearly 10 years ago and AFAIK, he's still doing well. I guess this kind of follows the "less is more" school of medicine but worth thinking about.
  17. 10 years ago, Pattaya Police busted a Colombian gang doing the same thing. Household goods have a huge resale value in South America. The gang would pull up to a house in a truck, tell security and the neighbors that the family was moving and clean the house out. The load would go straight to a container and then to S. America when it was filled.
  18. OP here. Too late to edit the original post. My friends condition has rapidly deteriorated in the last 24 hours and at home care is no longer possible. Thanks.
  19. Thanks for pointing that out. I was unaware of the onward ticket requirement.
  20. A friend is in end stage cancer, perhaps weeks. He would rather spend his last hours in his Condo than in a hospital room. His sister and his girlfriend are with him and both are quite capable and knowledgeable but for him to be able to remain in his condo, he really needs a qualified palliative care nurse available though perhaps not full time. Does anybody know of any such nurses or medical professionals in the Jomtien/Pattaya vicinity who would be qualified to assist?
  21. Thai Police are pretty good at subduing crazed individuals, Thais as well as foreigners. I've recently noticed a number of incidents on the news where Thai police use long poles with wide, forked ends to fend off aggressive people and pin them against a wall. Much less harmful to all involved.
  22. Can do the shuttle bus Don Muang to Suvarnabhumi, then the Pattaya/Jomtien bus from there. First floor, near door -9
  23. When the same happened to me, I continued to get unordered CODs, the value of which escalated. Took about six months for them to figure out I wasn't going to bite.
  24. Appears they are implementing more stringent security protocols. Ad blockers and VPNs running in the background seem to cause problems. No problems so far with the app but the website won't clear my Bangkok Bank debit card transactions. My US based debit cards clear without issue. They seem to be asking for sign-in verification more often on the website. As I mentioned on another similar post: Much easier to get discounts, especially free shipping on the mobile app than on the website.
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