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Everything posted by Andyfez

  1. For goodness sight. This is only 200 baht!
  2. Jetstar are also operating this route
  3. I'm now using Wise for much more than before. Due to the new tax laws in Thailand, rather than moving larger amounts over to my Thai bank account, I'm keeping a balance in Wise like a bank account with a digital card, then paying my monthly bills and dues direct to family members from 'overseas'. Also using my overseas credit card more for shopping and petrol.
  4. Perhaps instead of making everyone go to the expense of this travel insurance, they should tell the international hospitals not to be charging ridiculous prices like 100,000 baht per day.
  5. Interesting headline. It took a whole week to get a positive feedback? No mention of the terrible traffic it's causing
  6. Drunk policemen shooting their drinking buddy...
  7. Just marry her! 😝
  8. Grab have a option to 'Drive your own car'.
  9. Birdy 3 in 1.
  10. The people BEHIND the politicians
  11. I can recommend a good architect, and internal designer. They're a husband and wife couple. Very professional. But not cheap. message me if you want the details. They have their own builders team.
  12. The Londoner. But it's not a buffet these days.
  13. This is not the official answer. In theory the hotels will do the tm30, but in most cases they would prefer to think of you as a tourist who doesn't need one. I confess unless I actually leave the country and have a stamp in my passport I never bother worrying about the tm30 these days
  14. As previously stated there is no such thing as a standard crown in the usa. In fact as someone in the business, I would suggest dental standards in the USA are lower than in many other countries. For instance pfm crowns still allow nickel in the USA which is banned in European countries. Most good crowns offered in Thailand are monolith zirconia. Meaning they are just a solid lump of fancy glass. These are good. And offered in the usa. Zirconia coping layered in porcelain are nicer looking in my opinion, but it really depends on the tooth involved. Emax is also considered more aesthetic in appearance, and bonds to tissue better But in most cases, except perhaps front teeth, the monolithic zirconia is quite adequate.
  15. I wonder how they will police this? Tax all income coming into the country? If I bring it in through ATM or Western union, how will they know?
  16. My wife gets the munchies before bedtime, and brings a dish of somtum into the bedroom before she can sleep. The remains sit on the bedside table all night often......
  17. This is not new news. It all happened on the 31 Aug - 6 September. (2023) The snatched over 5,000 pounds from my account, and after phone calls and filling in an online form they have now agreed to send the money, that went into a central fund, into my designated branch in another UK bank. Yes, they did send me a notification, but who reads all those 'be careful of scam' messages they send? ????
  18. It's not where you are, it's what you do!
  19. You'll easily know, because when you put it in the machine to go in to the platform it lights up on the machine so that staff can see that you are claiming a discount
  20. How long is a piece of string? Depends on cover.
  21. Your Thai driving license is in English so you don't need an international one. However they do issue one if you ever needed it. You don't in Australia.
  22. Yes me too last week. They haven't given a discount for holding a Thai driving license for many years now.
  23. 1st of August today, and I went to make my usual monthly payments. Krungsri is insisting on a selfie before I can make a payment, KTB authorized the first payment, and then refused others, although they did accept one or two small ones. Then I couldn't pay anything with Kasikorn because I'd already transferred it into the other bank accounts which weren't paying out! I had heard that selfies were coming in, although I understand that foreigners can't always get recognized without a Thai ID card. Does anyone knowledgeable have a comprehensive list of requirements for each bank?
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