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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. Please define thorough. The cover up began when the gunman was killed.
  2. If they go to prison. Depends on their connections and how much they are prepared to pay
  3. In the old west they say the best lawmen were ex-crims but I think in this case that may be a bit of a stretch. How the f*** does this guy keep popping up where you’d least expect. A classic square peg in a round hole every time he squirms his way into government.
  4. I knew the gunman/shooter would not be brought in alive. Dead men don’t talk.
  5. The rich and well connected are not subject to the laws of the land so your question is moot.
  6. I think they are probably more “on the other side of the scam” than we know. The fact is that this guy has taken advantage of his victims and there is no evidence, only speculation or innuendo, that these ladies somehow are or have been involved in subjecting scams upon others themselves. Not every Thai woman is a scammer but we do tend to hear a lot of stories in this space that would have us believe that. In fact on a worldwide basis there is evidence to suggest more than 70% of all scams are perpetrated by men whilst romance scams sit at close to 50/50.
  7. Perhaps he will be offered an opportunity to buy into the ailing China real estate market.
  8. He will stumble, bumble, fumble and crumble.
  9. Last week on arriving at Swampy there was hardly anyone let alone Chinese tourists. No more than twenty people queuing at the dozen or so immigration booths. Took less than 2 minutes to go through
  10. Good decision. Could have easily turned into a crash and burn scenario. Quite probably the “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” would have blown up in your face.
  11. Perhaps he had been dining out on the balcony with Vlad and made the mistake of calling it a war.
  12. Some renters are absolute pigs. I evicted an American guy after just 2 months from my house in Chiang Rai after he took it upon himself to knock holes in my outer wall to bring in the internet. He washed his dog in the shower and let it dry itself off by flicking water (and hair) all over the place. He let the dog sleep on a bed in one of the spare bedrooms where it mensurated all over the mattress leaving it covered in blood stains. Then he wanted his bond back. Fat chance. He seemed such a good person when we interviewed him. He promised to take care of the property. Never rented again. Being a landlord is fraught with risk. If you get a good tenant look after them don’t try to screw them. Your property is in their hands. I feel so sorry for this woman. She didn’t deserve it and now she is up the creek financially.
  13. Did he have a work permit? This is the only explanation that would make a modicum of sense for justification of this raid.
  14. And especially a coalition of backstabbing lowlife with completely different agendas and alliances. This will be unworkable
  15. The depths they stoop to to discredit and dismantle the MFP. Lower than shark s#!t.
  16. I hope he’s not expecting a visa extension. In a more civilised country it’s likely they would have just shot or tasered him. Hats off to the BIB.
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