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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. And then ... My own experience (from that thread): - Back in the late 90's I was working in Hong Kong on the airport express line (just before Chek Lap Cok-up opened). A Chinese guy was having a hell of a time drilling a wall to put up some sort of signage. Yes, he too had the drill in reverse, never had the heart to tell him (face and all that) but when we were back at that station two days later the sign was sitting forlornly on the floor, it could be there to this day.
  2. Sorry, I'm a dog owner / lover, but in food stores (even if in a bag/whatever) no way José!
  3. They will probably say your wall isn't vertical ????
  4. Ours are at more of an angle, been like it for 12 years ???? Ater a while the wires go tight and it stops moving Nothing to stop you having a moan at the local PEA office, they might even do something (I think I saw a Gloucester Old Spot just pass my window).
  5. Looks pretty good. Do you have a charger or power supply that goes to 60V or so? If possible, give it a charge to 58V (3.65V per cell) overall and leave for a little while (days) for the balancer to do its job.
  6. Yeah, just export your earth from CU1 to CU2, just one rod and one N-E bond. I would feed the 10mm2 to CU2 with a 50A breaker to give some discrimination but in the event of a short all bets are off as to which MCB will actually open first. @sometimewoodworkerhas covered everything else I think.
  7. Warning Jock Robinson ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/9727432/bride-punches-kilt-wearing-husband-skid-mark/ The groom left an "unsightly smear" on his bride's dress when he "perched his poorly-wiped behind" on her knee
  8. "Name and Shame" is not permitted under AN Forum Rules. But staff can make exceptions
  9. Long, long ago a group of us were on a beach in Phuket with our "rentals" from the previous evening when I had an "escape"! (cut-off jeans were a little too short) All that happened was a load of giggles from the girls and an interrogation of my "friend" ("Fish" from the Star Bar on Bangla Road IIRC") as to whether it worked as well as it looked! Confirmation was given
  10. It's definitely illegal to drive without a shirt!! Any female officer is more than welcome to check my credentials!!
  11. Which particular "Traditional Thai" roof are you imagining? There are many. What materials are you envisaging?
  12. Try a "virgin" browser installation. And start a thread in Forum Support.
  13. "Bill, we've got to stop it, or someday someone will telephone the planet Earth and get the answer, 'Honest, boss, there's nobody here anywhere but us complicated thinking machines!' " Isaac Asimov - "Nobody here but" 1953.
  14. Yup, no problem for me. Are you seeing the images in other threads ok??
  15. I reckon you're pretty close. A few thoughts: - Have you considered how to connect all those neutrals to the incoming neutral? Similarly, three lives to each of the incoming lives? You might want a non-RCD protected circuit for your freezer (coming home to a defrosted freezer in a tropical country is not fun). Do think about adding lightning surge suppression. And under/over voltage protection. Are you considering solar? A backup generator? You must have a pretty big place, running sub-mains and having local consumer units for each zone may prove more economical on cable. Same for the shed/man cave. It's far easier to plan for expansion now than it is to expand a non-expandable system.
  16. Your idea of "diversity" seems fine to me. Correct. I really think that you are over-thinking here, you will end up with a vastly over-specified system, of course that won't hurt anything other than (maybe) your wallet. Do a sketch of what you propose to do and let the brains that know analyse.
  17. In reality your 40A RCDs will be fine, they don't explode or stop working at 40.01A. If worried keep the total of the breakers controlled by said RCD to <40A. Putting an MCB in front of the RCDs seems like overkill although it does let you kill all juice to that section without turning off the whole installation.
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