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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yes, pressing Test should turn everything off ???? You could try turning off the breakers for the outside kit and see if that makes any difference when it rains. Does the Safe-T-Cut trip out again if you reset it? Did you get a price for the Huawei battery packs? A couple of other members are looking for them and the $$$ being asked is frightening. Sadly, being high-voltage battery packs 3rd party units are like rocking-horse droppings ????
  2. OK firstly, your new Safe-T-Cut DOES have a Test button ???? The big yellow thing with a T on it ???? My worry was that Safe-T-Cut do make units with no RCBO functionality, but you're good to go. Did your solar installer leave you with any form of diagram? I'm assuming your Huawei is running grid-tie with the EPS output running the kitchen to keep the juice on when the grid is down. When does the Safe-T-cut trip, any specific times (rain?), do you have outside lighting or outlets that may have let the damp in? Any upgrade would be to individual Schneider RCBOs for the "risky" circuits (water heaters, outdoor lighting and outlets etc.) possibly leaving less risky circuits (indoor lighting) unprotected. If something untoward happened only that circuit would go off.
  3. Replace the fuel cell system with a battery and you have something cool and workable. BUT There are issues in most jurisdictions with not having a physical connection between the controls and the steering and braking systems. Officer;- "What caused the accident?" Driver:- "I had a BSOD at 70mph in the fast lane of the M25".
  4. There is no reason that you can't switch languages whilst typing so you can get a ฿ in with your English.
  5. There's also SCB Connect on Line, but chatting gets you a bot, no idea how useful it would be to our OP.
  6. This worries me somewhat. Please can you post a photo of the new device? With no test button it likely doesn't have earth-leakage protection and if that's the case and it is still tripping well - Houston, we have a problem. From your description it's very difficult to tell what's really going on but it sounds like a proper electrical survey is in order to find out where we are starting from. Can you post a few photos of the kit, including your solar please?
  7. Keep a written log with dates and times. You can throw this at PEA as evidence, but make sure you include weekdays too. They may be able to simply swap you to a "better" phase, a simple and quick job, do try to work with them rather than against them.
  8. It's certainly rather higher than I'd like. I'd log it several times a day and overnight, during the week too. Being a sad git, I (ok our data logger) log our voltage and current every 60 seconds 24/7/365. If it stays constantly over 220V +10% I'd talk to your local PEA. It's possible they are trying to compensate for an overloaded transformer during the day / week which results in excessive voltage at night / weekends. Many of us would be grateful for some of your extra volts
  9. From the linked article: - and that link goes to the original coverage from last year. No further news either way, it's vanishing in time-honoured Thai manner ????
  10. Legally, no, but TiT. Our local shop sells unleaded in whiskey bottles for flips sake! We had petrol in engine oil containers for years with no issues (definitely do not use water containers, they dissolve!). But the proper job is the way forwards, it's not like they're expensive. Either way, store it outside or in your shed of course.
  11. We had the same, you rolled over onto a month-by-month arrangement. You still have the same basic rights as stated in your expired lease. If it suits you and the landlord just continue that way (we did for 7 years after the 1-year lease expired). 1 month notice on either party. As to the A/C, that's normally the landlord's issue, but if you didn't keep up your part of the deal by cleaning it ... Is the beast repairable? What does the lease say about it, if anything? Would the landlord come to a deal on the A/C say 30/70 (you being the 30)? A newer A/C would save on energy so your power bills would reduce. I suppose it boils down to how much you like living there.
  12. Yeah, you've got maybe 7 years on me. Flanders and Swann gave their last live performance in April 1967, I would have been 8 ????
  13. Sadly, I'm too young to have seen them live and there are very few videos of them performing ???? But I was brought (dragged) up on a diet of The Hippopotamus Song, Spider in the Bath, The Gnu Song, Transport of Delight (dad was a bus driver, so I understand every single reference) and, of course, The Gasman Cometh (as true today as it's always been). They just don't make 'em like that anymore ???? EDIT Add into the mix (not Flanders and Swann) Hole in the Ground, Right Said Fred (the original), My Brother, Banana Boat Song (Speedy Gonzales and Bugs Bunny version) and Gossip Calypso and we have a 1960's UK childhood.
  14. The deadlier the better, I hate the gardener PPE can be provided (I have a wet-suit and SCUBA gear!). Seriously, we have couple of these chaps damaging our retaining wall, cut them off and they grow back stronger! Any thoughts on something that's available and will kill them off, permanently, no resurrection after three days please!!
  15. For the uninitiated, "Bucket" is pronounced as "Bouquet". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyacinth_Bucket A very British sitcom!
  16. Yeah, it's an Istock image, "Thailand Central plain, Kanchanaburi" taken from the linked article. I agree, not particularly flat and plain like
  17. Makes note to self. Order sand and sandbags to prepare for flooding when "unexpected" storms arrive and fill the dams to danger level.
  18. So, buy a couple to ensure they really do spectrally match your eyesight. Then you can see whilst continuing your quest for the holy grail. Related anecdote Some years ago, a mate was commissioned by a client with a very specific requirement for some LED lamps. The LEDs had to match the spectrum of under-run incandescent lamps, the things you see on many fairground rides (think 220V incandescent lamp in a 120V fitting). He called the client "The Mouse" so I think you can work out who it was. I still have some of the samples and he had dozens made all slightly different colours. Sadly, he never actually came up with a colour that satisfied the client (they all looked pretty close to me) and the project died. @GammaGlobulin you didn't used to work for a theme-park company, did you?
  19. Transferred Madam's 70k "housekeeping" without issue, the SCB waiver seems to function ????
  20. M&S currently have ham and mustard for 2.25 a pop ????
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