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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. When I was a kid, cartoons led me to think quicksand was much more common than what it is. What misconceptions did children's shows lead you to believe? Please add your own ???? There's a mail-order company called ACME from which you can purchase everything from a thermonuclear device to birdseed and that delivers to a roadside in the Sonoran Desert — no physical address required. It's not uncommon for a burrowing rabbit to become so entirely disoriented as to wind up miles from its intended destination (a phenomena commonly referred to as “Left Turn at Albuquerque" Syndrome). If a hunter fires a shotgun at a duck, its feathers will be singed and its bill will slip off center like a dislocated goalie mask; conversely, if the duck manages to turn the tables and shoot the hunter, his face will get powder burns and his trapper cap knocked askew — neither is ever seriously injured for more than a few frames. Leghorn roosters are patronizing and overly voluble. Striped skunks lack self-awareness and are sexually aggressive. Mice are prone to racial stereotype. That's All, Folks
  2. Ever since I was a kid (there were wild dinosaurs and Raquel Welch) practical fusion power has always been "just 30 years away". If it really does work economically it's going to be a game changer.
  3. "Green" hydrogen using solar power certainly works but the process is terribly inefficient, way too inefficient to use for personal vehicles (it's better just to use the electricity directly via storage batteries). But for applications where weight and fast refuelling is important such as aircraft or long-distance transport there's certainly an application. Where we go is going to be an interesting ride.
  4. Impractical of course as the conversion process is incredibly energy inefficient. But it does demonstrate the process of making hydrogen from water and then using it as an energy-storage medium. Educational, not practical.
  5. @Mickboy I hope you realise you are replying to a 13 year old thread ????
  6. Does this mean I won't be starting "The Bangkok River Level Thread 2023"? Or maybe I will, but posting about low levels.
  7. Do you have an actual product name I can search for please? The Febreze pet odour eliminator seems to have done the trick but a backup plan is always handy ????
  8. Reminded me of this https://www.police1.com/international/articles/officer-criticized-for-writing-police-report-on-behalf-of-k-9-u0ZAlT9NyKXP08Su/
  9. Definitely not! You would be an idiot if you plugged an appliance that said 110V on the rating plate into a 220V outlet! I would still be verifying that you really do have a "universal" power supply in there. Best to be safe ???? Long ago (about 25 years) a mate in Italy bought a Sony printer on Ebay from a seller in the US. He assumed that, being a Japanese brand, it would have a universal power supply. Luckily, we checked, it didn't! Worked just fine with a cheap transformer of course.
  10. I'm not sure how that will reduce the 2km to the nearest ATM ???? For me it's not an issue (I use little cash anyway), but Madam doesn't drive so I have to get cash for her.
  11. Yeah, Madam has shuffled a few bits of land around (her $$$). Always done at the land office, cash / cashier cheques handed over in front of the agent, tax paid, everything stamped. done. No real need to involve a lawyer.
  12. OK got it. The only way to know for sure is to look at the power supply inside your particular synth. If it is 110V only then an external transformer is the answer, it's not going to introduce any more noise than that switching power supply already does. You could get a 220V supply from Roland and replace your current one, but I be it would be silly money. EDIT This post suggests it already has a 110-220V supply internally anyway, but I would be checking before plugging anything in. https://forums.rolandclan.com/viewtopic.php?t=56644 EDIT 2 Your photos look awfully familiar ????
  13. Yeah, here in northern BKK we could do with a bit of it, there's been some damp at night but the garden is still brown and rock-like ????
  14. I don't think I suggested you buying a new instrument. You said; - Suggesting that it has a separate power supply (input transformer), a suitable local power supply would cost a few hundred Baht. If the beast is direct mains input (no wall-wart or power supply), then you already have your answer. If you were to tell us which make / model synth you have it may make life easier.
  15. If it has an external transformer then it should be easy enough to get a suitable unit here even if you end up with a 110V only instrument.
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