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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yeah, that was my first thought, but for some reason it didn't show in my initial search of Lazada. Of course, now I see 80 odd hits! Definitely not in the "cheap" bracket, but still cheaper than a replacement seat.
  2. Our old truck has cloth seats, these have acquired a certain "aroma" due to transporting an older family member who suffers from incontinence. Not the old girl's fault and I didn't know about her issues until after the event ???? OK, putting it bluntly, the rear seat squab stinks of pee ???? Any recommendations for an upholstery odour neutraliser? I see many on Lazada intended for pet or "biological" odours, are these going to be of help?
  3. This is my understanding too. Job looks OK.
  4. I know not everyone likes or supports places like Safari World, but there are many who do (witness the crowds). This thread is NOT for discussion of the ethics of zoos etc. etc. Posts on these lines will be removed! OK. With that out of the way. Pink Card holders can use the Thai Citizen counter (Counter 7) on the right-hand side of the entrance to the left of the Group Ticket counters (normal ticket counters are to the left of the entrance). Entrance to Marine Park (the walk round bit with the animal shows etc.) is 750 Baht as opposed to 1,300 Baht for "normal" foreigners. I'm assuming the safari drive-through attracts the same discount (we did it once and were rather disappointed). Sadly, you don't get discount of the animal food, photos etc. EDIT Whinges about double pricing etc. are fair game ????
  5. We use Pathum, but I'm afraid I've not tried (marriage ext.) earlier than 30 days. Last year we renewed on the last day due to the UK PP office being a "little" S-L-O-W!! Give them a call, I've always found them to be helpful.
  6. Most of the float type level sensors can be wired either way, read the instructions. BUT If your pump controller doesn't have an on/off input you will need to use a relay (I would suggest a solid-state relay) because the switch in the level sensor is designed for AC and your panels are DC. If you can post photos of the various rating plates on your kit (pump, panels, controller) we can suggest simple ways forwards.
  7. You "should" be able to ride on June 3rd 2023. And, if you have a Rabbit card it will be free.
  8. BRITISH HUMOUR IS DIFFERENT These are classified ads, which were allegedly placed in U.K. Newspapers: FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER. 8 years old, Hateful little bastard, Bites FREE PUPPIES 1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbour's dog. FREE PUPPIES. Mother is a Kennel Club registered German Shepherd. Father is a Super Dog, able to leap tall fences in a single bound. COWS, CALVES: NEVER BRED. Also 1 gay bull for sale. JOINING NUDIST COLONY! Must sell washer and dryer £100. WEDDING DRESS FOR SALE Worn once by mistake. Call Stephanie. **** And the WINNER is... **** FOR SALE BY OWNER. Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition, £200 or best offer. No longer needed, got married, wife knows everything.
  9. For me it's washing the car (for better effect, pay someone to wash the car) ????
  10. Me too, the garden needs it. But only at night please, we have UK family over and they like sunshine ????
  11. This ^^^. I'm afraid it's time for a new system ????
  12. What you actually need is an aircon repair man to check out exactly what's gone awry.
  13. In order to avoid going too far off topic, I've split out the battery discussion into a new thread. Please continue that discussion here:-
  14. How are you regulating the temperature now? There's no reason not to have a solar pre-heat feeding your current heater but you would need some way of regulating the inlet temperature as the solar would be quite capable of boiling the water on a hot day! You would need some form of thermostatic mixing valve on the feed to the existing heater. Not impossible. Or, could you drill right through to fit a mixing tap in your existing shower, using a diamond hole saw and lots of coolant should avoid damaging the tiles. Of course, this would need access to the other side and assumes that the other side can be made good at sensible cost.
  15. Getting everyone on to electronic billing is likely a precursor to going to remote reading (so electronic "smart" meters), less cost for MEA. Just how rapidly electronic meters are going to be deployed is another matter of course.
  16. For reasons unknown this appeared in my Youtube Feed. Beautiful and timeless!
  17. "Pantone" is one of a number of colour standards, but do be aware of batch / manufacturer differences if you are actually trying to match. Not paint but wall cladding, same Pantone number, different manufacturers!
  18. Definitely some discount correction going on, not going to complain ????
  19. Sorry, as an AN Mod, we get first dibs at the rain! But we only want it at night when it won't interfere with our solar.
  20. Do you really think I'd let her loose on here, do I look like a masochist (sadist maybe - I'm a mod after all)??? I have enough issues with what she posts on FaceBore
  21. She's out being made beautiful, the grandkids arrive from the UK on Monday ????
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