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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yeah ^^^, the Huawei has 2 x 11A MPPT inputs so only series strings can be used, those two west facing panels will slug the other panels in that string. I'd shoehorn what panels you can fit on the south facing roofs and forget the west facing.
  2. I would suggest your guess is incorrect, and guessing isn't good engineering practice anyway. Did your installer provide you with even a single-line diagram of your installation? Post a copy here. Failing that, which 10kW inverter do you have? The problem is that under-producing panels on a series string could slug the whole string to the extent that you're actually better off without the extra panels.
  3. How are your panels arranged electrically (series / parallel)? Or are you using micro-inverters? Those two west facing panels may affect the rest of a series string they are part of.
  4. Crossy

    Bar Menu’s

    Speaking of menus ... Harga's House of Ribs is an eatery in Ankh-Morpork run by Sham Harga. Death worked there as a cook for a while. To see what's on the menu, all you need to do is look at Harga's vest. The most popular dish is "All-You-Can-Gobble-For-A-Dollar". (c) Terry Pratchett, Discworld! QED!
  5. OK, I see lots of RCBOs in there ???? I would ask for an itemised quote, 35k seems excessive for 20m of cable plus a "something" being replaced.
  6. Has your incoming breaker ever actually opened on overload? What rating (Amps) is it? Do you have electric water heaters? How big are they? Are you contemplating an EV in the near future? I'm assuming the man is suggesting a 30/100 meter, suitable cable from street to house (how far is it?) and a new 100A main breaker. If you are contemplating an upgrade, do you have an RCD / RCBO? They are a valuable extra safety device. Don't know? Post photo of your existing distribution board.
  7. That was lucky! Bad joint or actual broken pipe?
  8. Could he try the land entry from Malaysia?
  9. I think last time Madam used my hedge clippers ???? At least they can be sharpened.
  10. @paulikens Or post a photo of the relevant bit here and someone will translate for you. Where are you at present, give an idea as to which points of entry are easily accessible?
  11. A few off-topic posts and responses have been removed.
  12. Where and what reason was given for denial? Generally, if you fix the problem (e.g. get a visa) I'm not aware of any circumstances where a simple denial carries a time limit and you can re-try immediately (I'd recommend a different entry point). Topic moved to the relevant forum.
  13. The big ones used on fork trucks and the like are very reliable and need a good pull to disconnect. As with all DC connections, don't disconnect when under load!!
  14. Crossy

    Bar Menu’s

    Not if you want Chang Fetching my coat ...
  15. They should slide together (same colour) if one is flipped 180o they will be quite a strong push. Edit for better video
  16. Yeah, they look like Anderson Powerpole connectors. https://powerwerx.com/anderson-powerpole-colored-housings Get them on Lazada, sadly looks like no local suppliers. https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=Anderson+powerpole&_keyori=ss&from=input&spm=a2o4m.home.search.go.11257f6d8NO2Jf Clever "genderless" design.
  17. Sounds like a plan. TOU is unlikely to help as it will almost certainly be an electronic meter and will probably have the same issue. Going back to a conventional meter (with a no-reverse pawl) may solve it.
  18. Where in Thailand are they?
  19. Why not deliberately turn on export and see if the reading that's changing counts up? OK it will cost you a few Baht, but you have something to go to PEA with. Digital meters can be whatever they're programmed to be. Conventional single-tariff, TOU, Export or both TOU and Export. If you DO have TOU you will be being charged rather more for any daytime consumption than you were before.
  20. Yeah, start with all the usual suspects. If your toilets have shut-off valves shut them all and check again. If it stops open the valves one by one.
  21. Yup, looks like a conventional single-tariff meter to me too. Dual-tariff meters have two sets of numbers. I couldn't find a photo of a Thai one, but this is an old UK E-7 meter.
  22. Yeah, there's friendly and there's friendly! Our postie is a nice chap generally, but never more than "hello" in English. It does mean that we get our post if he sees us out and about rather than him putting in the box. One positive was that he gave Madam a bunch of koi coz he "needed the space for something he could eat". Ruddy things live better than I do with their filter, UV, air pump and special food
  23. The correct solution is for PEA to configure their meters and billing software to simply ignore the "export" numbers. Good luck with that ????
  24. Yeah, it's 25 or 30 notes (I think at least one bank is more), the machine will tell you.

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