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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Possibly. Did you use a registered installer? Is your inverter on the approved list? Not sure if this is the absolute latest list: - https://www.pea.co.th/Portals/0/PEAContent/eee/aee_div/reg_equip/PEA Inverter list 6-2565.pdf?ver=2022-07-21-181114-117 If either is "no" then getting a solar friendly meter probably isn't going to happen ???? But it sure as heck it can't hurt to ask. Otherwise, time to shift your lifestyle to use all your energy during the day, washing, ironing, charge the EV.
  2. Yeah, Madam does something similar, whole fish filled with assorted herbs and stuff and including a secret ingredient. Wrapped in foil then gently cooked on the griddle. She calls it "Happy Fish" because the secret ingredient is my JW Black! ???? (We did try JW Red but it's not quite the same).
  3. Spectacles from the US should be 5% duty + 7%VAT on the CIF value. If sent by a regular mail system rather than a courier you may get away with being charged nothing ????
  4. Yeah, that frozen white fish (Pangasius?) is pretty tasteless and has massive amounts of water. They do have Barramundi ($$$) and Tilapia ($$) both of which are much nicer without having to flavour them up with curry sauce etc.
  5. We get them (and little black flies) sometimes too, annoying. Leave your A/C on "recirculate". A good spray of Raid (or similar) when you close up at night should handle them, the smell will have gone by morning.
  6. I'm conducting a "somewhat controlled" cleaning experiment with another member. Results here when we have something useful.
  7. 331454791_722305372875635_6885725306113521743_n.mp4
  8. Right now, things are on hold due to financial circumstances (waiting to sort out a new contract). Watch this space ????
  9. If you give us a clue as your expected usage (with day/night split) and how much space you have for panels. We can give you a guesstimate. Can you go all week on one charge of your EV (top up from solar at the weekend)? Solar here does pay back, having a hybrid inverter with storage can extend the ROI significantly, using a contractor rather than DIY can make it even more expensive. If you can get on the Thai feed-in-tariff that could enable you to balance your TOU costs without using storage! How long do you expect to stay in your home? Once you have covered your costs the energy truly is free! Expect to break-even in 4-10 years.
  10. Echoes of Cool Runnings. Very well done young lady ????
  11. Exactly ^^^, once we got rid of the floods the garden has been bone dry, barely a drip of rain.
  12. I saw an Atto in the office parking last week, looks rather nice. Need to find out who it belongs to. I like the look of the BYD-e6 but you have to go to SATR as the importer (they import the BYD fork trucks, vans and buses) as it doesn't seem to be in the dealerships. A mate bought a BYD van from SATR earlier this year, his wife loves it so he still drives their MG ES. The Atto has a 60kWh pack, say 48kWh to charge 10% to 90% so about 130 Baht at cheap-rate TOU. BYD also use LiFePO4 batteries, which are less liable to go fzzzt than the Li-ion packs and their "Blade" batteries are easily serviced if a cell fails.
  13. Pretty much. TOU timings and tariff are on the PEA website. https://www.pea.co.th/en/electricity-tariffs Nothing to stop you using a timed automatic transfer switch to move night loads over to the other meter, the car will be sucking up to 7kW (32A) so a 15/45 leaves you with around 2.5kW (say 25,000 BTU of A/C with lights and technology) to play with.
  14. There's a rapidly increasing installed base, not just domestic but the big retail places have realised that they can offset their A/C (and the shading reduces the load too).
  15. The choices from MG are good value, BYD of course. The GWM Good Cat is very small but not the cheapest. If you get a dedicated meter for the EV (talk to PEA) you can put it on TOU (Time of Use) and get very cheap power overnight! You can charge off a regular outlet (granny lead) at about 2kW. If you don't drive far that could be enough but I would get a "proper" 7kW charger. And, of course, get those solar panels up for truly zero emissions and free motoring!
  16. I'm not a broker, nor do I play one on TV AN. Your broker can be useful when you actually have to claim, they know the processes and the pitfalls. I've not had to claim on the house insurance but I did have a good experience with a health claim (which can be really fraught) going via my broker.
  17. Any reason this is in Mobile Apps?? Let's move to General. Can you let us know where you are for more directed input? 45 is the biggest size generally available (I'm a 45) but they do tend to be a "little" on the tight side ???? I got wellies in a 46 during the flooding, not really suitable for exercise ????
  18. Ironing is "By Royal Appointment" ???? Madam is left most of the three ladies in blue and white uniform. You may recognise the gentleman left of centre in the back row Royal Thai Embassy, Rome (Italy), mid 1990s.
  19. Gawd, mine's addicted to ironing! If we got a physical newspaper, I'm sure she'd iron it! We have a maid but Madam won't let her iron (she does it "wrong") and she's scared of the front-loading washer. Spends most of her 1/2 day gassing with Madam (which I suspect is the real reason we employ her).
  20. It took me a couple of seconds longer than it should have
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