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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. The warnings are there to satisfy nanny-state regulators ???? The Belkin appliance warranty would likely be invalidated by changing the plug but probably wouldn't apply unless you bought the unit here anyway. Any half-competent DIYer can swap the plug but if worried I'm sure you can find a handyman.
  2. Bring the Belkin unit and replace the Aussie plug with a Thai one, then plug your appliances into the Belkin. Your local computer outlet should be able to supply a lead for the NUC (but I'd still be plugging it into the Belkin for surge protection). One of the cheapo adaptors would do the trick for the charger and clippers since they are low power.
  3. We use around 30m3 (1m3 = 1,000 litres) per month. Just the two of us now grand kids are back to school with container plants watering. @Na Fan I would certainly be looking for a leak / dripping tap / weepy toilet valve.
  4. Yeah, the Pak Kret camera is showing the highest level I've seen this time around. No problems here as yet, but definitely watching very carefully.
  5. Immigration just called Madam (so much for no notice) they will visit on Monday afternoon.
  6. Nothing to stop you having a bonfire and a "guy". I'm sure there will be many suggestions who "guy" should be modelled after Party within your local COVID roolz.
  7. A number of off-topic posts and a flame have been removed.
  8. I wasn't aware there was a "shortage" until just now. Cue UK style panic-buying leading to a shortage.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaem_Ling And other references including Asean Now ...
  10. Sadly no, it was a while back. One was definitely Haco which I have down as a half decent brand, it went bang IIRC. The others were probably off-brand like Nano. Note that, anticipating potential issues, I put them all on switched supplies. Have a look how much they cost in the UK and make your own choices ???? https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/tcl/search?query=usb&Submit=Search
  11. @Andrew Dwyer that doesn't sound great, are these areas denoted as "monkey cheeks"? One assumes (may be a bad idea) that as the river flow decreases from the north these areas will get pumped out without causing massive issues down stream.
  12. That was my thought too, but they stressed "without notice"! We shall see.
  13. I asked Pathum this afternoon (but you need to check your own office). They want colour photos. They prefer mono copies.
  14. OK, finally sorted. This aternoon they decided they didn't want to see the original KR22, but I did have to do another TM28 despite doing one in April. All pretty relaxed really although I hadn't really expected the invasive questions at the interview. Next hurdle, the home visit since they said "without notice" and, of course, I have a job! We also have to have two witnesses that know us. That's no problem, Madam is very well known in the village environment. @ubonjoe What happens if you are not home when they visit?
  15. Warning - Personal opinion only! I would opt for regular 2-pin outlets and branded plug-in chargers. I thought these things were a nifty idea when we built the house and installed several of various brands in the bedrooms and lounge. NONE of them are now functioning! Failure modes have gone from them simply not working, to going bang, to emitting significant amounts of smoke and fizzing noises (and NOT opening the 20A breaker). If you DO decide to use them I would certainly arrange for the mains inlets to be switched so you can turn them off when not in use. It would probably be wise not to use your wired cans whilst the phone is charging (even with your branded charger).
  16. When it's free! I'm not convinced it will rise much when passengers have to pay. More parking at Rangsit might encourage me to use it but it would mean having to change trains at Bang Sue to get to work rather than driving a bit further and using the BTS and just one train (office is at MoChit/Chatuchak Park).
  17. Here we are just past the local high this morning, 47cm below the "Worry" level. This bodes well for the big tides due over the weekend with the 4m peak high on Monday (high today is 3.2m at the coast).
  18. Bubbles your children clean whilst they play in the bath! The power of advertising strikes again ????
  19. So we have just been for our first vist to the Pathum Thani office. Very quiet, much nicer than the zoo that is Chaeng Watthana ???? Our office lady who assists with all things immigration had already got a Check-List from them, nothing unusual on it. BUT (Surprise, surprise) They also want the original KR22 (and copy) as well as the "we are still married" update we got last week, not sure if that's actually a general thing. AND Our UK marriage certificate translated and certified. Luckily we had that done when we got the KR22 which is supposed to replace them. ALSO The Tabien-Baan copy had to be all on one sheet. Going back after lunch to find out what they "forgot" to ask for this morning.
  20. Meanwhile at the office of Siemens in Staines the telephone is answered ... There was also a branch of Otis Lifts in Reading (pronounced "redding" for non-UKites).
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