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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I hope all that black is tape and not fried wiring!
  2. Was the guy in the other truck hoping to catch him for a quick barbie? Allegedly quite tasty ????
  3. Yeah, it does sound like it's on it's last legs, definitely time for a replacement. You might score by giving it a de-scale with vinegar but that might just as easily finish it off.
  4. Yeah, 9,000 to 12,000 BTU would be the standard Thai guesstimate. With a well insulated bedroom then towards the low end would be just fine. I would go inverter or the (relatively small) energy savings.
  5. Did you buy one of the boxes you linked to earlier? Does it have instructions?
  6. it's a hybrid, solar during the day, existing hydro to cover the night time load. Actually a pretty clever idea.
  7. I'm no security expert, we have a K9 alarm system and a moat (no crocodiles). A portable angle grinder or reciprocating saw would be through your sliding bolt in 30 seconds ???? You could possibly slow things down somewhat by welding a 5mm steel plate across that area on the outside or even a full height strip of 5mm to hide where the sliding bolt(s) are. You also need to protect the hinge side from activities with portable power tools. I might be tempted to sheath the whole of the outside, including the grille at the top in some decently thick steel, make sure that the sliding bolts and hinges are not visible or accessible through the door gap. In reality though, anything you do is only going to slow the bad guys down, if they're really determined they'll come through the wall or roof.
  8. Decolgen works for me. Should be readily available anywhere.
  9. Just passed local low, much lower than it's been for a goodly while, next local high will be at about 8PM. The Village Oracle Lady says that the level will continue to decrease until the end of the week. Sadly her crystal ball / tea leaves / tarot / amulet gets cloudy around the time of the peak tides next weekend. We shall have to wait and see.
  10. Our local songthaw (pickup bus) has QR codes in the back (one for "short ride", one for "long ride"), press the bell and scan the relevant QR. Driver gets an SMS that someone has paid, wave your phone at him when you exit. Drivers behind when he stops are very happy with the reduced delay whilst people pay. Thai's really are inherently honest and I've not seen anyone not scan and then wave their phone.
  11. I just paid by TrueMoneyWallet at our local Tesco Lotus's. Took seconds because I was ready, app loaded and logged on (the QR is valid for 15 minutes), and I won 5 Baht on the True/Lotus's "Lucky Bag", I'll try not to spend it all at once. The major issue (and at ATMs, ticket machines and the like) is that people are not ready! "Oh, I'm at an ATM (having queued for 10 minutes), it wants my card, I'd better look for it!". Grrrr!
  12. But at least they're (hopefully) mostly your germs on your phone
  13. Or mine, although we do use TrueMoney to pay.
  14. It would be nice if you could get to a screw on the motor itself, but the hanger would probably be adequate.
  15. And with that the Moderation Fairy closed the thread. If our OP want to continue he can PM me.
  16. Well after a week or so of nothing much happening level wise (apart from tidal effects) we have a max about 10cm lower today. Hopefully this will continue before we get the high tides next weekend. Garden is sodden, we have already started losing trees ????
  17. I'd just give it a go and see what occurs. Not sure what that diode is for, but I doubt it's the cause of your issues.
  18. Yes, it's a real product! Yes, people bought them! Yes, people actually used them before returning their rented DVDs! Not helped by places like Blockbuster putting "Please Rewind" stickers on their DVDs. EDIT It gets worse, there was even an online service. Cost a dollar US, and people paid! Digital Velocity wanted to rewind your DVDs for you. Just enter your credit card information on their website (Just $1 per DVD), then insert the DVD into the CD tray of your computer, and fifty-nine seconds later your DVD will be rewound.
  19. From the linked article it looks like he contacted one of the 25kV lines, in which case he's very lucky to be alive (saved by using a bamboo ladder perhaps). He also appears to have damaged the sign on the way down.
  20. Yeah, my bad there, not being clear, sorry about that. It's also just filtered through my addled brain that the camper is in Aus, so getting cells from Lazada probably won't be on the cards ????
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