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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yup, no issue whatever, expired is expired. You'll get a 30-day visa exempt entry without any bother.
  2. It's also against the forum rules if it changes the context ...
  3. Ouch, at least it did open eventually! I've seen fake MCBs that were literally just a switch!!! This is the datasheet for similar devices from Littelfuse (a known quality brand) https://www.littelfuse.com/~/media/automotive/datasheets/fuses/passenger-car-and-commercial-vehicle/blade-fuses/littelfuse_atof_datasheet.pdf The characteristic curves from that datasheet. Their 2A fuse should open in less than 0.1s at 8A!
  4. Yeah, failing open is my experience too. BUT Once, many years ago (I was about 12 so early 70s) we had an incandescent lamp fail spectacularly when it was on (nice pop, broken glass). Afterwards the dimmer it was controlled by would only operate at full brightness, so in that case I'm assuming the triac went short. But as I said, that's once in many years, other times the beasts have gone open.
  5. How about a: - https://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/218/A_Long_Slow_Comfortable_Screw_Up_Against_the_Wall37560.shtml
  6. I am rather partial to a Long Island Iced Tea (as is my darling wifey). Unfortunately (maybe fortunately) after 2 or 3 long ones the world does become a little blurred round the edges
  7. Good advice on testing the remote. Lurking in one of the earlier posts is the fact that the manual on/off switch on the unit also doesn't turn it off. I'm suspecting a stuck relay, but without poking around on the board with a multimeter we are fumbling in the dark.
  8. Running a BEV which is charged by solar, wind or nuclear where there is no exhaust whatever? Hydrogen does have uses where rapid recharge (long distance haulage) and weight (aircraft) are issues but for personal vehicles the battery which can be re-charged at home is king. At least for the foreseeable future.
  9. Among Colin Crompton’s classic gags were: “First prize in the raffle is a diving suit… no, it’s a divan suite.” Or: “The sign in the gents, ‘Wet paint’, is not an instruction.” The audience, mainly sporting extra-thick glasses and huge sideburns – and that was just the women – were regulars at northern clubs and lapped it all up.
  10. <Insert name of your "favourite" politician> and his driver were cruising along a country road one evening when a pig ran in front of the car. The driver tried to avoid it but couldn’t. The pig was killed. The <politician> told his driver to go up to the farmhouse and explain to the owners what happened. About an hour later the driver staggers back to the car with his clothes in total disarray. He was holding a bottle of wine in one hand, a cigar in the other and smiling happily. “What happened?” asked the <politician>. “Well,” the driver replied “the Farmer gave me the wine, his wife gave me the cigar, and their beautiful daughter made mad passionate love to me.” “My God, what did you tell them?” asked the <politician>. The driver replied: “I’m <politician's> driver, and I just killed the pig.”
  11. It may just be a stuck relay on the control board. A good, solid thump to the relays with the handle of a big screwdriver will often free things up.
  12. OK it's like this. You are measuring a small (maybe feeling a bigger) voltage between two "grounds". This may be caused by a high resistance connection in the ground coupled with naturally "leaky" appliances (anything with a mains inlet filter), they don't necessarily need to be in your condo if other units share that ground to the re-bar, or even capacitive coupling from other live wires if that connection is really, really bad. You need to eliminate/minimise this voltage. You do this by making sure that your electrical ground is as good as practical (clean up that rusty connection). If this isn't practical/possible then you can use your "better" ground (the water pipe) in addition to the iffy main ground. From an earlier post: - Without visiting your place with a box full of test-gear it's not possible to define exactly what you are seeing, but the suggestions should clear most of the common issues. Try the simple fixes first. When they don't come back and we can delve deeper.
  13. After a whole week of unemployment, I've completely lost track of what day it is Gawd knows how I'll cope when I actually retire!
  14. That EV is looking even more attractive
  15. Get yourself a proper insulation tester and learn how to use it and you'll be good to go. But one doesn't usually use a voltmeter for measuring earth leakage anyway. I've already given you some solutions, if you choose to ignore them that's your problem.
  16. Most commercial transport uses diesel which is pegged to < 30Baht per litre.
  17. We have had cases in the past with members reacting negative/confused/haha to all of another members posts, it's decreased significantly since reactions were made anonymous but still happens occasionally. Stalking of members in this manner is not acceptable. "Appropriate" action could mean no action of course.
  18. Seriously, if you think "somebody" is stalking with post reactions just email support[at]aseannow.com with a couple of links to relevant posts. "Appropriate" action will be taken.
  19. Currently there's no option to clear. Just look at the top ones
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