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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. 2A is more than a "leak". Is the cable to the house underground or on poles? If it's on poles examine carefully, particularly at the top of the meter pole, that's where any hooky connection is going to be, use binoculars if you have them. It's worth talking to your PEA guy, many of them are happy to do a bit of moonlighting.
  2. I would have thought it's too far north. The isthmus is 90km wide as opposed to about 70km at Ranong. There's also the minor issue of there being another country in the way.
  3. This icon is just so apt for this thread. Fetching my coat
  4. Flickering when large loads are applied is often a loose connection. Get your man to check all the terminals in your distribution board, and (if it's not sealed) the meter. If the meter is sealed you'll need to get the supply authority to check.
  5. For the engineers - Your starter for 10 - What is the mirror for and how do you use it? Each small division on the scale is 5V when set to 250V So, for 220V the needle should be 4 small divisions past the 200 mark.
  6. Gawd there really is some total b*****ks being spoken in this thread. Firstly, your 8kW heater will draw about 36A on full chat, assuming that the supply voltage isn't collapsing due to excessive load. I would go and buy a cheap digital meter, they are small $$$ now and reading an analog meter is becoming a dying art. I actually have that exact meter for when I'm feeling nostalgic (actually, there are times when an analog meter is the best tool for the job) LEDs shouldn't be popping rapidly unless there's something pretty wrong with the supply (or the local shops have real junk) Daft question, when you replaced the fluorescents you did remove all the exiting "stuff" inside the fitting (choke, starter etc.) didn't you? Anyway, task a would be to measure the incoming supply voltage with no load (everything turned off). That should be worst case for over-voltage.
  7. Looks OK to me ^^^ I've been here 19 years and my spoken Thai as at about 18-month old kid level. I understand a lot more than that but being somewhat deaf I don't really hear the tones and so I fail to be able to imitate them. Like Cantonese (another tonal language) getting the tones wrong is always rude!! You want a hard language, try Tagalog. Even the Filipinos would rather use English!
  8. This one can use wires from 6mm2 to 50mm2 on the main and 6mm2 to 35mm2 on the tap.
  9. Check your actual meter reading against the bill you received, mistakes do happen. As others have noted, turn everything off at the main breakers and check the meter is not moving. If it is start looking for "leaks".
  10. For the IPC chaps you will likely need a specialist electrical place, Lazada have many but all ship from overseas. These are the cheapest I've found. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/hyteewa-jccsec1-95-2-main-line-16-95-mm-no-peeling-cable-insulation-piercing-connector-piercing-connector-clamp-cable-clips-connector-i5061005058-s21388575942.html?
  11. I would be quite happy branching off the incoming supply with a couple of "vampire" (insulation-piercing) splices, no need to strip the incoming cable! Get one of these https://www.lazada.co.th/products/safe-t-cut-4-smart-life-f1-4-i2417866062-s8314215061.html? baby consumer units to go in your sala (the 32A one would be more than adequate). It will need a weatherproof box. I'm sure smaller ones with just the RCBO and one or two breakers are available. You may be able to find an actual weatherproof unit with a bit of searching on Lazada. Bang in a local ground rod, you could use the sala itself, but without actual earth testing kit I'd use a new rod. Bond your sala metalwork to the new rod. EDIT Is the supply on the poles fed from the main building box or is it the incoming supply from the meter??
  12. Somewhere near 13.795940398240466, 100.51760824064324 I would guess
  13. All good stuff thanks everyone. My main worry was that they would want to see an international deposit which would mean exporting and re-importing the $$$ from which the Thai government have already had their pound (and a half) of flesh, and them asking for more tax on the imported funds!
  14. Pretty dumb question. I'm having to change my funding for my marriage extension due to a change in my work arrangements (I've been using local salary). So, does to 400k have to be tagged as "overseas", I have the $$$ but it was earned locally.
  15. Simple question. Where will the hydrogen come from?
  16. Plantnet thinks (61%) it might be a ficus lyrata "Fiddle-Leaf Fig".
  17. Madam is forever taking in waifs and strays, luckily, her penchant is for plants rather than dogs and cats. So today she was given this plant, she's no idea what it is and neither did the lady who gave it to her. Any ideas? Is it fruit, flower, triffid? Likes sunshine or shade or ... The leaf shape should be an identifying marker.
  18. I have zero experience of lappies with USB-C "charging" ports, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work in the same way as the USB-C port on my phone which works with the charger and/or external devices. If it doesn't do what you want you can always send it back
  19. Some years back a mate died of a heart-attack, which surprised us as he was the youngest of our small clique. The autopsy showed he'd had multiple small attacks previously (scarring on the heart) and his demise was likely accelerated by the use of the blue pills (he probably didn't actually O/D). The ironic part is that when we were both working on a project in Seoul (mid 90's) one of our drinking buddies was the marketing manager of Pfizer, Korea who told us they were testing out a new heart drug that had an "interesting" side effect Caution is advised if using this stuff.
  20. I suspect this is why there are large stocks of red, black, white flexible. My only rule is that green or green/yellow can only ever be ground (no over-sleeving).
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