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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Remember "x" is an unknown (or "ex" is a has-been) and a "spurt" is a drip under pressure My job description is "specialist" ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. In that case one 24k as close to the centre of the long axis as possible.
  3. Nice looking home. I agree with @JBChiangRai says, 2 x 12k inverters (you can run just one in cool season). We have a similar sized/shaped room with one 24k in the centre (outside space constraints for the compressor). It needs a stand fan just to move the cool air around. Definitely get some shade plants to reduce the daytime heat load.
  4. A. AFAIK the wallet never expires. A. Possibly, you need to set it up via the App. Not sure if it's available to foreigners. A. Check your refunds page, usually you don't get the refund until the item arrives back if they want it back. I've had a couple recently where the seller didn't respond to the return request (wrong or faulty items) and Lazada just refunded. I still have the faulty items.
  5. Some members would definitely agree with you being "rabid"
  6. I video even inexpensive items! Some sellers seem to hope that for low-value items buyers won't bother. I bother!!
  7. The PC returns certainly worked last weekend. Anyway, now waiting for the seller to decide if they will accept return of the totally wrong items.
  8. I had bad experiences with Shopee in the past, but it was some time back, could be time to re-try them ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. Yeah, me too. They seem to be deprecating the PC/Web version.
  10. Just had to initiate two returns, on the PC the "Returns" page is "not found". Just me or?? Returns initiated OK via the App, but I really like the big PC screen. Must try the App in BlueStacks.
  11. The wallet IS available to foreigners and has been for some time. But how you activate it now is lost in my aging brain ๐Ÿ˜ž The Lazada help-bot does actually work quite well, so maybe Help is the way to go. EDIT A thought, if you are using a VPN and appear to be outside Thailand it may object.
  12. It's the same in the UK, Port Talbot steelworks (also owned by Tata) is in trouble too. I believe the current planning is to concentrate on producing smallish runs of specialist steels rather than try to out compete the Chinese in the mass market. We shall have to see what occurs.
  13. January production, not wonderful and several really miserable days ๐Ÿ˜ž
  14. Crossy


    TiT - This is Thailand! Believe nothing you see online until you are in the land office with the actual documentation in front of you! Even then - Caveat-emptor!
  15. Anyone remember the "Panda Channel" on True? Baby panda at CM zoo, it spent 99.9% of its time asleep, True could have just used a still photo, the only actual movement was when the keepers woke it up to eat. The world's most boring TV channel (apart from Big Brother that is)
  16. Easy-peasy, know anyone in the army?? EDIT: - Long, long ago (I still worked for the MOD so about 1980) we lived in Box, Wiltshire (Think Brunel and the GWR / Box tunnel). A tracked APC (with "L" plates FFS) lost control on the A4 and did actually run over a parked Mini! Google did not reveal any photos ๐Ÿ˜ž
  17. No way Josรฉ Somchai! Same s--t, different year, decade, century, millennium, epoch!!
  18. Nah, his ghost finally faded. All rather sad really, a perfect 2-D representation of a jinjok ๐Ÿ˜ž
  19. Many of us have daughters or grand-daughters who own(ed) a Chinese made Barbie phone. We may (or may not) have wondered what the annoying music the ruddy thing played all the time was. So, for the edification of our members: - and just to remind you, the Barbie phone version!!! (listen at your own risk)
  20. Good with engines / motorcycles? Ideal wife material!
  21. Yup ^^^. Lasers print first time, every time! OK, once ours didn't, but that's because a jinjok who wasn't fast enough went through the fuser, it took a couple of sheets before his ghost didn't appear on prints.
  22. That probably explains the lack of an inspection. The man probably possibly might have didn't bother checked that the meter tails (wires to the house) are suitable for the supply you requested (15/45) and went home ๐Ÿ™‚
  23. Is that place still on a Construction Supply (8-ish Baht per unit) or normal supply (5-ish Baht per unit)? The inspection usually happens when switching to a normal supply from a construction supply.
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