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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. What The Flip is a "two row vehicle" please? 700k for a "conversion", pay a bit more for a new "real" EV!
  2. Yeah, the hardest part is getting past the receptionist (same worldwide). Once in the system you could manage alone.
  3. Can you use something like Wise?? Wise doesn't work FROM Thailand but IIRC there are a couple of options that do.
  4. Mike. I have an offshore (Isle of Man) private pension fund that's due to start paying in April 2024. It was funded solely by my (very taxed) income in Thailand, will I have to pay tax on the funds again when it is re-imported (i.e. spent)??
  5. https://www.homesicktexan.com/more-natural-chile-con-queso/ It actually sounds pretty good, I may try it!!!
  6. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/easy-cheese-nabisco-cheddar-226-g-226-make-with-real-cheese-i2561168809-s9114491557.html
  7. On wine? Isn't there a risk of a thermonuclear explosion? I have room to talk, i get the family to bring over mushy peas and decent Brit teabags each year
  8. Even as a Brit from 't-North (Bolton) I never got into Marmite. Bovril, Vimto (a fruit drink and an anagram of vomit) and mushy peas, yes but Marmite
  9. Try Lazada But not many actual food items on the Velveeta search.
  10. It's been banned as a WMD by the Geneva Convention
  11. Why not post it in the already running thread? As it doesn't directly mention Thailand it's off-topic for General.
  12. Bickering posts and the joke that triggered them have been removed. Let's play nicely, shall we?
  13. Says an already blue-painted person Agree 100% of course We did design our home in line with the basic premises but since Madam is the oldest what she says goes anyway.
  14. Sounds useful, can you post a photo please? I bet some place in China is banging them out, just got to find it.
  15. How big is your lawn? Any obstructions to long-range sprinkler operation (trees)? Are you prepared to dig it up to install pop-ups and their pipework? Do you have a drought-resistant turf variety? How is your water pressure? Need a pump? In reality, a hose with one of those portable whizzy sprinkler units on the end has to be the cheapest / easiest solution.
  16. And with that we can draw this thread to a close. Please continue in one of the many others on the subject.
  17. I'm afraid that genie is well and truly out of the bottle now. No U turns possible.
  18. Yeah, ours is due next week too. The last few times the rate has changed it's not been reflected immediately and been corrected in the next bill. PEA should be used to implementing these changes by now
  19. Don't park in the sun Sorry, but I had the same issue, never found a reliable solution
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