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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. There certainly seems to be a potential design issue with these concrete hole covers!
  2. Yup, same for me, probably everyone. The forum seems to have bursts of lightning-speed then needs a rest. It will come back, promise!! EDIT If you click on a link and DON'T see the "waiting for Aseannow" indicator (bottom left on a PC browser) click again. The forum will notice you, eventually.
  3. My Malaysian friends often told me (jokingly I hope) that if they needed new shoes they went to the mosque! Evidently, a similar motto is in operation here
  4. Sorry people, but I can't give any more detail than is already in the official posts here and on social media. https://aseannow.com/topic/1312306-forum-back-online-after-cyber-attack/ Rest assured that all the functionality we are used to will return.
  5. It's good to be back!! Slow but back! I was going to post a video of "Hello, Hello I'm Back Again!" but it's Gary Glitter, could be classed as somewhat inappropriate
  6. The high school English teacher was going over The Canterbury Tales and noticed a student turned pages faster than the other students. The teacher walked up to the kid who had a science fiction comic book inside his textbook. He never even noticed the teacher standing near him. The teacher walked back to his desk, took his Canterbury Tales book and threw it at the kid. Hit him on the head. The kid yelled What the hell was that!!?? The teacher responded; seems you prefer Science Fiction more than English. You just got hit by a Flying Chaucer!! Boom, boom!!
  7. The tech chaps are working to get the forum fully up to speed. It's slow for everyone (even mods), please be patient.
  8. October 16 article: - https://www.nationthailand.com/business/corporate/40031936 But ...
  9. The wheels grind oh so slowly ... Your neighbour still hasn't got his "sell" meter (unless he has a two-dial analogue unit). Hope he doesn't get caught out spinning it backwards. Despite having everything in place and "approved" for an export meter @Thaifish got caught out by the meter reader and had a no-reverse meter installed. AFAIK he still hasn't got his export meter
  10. One thing that would work and be pretty much undetectable would be if you had a "techy" friend back home who could set up a VPN network to their home router. They would need a router that allows sharing of its WAN connection with its VPN (our TP-Link TL-ER6020 does, but it's not really a thing that non-geeks would own) and set up a DDNS (Dynamic DNS) service, Connecting via the above would make you appear to be using their own, domestic, internet connection.
  11. I don't use the gambling sites, but the BBC etc are getting very good at detecting those using a VPN to bypass the geo-locks. Not really much you can do other than change server and see if that helps. I use Ivacy, their support people in Singapore are pretty good at providing solutions to get around the geo-locks but, as noted, the sites are getting better. How are Surfshark for support? For a while I had a VPS (Virtual Private Server) in a Welsh data-centre. It was actually a seed-box but came with a VPN host which didn't appear to trigger the detection, but I stopped using it a couple of years back when I got bored with file-sharing.
  12. OK, so I'm clear here, you need a door that can be unlocked from inside and outside only in an emergency, so it remains secure from "casual" opening at other times?
  13. This kind of thing, I've not seen them here but that doesn't mean they don't exist, you'll need a specialist supplier I suspect.
  14. Sorry, I really don't remember the relative prices The zinc plated / galvanised ones need a special etching primer for the zinc, then a decent outdoor paint. Talk to your local paint/coatings emporium.
  15. Our original zinc-plated gutters lasted about 5 years, they were primed and painted on installation (get the right primer) which I'm sure helped avoid too much rust. They were replaced by nice, shiny stainless ones of the same format which are still shiny 7 years on, I expect them to outlast me. The old gutters are now seeing service on the chook house, Madam doesn't waste anything
  16. Dapper little man in a suit goes into remote outback bar. A bunch of the big brawny locals are all wondering what he’s doing there. Is he a taxman, farm inspector, sheep welfare official or some other government nosy -parker. Finally, one big lad goes up to him: ‘g’day cobber, you a tourist or what?’ Man: ‘No actually, I'm looking to move here’ ‘So, what do you do?’ ‘Actually, I’m a taxidermist ‘A F##kin WHAT?’ ‘Oh, I like to stuff animals!’ Guy turns to his buddies ‘Hey guys, it’s alright, he’s one of ours!’
  17. Nah, we're in Northern Bangkok. It's not even approaching 20oC (on the way down), my lady likes to be prepared!
  18. Madam has already got her arctic gear out (woolly hat and scarf given to her by my parents) although she's not actually worn it yet. The winter bed comforter has been taken out of storage and is being aired as we speak. Madam will spend most nights rolled up in it anyway. Meanwhile I shall continue to lounge around in my shorts and sandals, I may put a T on early in the mornings.
  19. Sorry, the header is just a little too blatant. https://aseannow.com/forum_rules/
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