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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Have a look on the TMD weather site. Various options. https://weather.tmd.go.th/
  2. Do the Thai's have an equivalent to "The boy who cried wolf"? We get these "forecasts" of heavy weather daily and it never materialises. One day it will and nobody will be ready.
  3. Scott Base -77.84945130281044, 166.76834069999998 nice at this time of year!
  4. The Scottish Government is rightly concerned about the health of its citizens and encourages them to eat five portions of veg a day. In Scotland this is boiled potatoes, chips, sautéed potatoes, baked potatoes and a bag o crisps. Optionally replace sautéed potatoes with Mash.
  5. Where are you getting your stuff? I need some of whatever you're smoking!! House full of family, they've eaten all the food, they are making serious inroads into the alcohol store! ????
  6. Sorry, I've had to remove a post with a link to the Bangkok Post who don't allow us to link to their content. You may want to PM our OP with the info.
  7. Also, don't poo-poo Soi Cowboy. Loads of eating on soi 23, "oh dear, we have to walk down soi Cowboy" He'll love the bright lights and the girls will adore him (obviously don't go inside), have a beer outside and watch the fat farangs with their rentals ????
  8. I've never needed it but I'm 99.8% sure there will be taxis and I'm also sure there are buses back into town. Google is going to be your friend.
  9. Take him for a ride on the BTS (ride to the eastern end of the line past Samrong) and the Monorail. Kids love the monorail as they can pretend to be the driver.
  10. There are a couple of urban water-parks too, nothing extreme but good use of half a day.
  11. Dream World (in Rangsit) is also a good option, loads of rides.
  12. +1, don't bother with the drive-through bit, just Marine World. GF and himself get in at reduced rates (so do you if you have a pink ID).
  13. Sounds ok to me, make the conduit high enough so that it doesn't get the wet in it. I would also make the conduit bigger than you think it should be, makes life easier getting the cable in.
  14. Pretty much any type of cable can be run in above-ground conduit so long as the cable itself is never exposed to the damp or sunlight (UV). If you want to run the cable naked then you will need NYY insulated and sheathed, that's good for outdoor use and burial in ground. If what you have is working OK then you can simply replace each run with something more suitable for the environment.
  15. About 900W when it's running full tilt. Normally I'd say a duty-cycle of 30% but you're not in a "normal" situation. 9000BTU is about 2.6kW of cooling, any idea just how much heat is being pumped into your room. For the servers etc. just use the power consumption, for the inverters, finger-in-the-air time methinks**. ** My finger says about 5% of rated power. My finger also says get an inverter type, easier on start current and more efficient.
  16. They usually come with the inverter. If not, the inverter manual should tell you the correct ratio, most seem to need 3000:1. Your 100A/30mA should do the trick if that's the required ratio.
  17. Since the TCL is "inverter direct drive" the supply voltage should have no effect upon the spin speed.
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