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Everything posted by actonion

  1. And i read it in the Pattaya Forum, therefore i asked my question
  2. I did and nothing came up, thats why my post was necessary !!
  3. Be helpful to know which town, sukhumvit is a long road
  4. China , Russia, Venezuela are all Communist countries, police harrasment is to be expected ,.... Thailand is... not (yet).!!!.....Re; safety checks , i think it would be a lot safer if experienced Health & Safety people were doing the checking, as we all know what Thai's are like regarding anything to do with safety, using the local police its cheaper i suppose
  5. It doesnt really matter does it, Thais dont know the meaning of many road signs, and lines, my Mrs. as an example thinks painted road markings are to make the road look more beautiful... My insurance were called to an acccident i was involved in, the other party didnt stop at a painted stop sign, hence the collision.......i pointed that out to the insurance who said... via translation "road painting always make problem" !!!
  6. The same happened to met several years ago, i was told to pay the fine at the police station, i got a receipt, and i asked what happens if the same thing happenes again until i get my Thai licence, i was told to show the next officer my receipt....
  7. Maybe they've been there since the day before, or just been released from the police station in which case you'd need a drink
  8. A couple of years ago a Thai inlaw of mine received a ticket in the post for speeding , it was the right car, and registration, but he never paid the ticket, and was told if he did'nt pay he would be unable to tax his car,........ 2 /3 years have passed, and he still has'nt paid the ticket, and taxes his car when its due, no problems...
  9. I have read all i can find on google, but many reports contradict each other which is very frustrating. I will chose the Rezum procedure simply because i read its the safest, as opposed to TURP, less blood loss etc which is a concern for me being on blood thinning medication,
  10. I"m currently seeing a Urologist at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, this guy is the second one, as i was'nt very impressed by the first one.. i would be very interested to know what 2 doctors u are referring to by way of giving a clue if possible, rather than naming them, there are approx 6 Urologists there
  11. It's effectiveeness is whats worrying me, spending that money, and as they tell me, it may not solve the problems, i note that Bangkok Pattaya Hospital were advertising this procedure at 200,000b 3 Months ago compared with Bumrungrad Hospital whos's fee is/was 250,000b.., last week Bangkok Pattaya are the same as Bumrungrad..
  12. Currently on Xatral 10mg 1 per day for Prostate for the last 10 months, i was on 3 other brands before this, none of them work for very long, the night time Urination is bad, waking every 2 hours, its now starting in the day time too, Plus a few UTI;'s so this week i will book an appointment with the Urologist to have the Rezum (steam) operation a.s.a.p before it gets any worse because it never gets better
  13. Another big waste of time , paper, and print....... when are they going to do something about pedestrians being hurt or killed on pedestran crossings?............ Nothing as we well know
  14. And you hear so many times Thai's saying how they love their country, if so, why destroy it by throwing garbage on every piece if vacant land, and there are nearby blue public garbage cans
  15. My experience was different , my hotel was in Slough, a local town to Heathrow the driver does/ did not activate the meter because slough is outside of the M25 ,, And no i have never been a London Cab dive,r i choose to work for a living lol
  16. And why not compare Heathrow with Pattaya, both cities have a Taxi driver's trying to earn a living, and Baht bus taxis if that's what the op is talking about, dont have meters as im sure u know
  17. Start a Bonfire, and chuck a tyre or two on just like they do, now they cant hear each other, and cant see each other ,.. lol ...they may just go elsewhere
  18. Looks like a hit and run too, with no attemp to slow down, or stop.. So where are the Police with their Crackdown on Pedestrian crossing violators, Thousands of Baht fines, Jail sentences ??........ another load of B.S from them, ....No backhanders in saving lives
  19. Taking a taxi off of a rank after he's been there for Christ knows how long to take u on a small journey, its not worth his while he'd rather sit there, and hopefully get a longer ride, costing more, so he inflates the price for your journey to make it worth his while .. Try taking a London Black Cab off the rank at Heathrow to a local Heathrow Hotel, also a small journey, they will charge u the same fare as it costs to go into London, again, to make it worth his time ...
  20. Many of their products are over priced, and past sell by dates, i buy dog treats which cost 45 baht per packet in most place,s in friendship supermarket they are much more expensive at 70b
  21. Waht's legal, and what's not, is up to the Boy in Brown on that particular day is what i have experienced
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