I had the Rezum Op 2 years ago.. on the advice of the Urologist because i take Blood thinning Pills & the Rezum causes little bleeding..
Reasons for the Op were night time Urination 5 or 6 times plus frequent UTI's, the frequent UTI's have disappered & the night time Urination has reduced to 2 times a night depending on if you have had a night out drinking..
What i am left with is an urge to Urinate now & again, & slight Incontinence when coughing sneezing etc, the useless Urologist suggests Kegel Exercises, which have'nt worked after 6 moths of trying.. I asked if i have Over Active Bladder, I was told no, but i thought i would self Medicate on Bladder control Medication 3 months ago, just to see, and hey presto, they work, so now no more Incontinence & no more Urges to Urinate, lets see what happens if /when I stop the Bladder Medication which is recommended to do after 3 months