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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Yes, she is turning on the charm there for sure. Crocodile tears next? Can only imagine that from one woman to another, you would have to be a pretty evil specimen to boot the other right in the jack & danny knowing she's pregnant, and especially over something so trivial. People are getting worse.
  2. Everyone should think about it because everyone will do it... die. hmmm. Yes and no, but not work for another! I would have retired in my 40s if hadn't missed a couple glaring opportunities, now rued. There is so much to do with one's own time, and it certainly shouldn't be to make someone else rich, which I will not do anymore. Reading, music and the arts, travel, exercise, sports, voluntary work, hobbies, building, investing, etc etc. That someone equates not being retired as 'having' to work and to use up their precious time because there's nothing else to do (usually for an employer that uses you and doesn't care about you), quite frankly I find bizarre and unimaginative. I've known of quite a few folks that live frugally but are minted and have no-one else. I mean, to what end? Why did you give up all your time to accrue that sh!t to not reap the reward and enjoy freedom? Spend it, ffs, before it's too late!
  3. Very cute but obviously a pig of a woman on the inside. Response should be swift. Just fast-track these undesirables out. Hoping a farang performs a high profile good deed soon (a headbutt to Takki or the smiling donkey would do it) to offset some of this bad press.
  4. I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I wish he would travel a bit more... permanently would be about right.
  5. Copy of TM-30 should be accepted as proof of address, since 'immigration documents' are listed in Table A. Others have also reported this works.
  6. What a <deleted> thread. Came back for an update and it’s just a wreck on a wreck of nationalistic rubbish, likely those of ‘that’ generation that don’t do empathy. Should have known to go elsewhere. Some of you sados need to get a life.
  7. That’s all you’ve got to offer after one of your own (miscreants) almost kills an innocent family? What a sad world.
  8. Hating on farang that do Thai can happen, though as mentioned typically from scummy bar girl types that don’t want you understanding their derogatory bs. This scenario is a bit of a stretch and more believable if she just kicked you out for being a farang (with all the bad press we’ve been receiving of late). C’mon, Bob, what else happened, did you knock her food or grab her skirt perhaps? 😋
  9. Fair enough, but I don’t see the big deal, just let the police do their job already and don’t forget to arrest all the law breaking locals while you’re at it. Again if you invite in massive amounts of people—many visa-free—you have to expect some nonsense from unscrupulous types. Whatever happened to quality over quantity?
  10. 👍 Kudos. That’s the way to do it. Hopefully it will wake up the rest of the country to do something about this farce. 10M pee’d off Thais on the streets might make a difference.
  11. Swiss tech? What a joke. They are only a thing because they whimpered behind others coat tails and got paid. Old hat tech.
  12. Sucks. Agoda or phone direct to reserve and pay when there. If they won't have the latter, go elsewhere. Did notice a while back that people were getting scammed in going through Bookingdotcom. Dunno what happened there.
  13. Stop the F burning and ban all those disgusting tuk-tuks for starters!!
  14. His guy already said the relationship was heavy, dude, and they were both tooling one another up, so I think we can garner from that that he is no Mark Poppins. Thailand already has enough issues with troublesome farangs. He might have a stamp in passport, a doc, both or none. But if he must I would get a Thai to call immigration in Bkk and drill down. Probably best not to ask his misses though.
  15. Also, these guys should be forgiven because without the Brits and Americans, the whole world would be speaking German and Japanese and be drinking good beer... oh, wait!
  16. This happens a lot with Thai people and property overseas. It is called ownership. I'm surprised nobody is pointing!
  17. Beautiful. Even one of those darlings cruising overhead at an airshow is nuts. Imagine dozens of them with big guns flat-out in anger! Esp enjoy the Hurricane. Was at Yeovilton 2019 and, while the jets are amazing, when this lot float over it is just next level. Digressing--sorry Gamma--but will never forget the Vulcan howl at UK airshow in the 80s as a kid. Chest absolutely bounding!
  18. Nice one, Crossy. Remember that well -- "F me!" lol Those V-12 Merlins are LOUD, esp full throttle 6 foot from your ear. Gamma, why don't you use an Otteri launderette? They're cheap and are everywhere nowadays, all have driers .
  19. Gin and vodka not too bad, but I will just continue to drink the monopolised dishwater beer. Good in a way because there's only so much one can take before one's taste buds have had it and it's time to call it a night.
  20. Probably not come in yet but have noticed 7-11 upped their wine in multiple locations in a not very touristy town. 500 baht for an okish cab, which would be 200 baht in UK. 699-999 when you start getting half-decent recognisable names??? 55555. No thanks. Could be wrong, but from what I gather, something like 100 baht ish could come off a potential 500 baht bottle of wine (at the customs end). Duty needs to be properly axed (most of it) and genuinely passed down to consumers (big fines for those not cooperating) for this government ands cronies to join the 'league of nations' and wine industry to take off. But won't happen because of the donkeys sifting off the top and the so called protectionism for the Thai wine industry (😂😂).
  21. As above, plus such gross misconduct would not allow bs governments to form in the first place. But certain European states have already gone through their really bad and corrupt periods and have hundreds of years of experience. Thailand is unfortunately still generations away from weeding out the wholesale me me me mindset.
  22. I’ve generally done ok with Thai police, but was in Chiang Mai many moons ago, bike had run out of fuel so was pushing it to gas station. Cop stopped me and tried to fine me for not wearing a helmet. I refused and said you’ve got to be kidding, citing it was boiling hot and I was doing about 0.5kmph. He let me off but insisted I wear the helmet. All the while myriad Thais were passing by without helmets, riding illegally etc. What the Singaporean did was OTT and yes he was in the wrong, but Thai police can at times be real stinkers.
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