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About scotsman

  • Birthday 10/30/1955

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    nongpru banglamung

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  1. just the same as before I have no tax to pay as I have done my calculations on all my income into Thailand with all the discounts and tax agreements so will wait and see. I will file a tax return and wait for the very little chance of me being picked out for a audit and prove with my documents i have no tax to pay. it will not be worth there time and money to collect no tax or very little tax from me. when they see this policy costing them more money than they will get they will drop it but for now I will. wait and see.
  2. I have reduced my spending and transfers to the point of not being liable to pay any tax if they want me to prove it with a tax return the forms have to be in English and it has everything you need to fill it out along with your double tax agreement for your country. also you can gift your wife some of the money for her expenditure. also you can claim tax relief on any thai health insurance. I will only file if they have this in place. there is thousands of us living here and milions of thai people who also don't file any tax returns what is the chance of you being chosen for a audit not very likely. when it comes to all the forms to backup your tax return including my P60 and the UK double taxation treaty and transfer bank statement from the bank or transverwise will they be able to understand most of it? When this government see that there economy is losing money and it cost more to collect the very small or no tax from most of us they will change this policy not include us.
  3. After using a calculator I don't have any tax to pay so I will wait and see what they do when we don't file a tax return. If you don't have any tax to pay then a fine for not filing a return is not going to happen if they do issue a fine then i will pay it. as it will not be a big fine. they will have to fine Thai people as well. but I don't want to file a long winded tax form in english to show them I don't have any tax to pay i have paid my tax in the UK. they will not refuse a visa extension as they know you can just get a visa agent to get you one now they will not stop the visa agents or the immigration police will have no money to pay there car payments. Now if you did file a tax return there is thousands of us and its a voluntary system the odds of them picking me for a audit is very small so for me I will wait and see. When this government finds out that the economy is losing money from us as we stop sending for so much money transfers and spend less money they will stop this policy as we don't have that much tax to pay to make it worth collecting. so many complicated tax rules for double tax treaties for them to waist time in there tax office to get so little tax out of it. I have been here over 20 years i know how they can do something so stupid then change there mind when it backfires this will be the same
  4. Yes Me and my wife got another Pfizer booster a few weeks ago in Banglamung hospital free I am 67 my wife is 51 we are also going to get my annual Flu jab at the same hospital. Regards Scotsman. PS its alway been a personal choice as they say in Thailand up to you.
  5. If the new Government does put cannabis back on the illegal list and not Alcohol and tobacco witch is also a drug but way more harmful would be hypocritical. Once you pass into law that all 3 of these drugs are now legal ,then just picking the least harmful one is crazy in my opinion. If you ban one you must ban all but we all know money talks so in my opinion none of them will be band just regulated, but we shall see in Time. Regards Scotsman PS you can buy as much paracetamol in Thailand as you like but its regulated in the UK pharmacies as they only sell you so much at a time. Paracetamol can also be a harmful drug. Do you ban them as well I know its a silly example but that is how crazy this knee jerk reaction to Cannabis is.
  6. If the Experts are correct then they are also correct when it comes to alcohol and cigarettes so if they want to ban Cannabis they should also ban the other 2. If they don't then I don't agree with them if they do ban all 3 then I agree with them for not being hypocritical. All 3 of the legal drugs on the market is bad for you in some degree so you just can't pick and choose which one you want to ban. I have to say in my opinion all 3 of them is making far to much money now to ban any of them, you just have to enforce the laws you have to mitigate the Bad from all 3. Regards Scotsman
  7. Don't buy the cheap mac mini M2 599 with the 250GB SSD as it slower than the M1 250GB SSD and if you do a lot of video editing or music editing then up the Memory to 16GB then you have a very fast computer. It always depends on your budget. But this is a good video on the subject. Regards Scotsman
  8. I was prescribed Irribow 5 mg https://www.mimaki-family-japan.com/item/detail?item_prefix=TF&item_code=002050&item_branch=001. IBS - D. i can also use Mebeverine 135 mg. the cost is 1900 for 27 tablets of Irribow from fascino pharmacy but they have to order the Irribow the Mebeverine was 700 baht or 800 Baht for a box of 10 x 10. I will stop the Irribow when they are finished as they are expensive and see what happens. Physillium husks works for both IBS-D or C. Change your diet when you find one thing that makes it worse write it down a low Fodmap Diet is also good. I was also prescribed Antidepressants at a low does for 1 month then I just used the Irribow. I also went for a colonoscopy to check all was well inside the colon and it was just 2 small polyps removed benign so all well. I had no IBS symptoms until I got Covid from my family in Feb this year one month later so I blame that. I don't get to much stomach pains or bloating just Diarrhea a few times a day but with the husks its not bad. A lot better than it was in March to May it was very bad at night as well as day now only mornings. Hope this is of some help. Regards Scotsman
  9. Just to update everyone my visa agent is wrong you can get a residency certificate for a bank account as I have just been to immigration to apply for one. I did not tick any of the boxes on the form so the lady asked me what i needed it for and the name of the Bank, so I pick it up tomorrow. Cost 300 baht so thank you all for your help. Regards Scotsman
  10. Hi thank you for all your replies just to give you more info my visa agent understands and speaks good english and knows what I am asking. I am living in Pattaya so its Chonburi immigration with the long queues. My embassy is going to cost way to much to get this so that is a no. I have 3 bank accounts 2 with Bangkok bank and one with SCB I was never asked for a residency certificate in the 20 years I have lived here so this is a first for me. The JAD-TEM account does ask for this information and a work permit but the lady in SCB only asked me for the certificate I want to transfer my 800k into this account to get a better % rate. I asked my visa agent if we could just get one for a driving license as I got one not long ago. I was told that the document form would ask about my old driving licence so it would not be possible. If no one knows if I can get one just to open this kind of account then I will just have to bite the bullet and go to immigration to find out. Regards Scotsman
  11. I went to a visa agent to get a residency certificate for a bank account as the SCB asked for one to open a account called JAD-TEM account, the Visa Agent said they don't do this for a bank account just for driving licence or new car or motorbike in your name. I don't want to go to immigration to ask them as there is alway a long wait outside so I will ask on this forum if what the visa agent has said is true?. Regards Scotsman
  12. I also have the flowermate Aura and it is very portable and the only problems i have seen online about them is the mouthpiece can crack due to the heat. Regards Scotsman
  13. I have received my order and it is a good device no extra charges so I don't know if it came from America or Europe or in Thailand but it did take a while to get it. I don't think you should take the chance it will be stopped in Customs as $400 is going to get you a lot of import tax. But you can ask the company using there line app support. Regards Scotsman
  14. https://thaivape.shop/. I bought one from here Scotsman
  15. interesting video on the subject Regards Scotsman

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