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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. I assumed that the maximum legal interest rate applied to all written contracts. If it is more complicated than that then I don't know. I have seen loan debt reduced by the Land Office because the rate charged was significantly higher than the maximum. I cannot recall if that rate was 15 or 18% p.a.
  2. No. What is that you might expect them to do? If not already done, get a nomination form from occupational pension providers to set your wife up as beneficiary of any widow's pension. She is entitled anyway but it gets her 'on the books'. After your death the paperwork is a bit onerous and she will need help from a friend/executor. Individual circumstances vary but a Will covering the UK assets may be useful. Check with pension providers that they are prepared to make widows pension payments to a Thai bank account - some don't, JCB Pension Fund refused point blank and it was necessary for the widow to open a Wise account.
  3. I agree 100% and they add no value whatsoever to the process Nevertheless, the 'rule' is that embassy sign off is required (at a cost) to release a body from the hospital. I believe that where a death occurs at home/not in hospital then the Thai police must be advised within 24 hours.
  4. Without that next of kin (to rely on) the Will is important if you want to have your wishes carried out. Mine just says that I wish to be cremated in the country in which I die. I had already discussed that with my daughters who had no desire for ashes etc to be repatriated.
  5. Just telling you the facts
  6. Indeed - that is when an agent comes into play. BUT........some like to do it themselves
  7. Sorry to hear about the death of your friend. It is not true that Farangs are 'sent to Bangkok'. In most cases (where a death has occurred in a hospital) the embassy's approval is required for release of the body for local cremation.
  8. I was advised that it was not an automatic thing - if there were no suspicious/unusual circumstances then an autopsy was not required.
  9. Or just let it lapse and get a Non 'O' based visa/extension.
  10. Unless you have changed the basis of your extension along the way then, yes. The fact that you don't seem to have been pressed, on the question of insurance, suggests that is not high on the agenda of your Immigration office. That, or they may have grand-fathered you in and they only apply the insurance requirements to new O-A applications.
  11. Same same - except I do like to spend 4/6 weeks in Europe to escape the extreme summer heat/humidity here.
  12. Yep. Just need a few more cowboys to balance up the Indians.
  13. Booked online for Bumrungrad....a very simple process.
  14. It has been in decline for at least 5 years.
  15. I agree about Jomtien Immigration. I find it unnecessary to provide a certificate of residence to open a bank account. When you have an O extension you have already proved your address - and reported it every 90 days. Anyway, job done.
  16. Not difficult in the UK, if you are a UK resident. You just need address verification and ID - no certification from any outside party.
  17. We don't disagree on much but, where the UK state pension is concerned, I don't share your moral stance. That is no criticism of that position - it is just that I don't share it. I disagree about the emphasis you are putting on the 'fraud' element; I have seen zero cases where any expat has faced criminal charges in relation to lying about their circumstances regarding state pension. The freezing of pensions is immoral IMO and, whilst I don't have the legal right to take the law into my hands, I would do so with the State Pension.
  18. With the benefit of some of the above replies I presented my application perfectly. Slick operation, straight in queued 5/10 mins, 3 mins to process and pay 300 Baht (Buriram was 500 Baht). Will return in one hour to collect, time for a Cheap Charlie's breakfast..... This was a slip given out by staff:-
  19. Thank you....... the link to the application form was very helpful. Just to correct the out of date information above - Kasikorn DO require a Certificate of Residence for O extensions. It is a recent introduction, the girl explained. SCB further down Beach Road have the same requirement - both checked my extension stamp.
  20. Not in my opinion, based on 16 years with Kasikorn and others. The last BKB account I opened was only possible because I confirmed to the manager that I was not American!!.........he didn't like Americans apparently. SCB also require a Certificate of Residency.
  21. Thanks, that is the start I needed. I like to go prepared whenever I can.
  22. Thank you very much. Whilst it would be great to see the best specialist, are you aware of any other knee specialists in Chonburi province?
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