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Everything posted by LALes

  1. The road from Danang to Hue over Hai Van Pass is spectacular. Best way to do it is to drive. Don't get into the tunnel that goes thru the mountain. Take the old pass road if you can. I did it in an old Russian Lada back in 1993, before the tunnel was built to accomodate heavy trucks and busses. I'm not sure what the rules are about cars now.
  2. Time for China to ramp up the pressure for the Kra Canal. Its been on the drawing board for about a decade and they must be getting antsy by now.
  3. Make sure its a reputable seller with lots of reviews. I got scammed last year on a Lazada phone purchase. Lost 10,000 baht. Lazada will NOT back you up if you get scammed on their website unless it says Laz Mall Shop.
  4. Hey, Don't forget to patrol in Jomtien too. The boom box car jagoffs have been making a comeback this week, usually after 3 am.
  5. Drinking session and sketches of Hitler. Yeah, that's gonna produce an uplifting outcome.
  6. The late, lamented Ronnie's NY Pizza on Soi Nana was great. Covid killed it. If you want a slice of real NY Pizza, go to SOHO on Soi 11, up near the top of the soi. Maybe even better than Ronnie's was. It's not cheap-120 baht for a slice of cheese-but its really good. Pala is OK, if you like the thick, bready, square slice.
  7. "Tirelessly" looking to put a new condo or office tower on every unused parcel of land.
  8. Like getting a Seal of Approval from Monsanto.
  9. Was it the Barzini family that attempted a hit on don corleone in the hospital? MIchael better move His father into the stairwell.
  10. He'll be walking across the border at Aranyaphatet with all the other falangs doing visa runs.
  11. LALes

    Where is the rain!

    Nothing in Pattaya for about a month. Hot as sh#t too.
  12. Sounds like a great big hassle. I still think he should just swim across the Mekong in the dead of night and report to immigration the next day.
  13. Just like the Democrat Party in the US trying every trick in the book to deny RFK Jr access to to the process.
  14. Have yet to have a good dog in Pattaya or BKK. Dieing for a Costco dog. Too bad the only American dog available is Oscar Meyer. Not even a top 10 candidate back home. Hein, from Germany has an ok Krakauer (Polish) dog at Villa somtimes but very expensive at 400 baht for 4. Tops Club, a Costco knockoff in outer BKK, does not have Kirkland (Costco) dogs.
  15. I used to like Mrs. Balbir's in the basement of Robinson's and also the one in the market 7th floor Central World. She had about 5 or 6 going at once but the last one standing is Central World. Bawarchi on 11 also very good.
  16. When you're swimming across the border in shorts and flip flops in the dead of night, the last thing you're asking yourself is "What day is this?"
  17. Toxin will cross the Rubicon (Mekong) in the dead of night somewhere near Mukdahan wearing shorts and slippers and a Beer Chang T shirt.
  18. LALes

    Pizza in Jomtien

    Your taste in pizza is informed by where you grew up. I grew up in New York so I'm not gonna touch half the pizzerias mentioned here. And I'll only eat Neapolitan if there isn't a good NY option around. That said, the best pizza for me is Oregano off 2nd Road or Marco's on Thappraya. Of course, the absolute best is Bronx Pizza on Soi Bukhao in Pattaya but since this is only about Jomtien, they are an outlier.
  19. I can't get this image of benigno aquino of the philippines coming down the airplane ramp in manila in the mid eighties out of my head.
  20. Glad to see this doesn't include Pattaya or Jomtien. How many times do they have to get shot down on this 4 AM attempt before they get the message? What a bunch of pathetic losers! Their only way to increase tourism is to sell more booze.
  21. So how is this different from when American Presidential candidates have to go bow down in front of the Wall St. Lords and profess, "Nothing will fundamentally change" before every election. You thought there were too many condos before, wait til this guy gets his hands on the reigns.
  22. Not on the baht bus line. Forget it. Easier to get to the Pattaya location. Hardly worth the effort as it is for reasons already stated.
  23. Good luck with the enforcement of that. Its gonna be the usual chaos and brown envelopes so that any two bit booze pit can stay open.
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