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Everything posted by LALes

  1. Six of one, half dozen of another. Pick yer poison. They love him in Isaan because he at least recognized their existence. Sad state of affairs when that's all you got to hang your hat on.
  2. Don't be deterred. Go back there. Its the best pizza in Pattaya, maybe the best in Thailand. Real deal pizza from a real deal New Yorker. The only competition is Soho in Bangkok.
  3. Vinyl outsold CD for the first time since 1987. Still, I have hundreds of classic rock and jazz CDs and I would never part with them. Don't need no streaming service.
  4. Poorly written headline made it sound like a 20 year sentence.
  5. I renewed at Jomtien with 800k split between baht and dollar accounts, both from Bangkok Bank. Not a problem.
  6. You mean they couldn't just transfer him to an inactive post?
  7. And the only reason I ordered COD was to be able to check the package when it arrived to make sure it was what I ordered. However, the courier wouldn't let me open the package. It was wrapped with Lazada tape in a Lazada box so I figured it was OK. It was not. Lesson learned. Don't accept any COD package without first checking to see if Lazada says it was shipped.
  8. Here we go again. Same old arguments and same old proposed solutions. The alcoholic crowd can't see anything past their own noses. Public safety is only a small part of the problem. Disturbing the peace is the larger issue which no one wants to address. Open air bars blasting loud music all night with screaming drunks in residential neighborhoods is a real problem that will only get worse with a 4 am closing time. The fact that Anutin has left the door open is an open invitation to more bribery and no enforcement of what defines a "tourist area". Can't we just squash this proposal once and for all?
  9. And you don't get sent to an inactive post, you get canned.
  10. Sitting here in BKK, I felt the change as soon as the calendar turned to February. Cool season is over. Days and nights are warmer and more humid...the impending hot season looming. Yes, I believe its gonna be a MFer of a hot season this year.
  11. Casa Fiesta was my favorite brand for refried and sliced jalapenos. Neither one in stock for months at Villa.
  12. I've been using the reverse osmosis machine outside my condo lobby for 15 years with no problem. Jomtien. My condo in BKK has the exact same machine and no problems there, either.
  13. SOHO is real NY pizza. The owner hired a well known pizza guru from NY to train the kitchen staff before he opened the place. They had a few blips recently but are back on the beam again. Had a slice last night and it rocked. Order one of their 18" pizzas for a real NY experience. You can have your Neapolitan huge crust pizza. I'll take Soho anyday. Pizza Company is garbage. Cheap ingredients with minimal cheese-if it is cheese.
  14. So, if I go in person, I can go up to 7 days after the due date without penalty?
  15. Which bank gave you 5 mil? Was that with a foreign ATM card?
  16. Whatever you do, stay out of Jomtien in high season. The baht Bus is a nightmare for 3 months or more.
  17. Last I remember, you could only take out 2 million dong from an ATM. That still the case?
  18. American Express card was quite useless in Danang. OK at a few restaurants but no hotel would take it and no bank wants to deal with it, either. Visa is much better. I always take a combo of dollars and baht so I am ready for any situation. Gold shops are best for exchange.
  19. Hallelujah! A little common sense prevails for a change. The last thing this country needed.
  20. I'm reminded of Allen Dulles, the ex-CIA chief, heading up the Warren Commission investigation into JFK's murder. Fox guarding the henhouse.
  21. Look, I'm no expert but it doesn't take an expert to realize that all our falang problems don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy mixed up country. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but soon, and for the rest of your lives you'll have to deal with this Chinese triad problem. Will we always have Bangkok? Only if brave men like Chuvit stand up and be counted.
  22. It is precisely the lack of law enforcement why I am against the 4am closing. It has nothing to do with drunks on the road and everything to do with drunks in the neighborhood keeping everyone awake with their obnoxious howling and lack of concern for anyone but themselves. The proposed 4am law limited to "entertainment districts" is all right in theory but will never be enforced by Thai authorities. Every 2-bit neighborhood bar will be riding the coattails of the big clubs and residents will have no recourse.
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