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Thailand J

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Everything posted by Thailand J

  1. International wires: Wells Fargo as intermediary bank, free. Domestic wires: Bangkok Bank NY charges up to $20.
  2. Watch replays at home anytime. For example here https://nflreplay.net/ 3am Eagles vs 49ers championship game is already available when I got up at 730am.
  3. A regular ACH transfer will not go through but a domestic wire will. There is no reason to send a domestic wire to NY on Schwab account if you can make an international wire from there directly to Bangkok.Just sign into your account, click Move Money>Send Wire> Select account> Select wire type>International (USD) and enter your information. You may get a phone call to verify your order for the first transfer into an account.
  4. Lately Schwab International Brokerage is using Well's Fargo as intermediary bank with no fee when I wire into Bangkok Bank in Bangkok. If i send a domestic wire to Bangkok Bank NY there will be an additional expense of up to $20.
  5. Fidelity accepts wire orders by phone. Limited to $30k if i remember right. Schwabs International and Interactive Brokers are more user friendly. No Medallion signature required to add a bank link, low cost or free wires.
  6. It's worth the money if you need the vaccine. It's 1380B at Banglamung Pattaya for tourists. I don't know about for those with longterm visas. I am healthy 62, do I need 5th dose?
  7. For you the dividends are taxed from the first dollar without exemption. Your broker is supposed to withhold the tax and send it to the IRS. You have no tax filing obligation if the withholding is correct. If not, file form 1040NR. If you have other US income or receive form 1099B from your broker, you may need to file 1040NR. To see if you have to file Form 1040-NR, please read the instruction for Form 1040NR under Filing Requirements, Do you have to file starting page 6. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-dft/i1040nr--dft.pdf Form 1040NR looks complicating but if the filing purpose is wrong withholding, use the simplified procedure ( Page 8).
  8. Schwab is more user friendly for money management. Add a bank without Medallion signature, free wire transfers, ATM card fee rebate etc. Keep your Fido and make sure it is Transfer on death (TOD).
  9. Vanguard and Fido let me keep my accounts when I changed to my Thai address. I dont mind not trading mutual funds. In additional to those, I opened Schwab Int with smaller balance and use that when I am in Thailand. I am keeping the bulk of my assets in Fido and Vanguard because I can't designate beneficiaries at Schwab Int.
  10. You can pick a few index funds to cover every sectors and market caps. I have Vanguard VOO, I also have Vanguard VTI which invest in mid caps and small caps.
  11. There was no where to hide in 2022 when the global economy went to ICU with an acute case of "helicopter money overdose". I don't have oversea stocks, since S&P 500 draw 40% of their revenue overseas.
  12. I think soft landing is what we're heading. meaning the bull is just around the corner. The fed's feverish rate hides merely solved the labor shortage without creating an unemployment line. This may just be what will save the day. Don't jump to conclusion if you see some large tech or financial corp announcing layoffs. You need to see the overall labor market date.
  13. I think it's time to sell gold. Gold will drop when stock market bull returns.
  14. I am an index fund investor, not a stock trader. I have been in the mrket for decades .On the list I find Mike Wilson and Tom Lee made good cases. Worth reading their opinion. Both are respectable. Unfortunately only one can be right. I don't pay much attention to the others.
  15. S&P 500 up 20% in 2023 : Tom Lee. Two of my favorite market analysis are Mike Wilson and Tom Lee. One bearish the other bullish. One of them is right at anytime ???? more often Tom Lee. https://www.cnbc.com/video/2022/12/14/short-tom-lee-on-earnings-in-23-could-do-better-than-expected.html https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/stock-market-outlook-tom-lee-biggest-risk-2023-forecast-inflation-2022-12
  16. I don't know since when but I know the new rule is that if you want your name in the car book you must get a new plate in your own province if you buy a car from another province.
  17. I am going to make an altar with my 10 years Vanguard statements and pray to John Bogle. ????
  18. Your chart shows S&P 500 with 11.22% 10-year compounded annual growth rate. I can live with that.
  19. S&P 500 closed on Dec 31 2022 at about the same level where it was in March 2021. Not much of a setback, considering how high the inflation was at it's peak and how many times the Fed had raised rate. The index had almost tripled since DEc 31 2012 10 yrs ago. The lower your risk tolerance the smaller portion of your retirement money should be in stocks.You cant afford not to invest, if stock is not for you find some where else to invest , never let you money sit still and let inflation erode it's true value. Stay away from single stocks such as Tesla and facebook , investing in single company is a "high risk high reward game", i hear moarning and groaning lately about Tesla and facebook stocks but dont forget how much those stocks had soared since IPO. If someone tells you stocks investment comes with any guarentee and you belive it, the joke is on you. On the other hand I believe US economy is growing and S&P 500 will continue to be profitable in the long run. Buy into Index funds. Focus on the long run.
  20. You got this right. go do something more meaningful to yourself and others. Stop posting anything about stock investment which you have no experience, and probably know little otherthen taht stocks were down in 2022.
  21. I can see all my 3 accounts when I log in to Schwab website :Individual, Joint and IRA. To meet RMD I sell stocks online in the IRA account, wait until the trade has settled, and transfer the proceed online into my Individual account. The standard withholding is 10% and I download online a 1099R from Schab when it is tax time. I have Thai address on my accounts too, everything can be done online.
  22. Schwab Int account can hold retirement accounts. Account transfer is not a taxable event, the cost basis will also be transferred. You may have to pay tax and report higher income only if you sell stocks or transfer from a IRA account to non-IRA account. To transfer part or whole account , sign into Schwab account >move money>tranfer account and follow the instructions. Stay with Schwab since you are familiar with the company and from my experience it is the most "expat friendly ". If you are interested, Interactive Brokers Lite does not have a minimum to open and no maintenance fee. IBKR can also hold retirement accounts and can receive online account ACATS tranfers. Sign into account>Tranfer&Pay>Transfer Positions>Incoming and follow the instructions.
  23. Dave Barry of The Miami Herald. This is his best:
  24. I went to Jomtein IO to make a correction when I found out the "until" date was wrong. The front desk sent me to desk 8 where the lady looked up my record on the system, crossed out the wrong date and stamped a correct one next to it. All done in minutes.
  25. I am waiting for tomorrow's EV.
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