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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. I think your landlord is nervous because of your reaction to his wish to continue to inspect at the drop of a hat.

    Not to mention the attitude shown by your idea of "tricking" him by signing an unenforceable contract and then suing him, <deleted>??

    I continue to maintain that you are creating - or at least contributing to - your own problems.

    Fortunately the topic is not about what you "think" and your previous post shows evidently your perception as being very questionable

    Also the topic is about legal options

  2. But that's a rhetorical question: If it had been a colony like Laos it would have had 2 choices:

    1/ Stay part of France and become fully French with all the perks like I described earlier

    2/ Become independent and be a separate entity.

    Nope. If it had been a colony it would've remained a part of Laos. Isaan is a term assigned by the Thai bureau census to distinguish southern Mekong Laotians (non-commies) and northern Mekong Laotians (Laos proper).

    Why would had it been necessarily a part of Laos ?

    And more importantly what does it matter or has any relevance today anyway?

    Again, you're not reading a dam_n thing before replying. Isaan was always a part of Laos, merely split off due to colonialism and later communism. And it would definitely have relevance since they make the other half of the red shirt population (aka rural people). Someone here clarified that land in Isaan isn't really arable for harvesting rice and crops. I think I'm pretty much done here.

    You might be done but I still have the right to answer.

    1/ You are writing a topic and I have the kindness to take some of my time to answer, so please moderate your swearing in your replies

    2/ Your argument is very dubious; If THL did not have Isaan, the agriculture would have just developed else where in the country, that's all.

    There still would be as much Red Shirts but they would not be in Isaan

  3. Love the way he thinks he has the right to tell people what to write here just because he started the thread - "private life" indeed. tongue.png

    To those talking about it being difficult for a Thai landlord to get a foreign tenant out - wow kw THAT's naive.

    Several of my friends have been "evicted" by thugs showing up with baseball bats, good luck using the rule of law here to stick up for your "rights".

    And of course he's better off being a renter here, if he'd created an equivalent problem with a neighbor as a property owner he'd be in much worse shape.

    What on earth are on about ?

    You obviously have read the post, don't even have a clue about my situation and just want to disrespect me just because you are hiding behind an ID. You are assuming an awful lot of things which are simply false;

    - I am not a HE I am a SHE.

    - And no my landlord is not a thug who will send people with baseball bats around

    - And no I don't create problem as a renter here, i am a very respectful tenant who takes good care of the property and always pay on time. And my very nervous landlord has renewed my contract after very thorough check of the property

    If you want to TROLL please use someone else post

    and here why we have the answer as to the owners frequent visits....he fancies you...he wants a farang mai noi...all makes sense now

    You re not even coherent to yourself, last time you called me a HE, now you want me to be a "mai noi"

    Do you actually mean MIA NOI?

  4. OP I know this isn't what you're asking but you can't tell us what to post or not, this is an open forum.

    It seems your landlord doesn't trust you.

    It seems to me that the reason for this is your "paranoid" attitude about his visits.

    If you are open and welcoming to him about his visits for a period of time and he can see you're not doing anything he doesn't like on his property, you may well gain his trust again and THEN discuss with him a more reasonable notice time window.

    Otherwise like the others it seems pretty clear you should move. I would suggest a place where the landlord isn't in the neighborhood, ideal would be a foreigner living overseas.

    i'm not sure who put you in charge of my life all the sudden, or what gives you the right to pass a judgement on a situation you have no idea about, but thank you I do not need anyone telling how to make decision regarding my personal life.

    The relationship with my landlord is not something I wish to debate here, it would be sterile and useless, I am only after knowing what cards are on my hands.

    Moving is a personal choice that I will or not make but I have no interest in taking advice on that matter.

    Thank you for respecting my private life

    Sure your choice ----------stay and endure the landlords unannounced visits or move ------a personal choice !

    Or even better sue the landlord ! smile.png

    Best get a good lawyer and be prepared to pay huge legal / court costs !

    Do you understand the meaning of "private"?

  5. Love the way he thinks he has the right to tell people what to write here just because he started the thread - "private life" indeed. tongue.png

    To those talking about it being difficult for a Thai landlord to get a foreign tenant out - wow kw THAT's naive.

    Several of my friends have been "evicted" by thugs showing up with baseball bats, good luck using the rule of law here to stick up for your "rights".

    And of course he's better off being a renter here, if he'd created an equivalent problem with a neighbor as a property owner he'd be in much worse shape.

    What on earth are on about ?

    You obviously have read the post, don't even have a clue about my situation and just want to disrespect me just because you are hiding behind an ID. You are assuming an awful lot of things which are simply false;

    - I am not a HE I am a SHE.

    - And no my landlord is not a thug who will send people with baseball bats around

    - And no I don't create problem as a renter here, i am a very respectful tenant who takes good care of the property and always pay on time. And my very nervous landlord has renewed my contract after very thorough check of the property

    If you want to TROLL please use someone else post

  6. Any cancer starts by one single cancer cell that has been inherited by your gene.

    Every each of us has cancer cells floating in our body.

    They could take up to 60 years to develop, some people have full blown cancer within months, other only develop them very late in life.

    It is entirely up to each person, you can have a diet that promote cancer growth and IGF1 in your blood or you can have blood that makes cancer very in-hospitalized by choosing the right diet.

  7. OP I know this isn't what you're asking but you can't tell us what to post or not, this is an open forum.

    It seems your landlord doesn't trust you.

    It seems to me that the reason for this is your "paranoid" attitude about his visits.

    If you are open and welcoming to him about his visits for a period of time and he can see you're not doing anything he doesn't like on his property, you may well gain his trust again and THEN discuss with him a more reasonable notice time window.

    Otherwise like the others it seems pretty clear you should move. I would suggest a place where the landlord isn't in the neighborhood, ideal would be a foreigner living overseas.

    i'm not sure who put you in charge of my life all the sudden, or what gives you the right to pass a judgement on a situation you have no idea about, but thank you I do not need anyone telling how to make decision regarding my personal life.

    The relationship with my landlord is not something I wish to debate here, it would be sterile and useless, I am only after knowing what cards are on my hands.

    Moving is a personal choice that I will or not make but I have no interest in taking advice on that matter.

    Thank you for respecting my private life

  8. But that's a rhetorical question: If it had been a colony like Laos it would have had 2 choices:

    1/ Stay part of France and become fully French with all the perks like I described earlier

    2/ Become independent and be a separate entity.

    Nope. If it had been a colony it would've remained a part of Laos. Isaan is a term assigned by the Thai bureau census to distinguish southern Mekong Laotians (non-commies) and northern Mekong Laotians (Laos proper).

    Why would had it been necessarily a part of Laos ?

    And more importantly what does it matter or has any relevance today anyway?

  9. In France and all its territories you can:

    - If you have no income :Claim $50 a week from French government, get free medical insurance and your rent paid, and don't forget to pick your food/cigarets coupons !

    -Get FREE decent schooling for your kids

    -,pension, for the elders,

    - minimal wage at 7euros /hour.

    - Paid Holidays 5 weeks per year

    There would be A LOT of Thai/Cambodians/Malasians/Burman trying to cross the border

    What I meant by gave was to cede it to France as a colony (as part of French Indochina), not French Guiana type overseas department. You guys missed the point, lol.

    What are you on about ?? It was a French colony and was given to France in 1902 by Siam Empire, and got its independence in 53

    Again you've misread my reply. The whole thread is me asking what if Isaan was a French colony in addition to French Indochina. Basically present day Thailand further carved out, which would've halved Thailand's population.

    But that's a rhetorical question: If it had been a colony like Laos it would have had 2 choices:

    1/ Stay part of France and become fully French with all the perks like I described earlier

    2/ Become independent and be a separate entity.

  10. Thai Civil Code Section 555 mentions 'reasonable' inspection time. If you feel that the new lease contains terms that could be deemed as 'unreasonable' and in violation of that provision of the Thai Civil Code, then you could decide to not sign the lease. If you wanted to consider legal action, you might then sue the landlord for the damages you incur in finding suitable new accommodations because, as the current tenant in good-standing, you were not willing to sign a new lease that would abrogate your rights under pertinent section(s) of the Thai Civil Code.

    Best answer so far, thank you, this is really helpful thumbsup.gif

    Does it mean that if I do sign it, i will lose the right to any legal deed?

  11. Definitely the OP should sue !

    A Thai lawyer will happily advise for a suitably large fee xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

    On a more serious note thoughts of "suing " should immediately be abandoned there is no hope of succeeding!

    if the OP is unable to sustain a cordial relationship with the owner it would seem a move sooner rather than later is indicated.

    Did I day the relationship was not cordial ?

    I don't think cordial has ANYTHING to do with it

    he said hello please thank you, he's willing to sign me a new contract. I let him inspect the house, he was happy enough with the inspection. He left saying he will send the new contract and said bye.

    So no hope in suing ? Could you elaborate on this very useful piece of legal advice or is this just your gut feeling after a nap in front of Sotchi games and a big fat burger?

    what are you banging on about ?......if you want proper legal advice retain a lawyer then

    No "free" legal advice to be had here -----------

    As said retain a lawyer

    I am not asking for "free legal advice" here.

    Again I just asking to know what are the options BEFORE seeing a lawyer.

    I know layers exist and I know moving out could be an option, but I have come to this forum for an alternative.

    Last time I had a problem with a landlord it was over 20 years ago. I did not see a lawyer, a friend had a very good advice for me, he told me to write him a letter and what to say, problem solved.

    The world is not just about lawyers and drastic solutions, I believe in happy middles.

  12. what are you banging on about ?......if you want proper legal advice retain a lawyer then

    This topic is a request to know what are my legal options, may be I will go and see a lawyer may be I won't, but this is not for you to decide. Again it is my own private decision (like to move out or not) that I do not wish to share on a forum, thank you for respecting my privacy.

    If you cannot bring constructive information about the topic or cannot be bothered to even read it please kindly refrain to post inane comments.

    Thank you

  13. Once I have the contract, with his illegal demand in black and white, could I sue him?

    Are you an American by any chance ?....and what exactly are you going to sue him for....inspecting his own property ?

    If this is so objectionable to you to the point you want to sue, one suspects you need to find alternative accomadation

    OP has already started this thread:


    I don't quite understand OP's barratry, and can only suppose the owner is as puzzled as I am and therefore suspects OP wants to hide something.

    The best advice would be to move, instead OP wants to get the renewal contract, to sign it and then to sue the owner...

    (i.e. the contract would not reflect all parties' wishes and therefore be concluded in ill faith).

    Nope this time it's different, he has turn up without warning, and it's about the contract.

    People told me it's normal for a landlord to come so many times.

    Now I need to know if it's normal to come without authorization.

    If you read the thread your should know that moving is not an option, and if it was, it is not something I wish to discuss here. It involves my own personal situation I do not wish to debate, the topic is on LEGAL OPTIONS and I would like you to respect that.

    thank you.

    Well easy what does the contract say ?

    You keeping banging on about something being illegal, I am curious to understand what laws you think have been broken ?

    Tresspass, illegal entry what ?.....good luck laying these sorts of charges against an owner of a property ?

    Also an owner doesnt need "authorisation" to inspect his own property, he will give notification that he intends to inspect, he doesnt need your permission legally...its his property

    Why do you keep posting about a topic you have not even read ? ; The contract is to be renewed so NOTHING is on the contract yet.

  14. Definitely the OP should sue !

    A Thai lawyer will happily advise for a suitably large fee smile.png

    On a more serious note thoughts of "suing " should immediately be abandoned there is no hope of succeeding!

    if the OP is unable to sustain a cordial relationship with the owner it would seem a move sooner rather than later is indicated.

    Did I day the relationship was not cordial ?

    I don't think cordial has ANYTHING to do with it

    he said hello please thank you, he's willing to sign me a new contract. I let him inspect the house, he was happy enough with the inspection. He left saying he will send the new contract and said bye.

    So no hope in suing ? Could you elaborate on this very useful piece of legal advice or is this just your gut feeling after a nap in front of Sotchi games and a big fat burger?

  15. Once I have the contract, with his illegal demand in black and white, could I sue him?

    Are you an American by any chance ?....and what exactly are you going to sue him for....inspecting his own property ?

    If this is so objectionable to you to the point you want to sue, one suspects you need to find alternative accomadation

    OP has already started this thread:


    I don't quite understand OP's barratry, and can only suppose the owner is as puzzled as I am and therefore suspects OP wants to hide something.

    The best advice would be to move, instead OP wants to get the renewal contract, to sign it and then to sue the owner...

    (i.e. the contract would not reflect all parties' wishes and therefore be concluded in ill faith).

    Nope this time it's different it's about the contract.

    If you read the thread your should know that moving is not an option, and if it was, it is not something I wish to discuss here. It involves my own personal situation I do not wish to debate, the topic is on LEGAL OPTIONS and I would like you to respect that.

    thank you.

    I'd bet your personal situation is somehow related to your difficulties with the owner.

    And about moving not being an option, we just have to take your word for it.

    Trust me, suing the owner over the contract is not going to improve your (rather odd) situation.

    No, I just don't want to share my personal info on a forum, that's all.

    There is nothing odd about my situation; I just need legal advice, not a "what would you do in that case advice" thanks

    I need to know what's the legal options

    If I need to move out, it's a personal decision I will or not take once I have the needed information

  16. From Thai Civil Code:
    Section 555. The hirer is bound to allow the letter or his agents to inspect the property hired at reasonable time

    Once I have the contract, with his illegal demand in black and white, could I sue him?

    Are you an American by any chance ?....and what exactly are you going to sue him for....inspecting his own property ?

    If this is so objectionable to you to the point you want to sue, one suspects you need to find alternative accomadation

    OP has already started this thread:


    I don't quite understand OP's barratry, and can only suppose the owner is as puzzled as I am and therefore suspects OP wants to hide something.

    The best advice would be to move, instead OP wants to get the renewal contract, to sign it and then to sue the owner...

    (i.e. the contract would not reflect all parties' wishes and therefore be concluded in ill faith).

    Nope this time it's different, he has turn up without warning, and it's about the contract.

    People told me it's normal for a landlord to come so many times.

    Now I need to know if it's normal to come without authorization.

    If you read the thread your should know that moving is not an option, and if it was, it is not something I wish to discuss here. It involves my own personal situation I do not wish to debate, the topic is on LEGAL OPTIONS and I would like you to respect that.

    thank you.

  17. In France and all its territories you can:

    - If you have no income :Claim $50 a week from French government, get free medical insurance and your rent paid, and don't forget to pick your food/cigarets coupons !

    -Get FREE decent schooling for your kids

    -,pension, for the elders,

    - minimal wage at 7euros /hour.

    - Paid Holidays 5 weeks per year

    There would be A LOT of Thai/Cambodians/Malasians/Burman trying to cross the border

    What I meant by gave was to cede it to France as a colony (as part of French Indochina), not French Guiana type overseas department. You guys missed the point, lol.

    What are you on about ?? It was a French colony and was given to France in 1902 by Siam Empire, and got its independence in 53

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