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Everything posted by seajae

  1. mate, now you are pushing s**t up hill, before covid I flew regularly between Australia and Thailand, never had an easy run through thai immigration at either Bangkok or Phuket although Phuket is a lot quicker, The officers take great delight in going through all the pages and acting extremely arrogant as well as taking as much time as possible, in Australia you just put your open passport in the machine and walk through, even my thai wife was through shortly after me and that was in busy periods. Its the baggage inspection that can take a while but only if the dogs check you are you are acting suspicious. The reason Australia doesnt have all the diseases etc that other countries do is due to the strict inspections and they do get a lot of drugs going in, suggest you watch the Australian customs shows to see all the BS theat people try to take in there, comparing Thailand to Australia is a total joke at best, I love living in Thailand but at least I am honest about it, sounds like you are just full of it and looking for a bite
  2. we have 3 dogs 1 was given to us(a bang kaew) and 2 that were dumped, one was only a day or so old when found, th other was around 6 months old. They stay in our property unless we walk them on leashes, they bark at everyone that comes anywhere near our property(outside of city) and are only out of their pen(8 mtrs x 4.5 mtrs) for a couple of hours morning and afternoon , more on weekends. We have wandering dogs from people that live near us and recently found a pup that was only a few weeks old crying at our gate, it came out of a palm oil property(stray), it is now with the MIL at our other house, trouble is many thais dont really care about their animals nor feed them properly. When we do anything at our land we get another young dog that lives near us running to come and play with us, it is loaded with ticks and always starving (we occassionally feed it), this is what most thai owned dogs look like unfortunately, there needs to be laws brought in that dog owners have to take full responsibility for their animals and anyone found not doing so to face big fines but then no one would enforce it because that woud require people to actually do their jobs and work.
  3. great bait alive or dead is about all they are good for, the only reason thais eat them is because they have netted all the decent fish so now use 1/2" mesh nets to take all the small under size stuff
  4. unfortunately these nutters are on both sides, just look at the republican shot at the baseball game by a dem, justice Kavanaugh being hunted by a dem after the dems called for something to be done or the bombing of the capitol by far left dem women, so far the police have said there is no motive as yet, that pelosi and the man were both holding the hammer when they arrived...
  5. brown envelopes appears to be changing hands to stop this man from coming downon the illegal sales, once again the govt appears to be doing the rich's bidding to stop them making money from illegal sales, more thai graft in action
  6. shows how backward thai law is, thaksin should not be able to do this unless he is in Thailand, he does not live in here and has no thai passport so should not be able to use thai law against anyone unless he personally appears which he will never do because he is too scared of having to do time in a cell
  7. All they need to do is seize all the cars/bikes that are involved and turn them into little metal squares, the threat of loosing their cars/bikes and never getting them back along with no compensation is the only way they will sit up and take notice. These idiots simply ignore the toothless police because they know nothing will happen, the loss of their manhood(cars/bikes) will bring about change very quickly
  8. speak the truth at your own risk especially if its about the govt, cant have the truth coming out in Thailand to embarrass these people
  9. all this does is show that thai politics is only all about money, they shop around to see which party will enrich them more after the election, how in the hell do these lowlife scum get elected when all they care about is making money for themselves and dont give a sh*t about the people they are supposed to be representing but this is Thailand, money rules everything
  10. I suffer with a debilitating back problem and occassionally get a massage when muscles are tight. Last time I went the girl usually massages me wasnt available so another girl started & did similar to this applying a lot of pressure to a lower part of my back, afterwards I was in pain & I could hardly walk for several days. They are not trained at all, they learn from others doing it like many who work in Thailand, no registered schooling/learning in their trade is very common here which is why there are many problems in different fields of work, qualifications in Thailand are not required for many jobs
  11. my 90 day has always been different to my visa extension, while it originally started the same day after the first year there was a few days variance and the variance has got bigger every year since, it is crazy when I do my 90 day then a week or two later I have to do my extension. I should also add that I have left the country several times as well albeit for only a few weeks and it makes no difference to the 90 day report days.
  12. "this is thai politics, no rational thought by the voters and only ways to make themselves richer by the parties", notice I said "thai politics" and "the parties", ie, that includes them all, while the shins are pathetic at best all parties are the same because they all are in it for themselves, what I said applies to them all, none will do what is right by the country to improve it
  13. shows just how pathetic politics is in Thailand when they keep voting in a family that only wants to enrich themselves and cares nothing for the people, it also shows the lack of education in the ones that vote for them and the fact they will do anything for money but this is thai politics, no rational thought by the voters and only ways to make themselves richer by the parties
  14. thats what I was driving with when I first came over here as well as having my international one, never had a problem showing either to police but after several months I went in and got my thai drivers licence
  15. the answer is yes, he is allowed to drive using his aussie licence due to the agreement in place between countries but the problem is thai police can make their own rules and ignore the fact it is allowed to drive so it may come down to money exchanging hands or getting a copy of the agreement done in thai to show them. When I first moved over here several years ago I had my international plus aussie licence and either was enough for them but rarely had to show it
  16. and china would have all the specs on them within th first month, Thailand cannot be trusted to not let china get at them and the US knows this fact, it is fanciful thinking at best, much better chance of Thailand finding rocking horse s**t
  17. My wife said she would like to move and live in Australia when her daughter becomes a doctor and finishes her 3 year payback to the govt hospital that part sponsored her studies. We would also want to sell off all our land etc here in Thailand to enable us to purchase land/house in Australia but are unsure how hard it is to take money out of Thailand to do it, we would also be looking at taking our daughter with us. Does anyone have experience in doing similar or know what is required to do this, I am aware of whats required for my wife but not the rest.
  18. I think many of us did the same in what ever country we grew up in, the difference here is the kids do it in built up areas/cities and with their parents permision and do so in unsafe ways. Problem is the parents dont care as it makes it easier for tham not having to do anything so they let under age kids rids as well as drive themselves around thn when they are killed they just pop out another one, parenting skills/responsibility in Thailand are virtually non existent and the kids just dont care. We had a local that used to let his 12 year old daughter drive herself to school and he bragged about how great she was, he even took a video of her doing it and posted it onlne but luckily the police saw it and stopped it but agian nothing happened to th girl or the parent
  19. I am getting the same thing, when I try to log in it doesnt let me but it puts my cart up & lets me into it so I can see whats in there then I can log in from there when I bring up anything in there, been happening since the weekend, Friday I did go in and logged in and had no problems so its only been happening for a few days, thai web site builders are pretty bad
  20. so the police allowed a known drug user to own an keep a gun, shows just how pathetic the thai police really are to do nothing about this demented scum. Once again we see the thai police not going out of their way and ignoring the fact this person was dangerous, they need to be held partially responsible for this happening, if they had done their job he would not have had the gun and would have been removed from the police years ago. When are we going to s a thai police force that actually does what they are paid to and not just try to enrich themselves while ignoring the law and their responsibilities
  21. this is what happens when there are no building inspectors as well as qualified trades people, anyone can just throw up buildings without any inspections to ensure they are being done properly, that why so many building etc in Thailand have structural problems, chap material & unskilled labour, lack of preparation of the ground, no soil testing to see what foundations are needed, no packing of any built up ground, while some builders do the right thing many who build these estates just to make money dont care as long as they make a heap out of it then refuse to correct any problems caused by their shoddy work
  22. trouble is many drivers in Thailand cut these corners and cross over the centre lines, I have almost been cleaned up by cars, bikes and trucks so many times when they cut corners going to the right, it appears to be common practice with them and they dont care if cars etc are on the other sides of the road. Staying in your own lane just doesnt happen with many road users here, bike may well have lost control but may also have been unable to avoid someone cutting into his lane seeing it is the front right corner of the van that is smashed in
  23. hahahaha, definiteluy understand this happening with ignorant drivers blocking people, maybe bull bars would be a great way to move these idiots that park blocking people in as well as ensuring its not our cars that are damaged when idiots cut in, cut off, etc when you are driving
  24. We have a few different blocks of land near our house that we own and we need a quad bike/atv to be able to move things between them on a trailer that we will have built, will not be used for anything else. It will not be needed for constant work so we are not looking at buying a high end one, probably only needed for couple of days a week and lucky to have to travel more than half a klm all day, trailer will not be carrying anything heavy as well so I cant see the need to pay out too much to purchase one. I have seen several quad bikes advertised online for around & under 30,000 baht but have no idea if they are any good, would appreciate anyone being able to recommend any that would be ok for the small amount of work they would be needed for.
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