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Everything posted by seajae

  1. same here, they would not renew my medicare card unless I fronted up and gave them an aussie address.
  2. the only contact I have with them is through the "my gov" web site, I can send any required paperwork etc through it as it is secured to me after I log in, to be honest I rarely have to do anything with them, it is centrelink as well as medicare etc so everything in the one place.
  3. as a coach you are there to teach and encourage the players, he needs to be made to realize the he is in the wrong, a plyer should never abuse the coach because he points out a fault. As a registered volleyball coach that worked with different age groups as well as representitve & state teams there is no way I would have a player doing that on any team I coached as it brings disharmony into the team, the longer it goes on for the worse it will get. You need to pull him aside and tell him to his face he needs to appologise to you and the team, if he refuses tell him not to come to training or games anymore until such time he can do so, face is the biggest problem here though but it needs to be done, just watch your back as we all know what losing face can cause thais to do
  4. best burgers I have eaten in Thailand are from a local shop in Phukhuntale road, Surat Thani, I get the black angus aussie burger but there are options of different meat except pork/bacon(muslim owner) but the burgers are really good and under 200 baht. The meat is good quality and the patties are a good size, the quality beef ones are made fresh but they also have the pre made ones that are a lot cheaper to buy, I prefer the black angus as it has a better taste for me than the wagyu burger he also does but it is up to each persons taste, onion, tomato, cucumber and lettuce are included but I get cheese and egg added as well, the burgers are pretty big and well worth the price, only trouble is they are that good there is always a big queue especially from the home delivery people
  5. really have to wonder when the keystone cops make it into the top ten
  6. so the original reference to it being the bike riders fault is no longer valid, bet this p*sses off the offender and his family but with all the other ways "rich/connected" thais have gotten away with killing others I dont really expect to see anything really happen to this moron, drink driving is something a lot of thais seem to do, they have no regard to the safety of other road users and its why we see so many die on the roads here, time to start hitting offenders with very severe action, would be good if this cretin was put away for a long time but I doubt that will happen with his connections/family wealth
  7. seajae


    we bought a princess toaster 8 years ago and its still going strong, can fit 4 plus big slices at a time, paid over a thousand baht for it originally but worth it as it toasts everything and works very well.
  8. if they were thai all would be fine, how many thais do we see out on bail in Thailand after killing people, talk about double standards
  9. type in spray bottle on the search bar in lazada then it gives you a choce of sizes etc
  10. he doesnt want to upset russia as they are one of Thailands big tourist people plus they have business/sales arangements with them, again we see Thailand putting financial gain ahead of peoples and another countries lives, what else can you expect from these pathetic degenerates
  11. when we were getting top soil for our land from a mine the wife manages the truck was pulled over by the cops and they said it was overloaded even though it wasnt even a full load, turned out the wifes company doesnt pay the cops that run area any protection money for the trucks to use that road. Unless you grease the palms of the cops they will pull you over, you only need to see all the pickups/trucks overloaded beyond a joke on the highways to see that they are protected because they pay the cops to be able to load illegally and get away with it, in Thailand the cops do as they please and demand whatever they want and the govt turns a blind eye to it all, money rules
  12. we paid for moderna for my wife in a Bangkok PH last year and she got it around november as a booster, she gave the other shot to her uncle, the moderna we paid for in Surat Thani for me was not needed as I had pfizer plus the booster, my wife has used one of those as another booster a couple of weeks ago(she has 2 x sinovac originally), the second shot of moderna will be used as a booster if needed or we will give it to a friend
  13. I keep my immigration money in the GSB, I put it into their "tickets" for 9 months(have to have a yellow book etc to do it) with a chance to win money then for 3 months it is taken out and put into my regular GSB account for the extension, no interest but the chance to win money, my numbers are not drawn all the time but one year I won one of the bigger prizes so it is comparible to interest rates, I also have a regular account with Bangkok bank for my aussie bank to transfer too through Wise. GSB works good for the extensions as I dont touch it apart from the cross over for 3 months and I also have it set up so I can bring up a statement on demand to show immigration
  14. mate, you need to work out what colours you are going to use on the walls then match tiles etc to it, then you need to look at what you want the inside to look like, be good if you can get someone from the west that has worked in the building industry to help you design the interior, last thing you want is a thai designing it or picking out colours. You will need to know where all the structural supports/load bearing walls are as well as that will also determine what you can do, suggest you look for a colour you like that is relaxing for your eyes then get tiles etc to match, dont go for the glossy tiles either, open areas are easy to work with but you need to make it so it is comfortable for you.
  15. yesterday I had to block 4 different numbers inside 1 hour, they were from the UK and one was just full of zero's with a few numbers at the end but didnt show up any country, has been happening since the weekend so there is something going on
  16. did an apprenticeship in painting and decorating, finished that and did a bit of time driving machinery in a new estate while waiting to go into the army,(2 cav then first armoured regt and also spent time at the SAS in '77 in the dive wing), left the army went back into my trade eventually working for myself till an injury stopped me. Did a photo journalist course and then got caught up in plants, now known around the world for my knowledge on plumeria/frangipani(have been flown to the US and Australia a few times to do talks), have several hundred trees here and a few thousand seedlings as I do a lot of cross pollination work to create new varieties, Thailand is perfect for it which is what made me move here originally, it has become a hobby for me, setting it up for my wife for when she retires
  17. problem is the chinese students end up with a certificate/doctrate not recognized in the west, it may be a boon for the universities to make extra money but the chinese students are getting a poor/below par education compared to western countries, if they go to Australia they need to virtually redo their time again to be able to practice/be recognized
  18. I used an international driving licence to get car and bike licences in Thailand although they also asked to see my Australian licence to make sure I did have them, still had to do all the BS tests though, the only licence they wouldnt give me is the heavy truck licence, the man at that counter wanted money, told him he could shove that where the sun dont shine. You also have to re do the tests every 5 years as well and watch the absolutely BS video that is a joke at best, no wonder thais are so bad on the road with a garbage instructional video like that being used but they all ignore it and play with their phones anyway.
  19. prime directive is to enjoy being here with my wife, dogs & trees doing what I want to without interfering in other peoples business, farang doesnt bother me unless it is said nastily then I smile and tell them to go fluck themselves while I flip the bird at them
  20. put an order in friday for 3 seperate items on lazada, 2 arrived sunday and the other one today, extremely fast delivery
  21. I used to question my wife not stopping at crossings till one time we did stop and the pedestrian was cleaned up by the bike rider that swerved out from behind us and ran straight into her at speed, never questioned her after that but I do stop when they are crossing as it is ingrained into me from all the years I have been driving. Unfortunately thai riders/drivers ignore the road rules and are a law unto themselves, too arrogant/ignorant to obey the law because it means they have to slow down or stop for someone else
  22. if the land has been surveyed and signed off by the surveyor it is legal, doesnt matter what the neighbour says, maybe you should check the distance on his boundaries as well to see how much of your land he is claiming and to see if he has measured his own boundary on the slope as well or just yours so he gets a bigger block himself
  23. looking at the pic it appears that the front truck had had an illegal modification to extend the bed/framework of the truck over a metre so he could carry more plus the rear lights were more than likely under this extension so they couldnt be seen clearly, the usual thing you see on the roads here with the trucks having a load sticking out well over the end of the true bed/framework. The truck that hit him is under this extension so you have to wonder if there was no extension if the driver would have died. The police refuse to enforce the road laws on trucks and you can see them lining up in the afternoons getting ready to do their runs with their illegal extensions during the night & its all approved by the police for their bonus payment to allow it. Have to wonder if the driver of the front truck will be done for the illegal extension as without it the driver behind may have lived but again that would need the police to do their job and to admit they were paid to allow it, face comes first so it will be brushed under the carpet so they can continue to benefit from charging for the illegal loads
  24. to update this, I got a call late yesterday afternoon telling me to come in on Monday to get my stamp, thanks for the replies
  25. when your face is buried in your phone so you do not watch where you are walking it makes it hard to blame others for your own stupidity, everyone in Thaland knows that drains etc and some are often uncovered so they need to watch where they are going but of course looking at your phone is more important to many as was more than likely the case here and as the drain was covered it meant she was wearing high heals and should have been even more observant, the one responsible is herself, cant blame others for your own lack of observation
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