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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. No one cares what you think Bob let alone where you go
  2. I think your posts are boring and you are hijacking this forum. Please get a life and some real friends. Try to not look at this forum for 2 weeks. It will be good for your mental health
  3. what breed is that. I think its not clear in the post.
  4. We are thinking of transferring some land to my childs name who is 9 yrs old. Do we have to specify a sale amount at the land office? Or not necessary bc its family? Does my kid have to attend? I understand that the asset cannot be sold until he is 20 yrs old At the land office will they ask to nominate a guardian or something like that? Can it be a farang? Interested to hear from anyone who has done this thanks
  5. We want to buy a new puppy with the sole purpose of making our new land/ house secure. Im experienced with dogs. Had them all my life. Fully intend to exercise twice a day with it and good nutrition I read up about the Akita breed. If you have one or ever owned one, what are they like to own? Any dangers for my kids? I dont want a crazy aggressive dog like a Bang Kaew. Also read about a Thai Ridgeback biting a child in the family home Ive had a soi dog for many years. Hes getting on now and but low maintenance but well trained. Doesn't whinge like a crazy doberman or german shepard. If you have any other breed to recommend thats not a nutter breed eg Pitbull; then I would appreciate your comments. thanks
  6. Hi. If I have a bangkaew and then go away for a long weekend and ask a friend to feed him.... will my friend be able to go inside and feed the beast or only if the dog knows my mate? thanks
  7. hi. May I ask about this breed of dog? Are they high maintenance? Or laid back? I would be giving them exercise morning and night but during the day left alone. Does this breed whinge all day or chilled? Good for security? thanks
  8. Hi. Thanks for your reply. I want to tell the technician about this but he doesnt speak English. If I try to translate this in google it will not work. I wanted to know if you or your partner could write thai script so that I can instruct him to be mindful of this. Also, my post above might not be clear but we already have the digital meter. Still unsure what caused that smoke issue that scared the neighbors but the sparkie tells me that it was a nail or something. Its only a small carport with room and ensuite bathroom. Spotlight out the front, 4 round lights. EV charger. Wires for automatic gate motor. Inside the room power plugs everywhere for appliances and tv. Air con plug in the wall. Breaker for shower outside the door. Safety cut unit in the room with 8 breakers. In the bathroom hot water system and a plug on the wall for a fan. What size aluminium wire on the concrete poles would you suggest? thanks
  9. Its far too intellectual for him. He can hardly string 2 sentences together. I think OP is AI generated
  10. So as long as the girl is 18 or over is that legal in Thailand ie no issues with the law?
  11. So are you saying that its legal for old farang to have sexual relations with a thai lady as long as she is 18 years old or above?
  12. Last year we purchased land. A few months ago builders started doing the prison walls and a carport for us. They needed power and the builder arranged a white wire (small copper wire) which he hooked up to the neighbours supply and ran the white wire on top of wooden poles. A week or so after that we applied for our own digital meter in my wifes name. A welding guy turned up and plugged in his extension cord into the plug on my land. It didnt have the 2 fork prong thing. His cord only had the wires so he stuck that into the white power plug under my little wooden house. Then the neighbor came running out of his house. He heard a cracking sound and the plug ceased to work. Then the sparkie came out and did something there at the digital meters. Suddenly there was huge smoke and we were all a bit scared. Later he said there was a nail or something causing that problem but unsure actually So the power is restored using the same white (small copper) wire and no issues since The neighbour is sending us messages as he is worried about a fire catching on his house which is right next to the pole where the 2 digital meters are. He wants us to upgrade the system 'to PEA standards'. The same sparkie told me today he can change it all to a black wire and its aluminium NOT copper. He said the black copper wire is very expensive and maybe someone can steel it. Is the black aluminium wire safe and is it up to PEA standards??? He has quoted me 40k which includes numerous concrete posts. He said the wooden ones are no good when theres big storms etc. When we finally get a house build does it mean that PEA will install new poles and new wires anyway? thanks <post edit: I have zero electrical knowledge but suppose this is evident by my lack of literacy on this issue>
  13. Is the aluminium cable the white one? Can it give a normal supply of electricity to a carport with a room and bathroom and charge an EV car? OR do we have to install the black copper wire?
  14. Im still waiting. How did you know it was approved? Did you get an email?
  15. The fact that it is 2 different hotels in 2 provinces next to each other says a lot. Its probably the same fraudsters.
  16. We recently went on a holiday and I regrettably let my wife make the booking for a nights hotel stay. Details are vague but I think she searched for the hotel via facebook and found a fake page that imitated the actual hotel. Or maybe it was a copy of the actual website with a different url. My wife chatted with them on fbook and they persuaded her to pay the full amount of the room to their bank account. After that they sent another message asking for key deposit She thought this was an odd request but transferred another 1500 baht..... My wife called the police who said fill out an online form. An officer called her and made an appointment for my wife to go to the station. She did this and he didnt turn up saying he had an emergency. My wife has western personality now and was quite rude to him. He later called and said they have blocked the bank account but who knows... Now we make another booking a few weeks later in a different location / hotel and they seem to have the same problem. But this hotel is professional enough to display a warning message of the problem: 'beware of fake websites and dont transfer any money to anyone etc'. They give the only bank account for the hotel and account name. Just giving everyone the heads up on this as clearly its a problem in thailand at the moment. Do not chat with hotel facebook sites.
  17. What do you care if I reply or not you control freak. Get a life
  18. My wife is the main breadwinner in the family. Im the house husband and taxi driver for my kid
  19. Give up the drink you angry old bass
  20. Years ago I met an American airline hostess at the beer festival in Munich. She visited me in London and I decided to take her to Paris. We visited a famous theatre there and she pulled me into a disabled toilet and banged me. Its not as good as doing it on the stairs at a shopping centre at the sex capital of the world but still very romantic.
  21. He clearly has mental health issues and scary that he owns guns. Surely deportation back to Zurich first class is on the cards.
  22. Have been married for 10 yrs. We have a daughter and so glad to have this experience in life, living the dream here etc. When I married my wife she was slim. Her body was tight. Even after giving birth she stayed in shape. For example, she still had that gap between her upper inner thighs when standing up. Now 10 yrs on and she is getting rather large in the lower half of the body. Last night my child ran downstairs at 6pm to get mummies grab delivery. I inspected and found it was a sugary chocolate looking drink with round jelly balls floating inside. I was thinking what the hell. I go upstairs and she is drinking it and eating 2 min noodles from the original packaging that one can buy at the supermarket (full of palm oil and MSG). She wasnt eating my dinner that I cooked for us all. Grilled steak, roast potato/ pumpkin, steamed carrots and coccus. Cherry tomatoes on the side. Later that night I had to chat with her. No more sugar for a month etc. No more sugar drinks. It seems she doesnt respect her body anymore and this concerns me. I noticed when I purchased some strawberries at the market recently, they include a small bag of sugar with each punnet. If one orders food from some restaurants using grab they often give a free bottle of coke with the delivery. Eat out at restaurants and the chefs add sugar to the food all the time. It might come to the point where Im not attracted to my wife anymore the way things are going. Ive never really been into big girls. Whats going to happen in another 10 yrs if she doesnt care about her bod. Thoughts?
  23. do I have to fast for that one and do in the morning?
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