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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. They used to say that history is written by the victors. Now, the news are those dictated by who controls the media.
  2. Excuse me, what corruption? I was perfectly entitled to it (we were, both me and my wife), we just preferred going the smooth way as we both didn't speak much Thai. It may have cost a few 100B for the agent's work, I really don't remember. You seem to speak a lot about things about which you have no clue.
  3. If you say so. I vaguely remember getting the YB via an agent, probably paid a small sum, I don't remember any special hassles. But I do know it's a big help in many occasions, among others everytime a residence certificate is required, I could "list" them but I am not selling YB's, to each their own choice.
  4. Drove by Immigration about 1pm, it was all dry again. A case of flash flood like it happens everywhere else in the world when rainfall is too intense to be absorbed, more than "heavy flooding".
  5. You can try calling e.g. CP, they rent m/bikes and also big scooters, good English. The prices might vary with rental durtion but I am afraid they will be not as economic as you hope. btw, I assume you already are in Thailand and have a Thai DL. If coming as a tourist from abroad, make sure you have an international driving permit from your country first. Not my business, but if you intend to "get about", why not something in the 150-160cc range, they are just as good in town and definitely easier in the traffic and on the wallet.
  6. Assuming OP is eligible for visa exempt.
  7. In CM things are improving. Far from ideal, but definitely improving. Just yesterday I saw cars and motorbikes stopping for pedestrians crossing on main roads (Suthep, Huay Kaew, Moon Muang) several times. It used to be zero years ago.
  8. Then please explain why a teacher who is already loaded with loans to be repaid, buys a new car as the first thing instead of a used one. It's their mentality, their culture, they can do what they want, but it's a fact not a cynical response.
  9. Same, AA HKT to CM Sep 16, no covid questions and many without mask. OP, about your issue with the Nok Air web site, did you try using a different browser?
  10. OP, word of caution about the 800k. As you already know, you will need a letter from your bank to show to imm. You say you haven't been here since Jan 2021. I know people in similar situation, who upon their return found out that the bank had frozen their account for not being used more than 1 year. I am saying that, unless you have kept your account alive with some online transactions, you might find that some extra time is needed to resurrect it to full function, including said letter.
  11. I find that quite normal and I don't understand what's the issue - or how it's related to the OP. The ENT doctor IS the specialist, not the technician performing the audiology test. The doctor will not only prescribe the test -if needed- but also see you after to talk about it. It's like you enter a hospital and demand to get an x-ray of your chest because you feel a pain, without seeing a doctor. Or a lady who has missed two periods and wants to get an ultrasound and take the result home without talking to an ob-gyn. If you want to skip the doctor, maybe you can try a shop selling hearing aids, I think they will do an extensive test and discuss it with you.
  12. At a quick check, Lao and Thai Smile fly direct from BKK, Air Asia flies direct from DMK.
  13. Mrs National Universe sounds a bit presumptuous... any participants from Proxima Centauri or Epsilon Eridani, just to stay in our neighbourhood? Or NGC 891?
  14. Actually, the OP has not disclosed his naitonality and if he's eligible for visa-exempt, has he/she? OP, you can check out the countries eligible for visa exempt here. Note that from Oct 1 the duration of the visa-exempt entry will be extended to 45d from current 30d. If elegible, follow what UJ said. You don't need to do anything before flying, just present your passport at immigration on arrival.
  15. I don't have an opinion about the Thai vaccine, I have no idea of the rationale behind it. But your comment omits that the case numbers are dropping exactly thanks to the vaccines. The virus itself doesn't show any sign of going away. Since afaik a Covid vaccine has a limited duration, it follows that (yearly?) recalls might be needed, see example the flu vaccinations. Perhaps only for seniors and those with risks, but still. You may say no more vaccines for you, but you don't represent the whole population. Moving on I agree, it's happening already, but a shot per year I wouldn't mind in the least.
  16. I think the lady nailed it. If she lived in Isaan, 10k would be ok but she wouldn't easily find a job as unqualified worker. In Bangkok, 10k is not enough but there's many others ready to take the job if you pass so no incentive to increase the wage.
  17. I think this says a lot. First they want the elephant to make money with the tourists, then they kick them out when no tourists. And the elephant should stay away somewhere of course. Who's the hypocrite again?
  18. Wow. Phuket is also usually fixed fare from the airport, 1000B for 1:15h drive to Rawai. Samui makes that look cheap! But as you said, to be fair it's excellent service in well kept modern cars. And if on the route, there is the opion of the Smartbus: 100B 2h to Rawai.
  19. There are times when the refusal is justified. Especially in a megacity like Bangkok at strange hours with very far destinations that will make the driver waste gas and time with an empty return trip. If they want to enforce no-refusals, then they should revise the fare system and the number of licences. There are also times when the refusal is justified on the basis of the customer being unruly or perceived as a threat or having oversized baggage and so on. So.... it requires a little more than just asking the public to report, in the era of social media some people tend to make a fuss over nothing.
  20. I don't disagree that higher wages would be nice in principle, however a) it wouldn't solve the debt problem, if anything exacerbate it. It is in Thai mentality that "face" is paramount, and that means buying not only beyond their means for themselves, but also for their extended families. Double the wages, double the debts. b) Thailand has low wages yes, but also very low unemployment. A school teacher finds a job in no time, back in my country they can wait years. Go in a restaurant or in a hospital, there will be 3x more than necessary waiters and nurses. Basically, the higher wage is split in 3 to accomodate 3x more workers (substitute the number you want for 3).
  21. Where is the "sad" icon when we need it. Are you seriously suggesting that smoking cannabis recreationally gives permanent effects? You mention 2 of them, and then you say "some of these". So which of the two is permanent, reduced memory or impaired logic? With links to demonstrated medical studies please.
  22. Maybe, but your examples confirm his point. The rubber tappers were presumably in a forest inhabited by elephants. The peasant annoyed the mother elephant accidentally, but still he annoyed her. The monk, was he praying inside a temple or in the middle of a forest? The thing is, how do you tell an elephant that it should stay within some territory? And that that territory is shrinking all the time? I also find the article incomplete, if it doesn't mention how many elephants were killed by humans in the same period, be it for ivory, for expanding farming activities, hit by trucks, overworked to death.
  23. Well, stupid law as already stated, but widespread if one reads the original (well researched) CNN article. Amazing how rape and sex trafficking victims still have to defend themselves and are subject additionally to years behind bars. While if someone shoots an intruder entering their home then it's ok. Let's not even mention the racial component.
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