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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. New superhero power: know how much people tip in bars just by looking at them.
  2. The secondary immigration office has moved to Central Festival. Look for Chi Chang's facebook page, it shows their new location (it's in thai, but you can copy and paste it into google maps)
  3. You will find that most countries have similar rules for similar situations. We EU citizens are spoiled. We should look what our countries demand of a Thai citizen for a simple 2 weeks vacation as an independent traveller. OP, you want to travel around, why not insert a week to a nearby country and re-enter a second time.
  4. If you actually read the guidelines, you would find out that Thailand does not "require" a vaccine. Either vaccine, OR test before flying, OR random test at arrival. Happy?
  5. A lot of honorary degrees given to people who don't have a clue about the subject. They even give Peace Nobel Prize to people who actually promote wars and conflicts. It's more a way for the University to get a moment in the news, than Bill Gates who probably will close it in a drawer and forget about it.
  6. Same reason why we get a "deaths on the road" article every couple of days: the "journalists" on this forum need clicks. Be sure there will be a few more such "updated news" as we approach July 1st.
  7. You as a Brit do not need a visa, provided you stay less than (3 months?). You'll need a valid passport which obviously you have if you live in TH. You have to decide which country will be your first entry (D, I, F?) and then she should obtain a visa at that Embassy. They should have requirements on their websites. As she is your gf and not wife, she will probably have to do this independently from you. If she has family officially living in D, then perhaps that would be the easiest approach. Still she should be prepared for some annoying questioning. I am not updated, but I think that at least some western Embassies do not accept applications directly but through VFS. Enjoy a nice trip. btw, France and Italy have a lot of charming places to visit, I'd cut Paris and Rome to a very minimum.
  8. I know nothing of how Grab works and their internal regulations, but two things I do know: 1) Grab is not a monopoly, there are several other similar services. 2) Slaves are people forced to work against their will and with zero or minimal salary. Grab drivers do not fall in this definition at all.
  9. He (cha) asked a valid question. You (J54) are right in saying that the gov't decides for their own reasons, and it has decided. But the point remains that for a normal average person it is a mystery why Thailand is still providing covid-extensions, when basically the whole world has reopened. Perhaps connected to the emergency decree?
  10. I am afraid that the Emergency Decree will be around a long time, irrespective of Covid. Let's say, as long as there are protesters.
  11. funny, you usually ask the question "which immighration office", and you always point out that different IO have different interpretations. Well, once again I have to correct you: Chiang Mai wants it. I did it a few days ago. ps: this may come as a surprise to you, but CM is in Thailand.
  12. May I say that it's different in CM. When the time of my appointment is up (maybe a few minutes +/-) an officer shows up and calls out my appointment number.
  13. Was he? I didn't notice...
  14. I don't know where it is that you shop and eat, but so glad that it's not the same places where I go since I never experience all these terrible problems that you have.
  15. Why do we have two identical threads on this subject running in parallel? Here is the other one Hello administrators?
  16. I am not sure. Only too often we read of deadly accidents involving foreigners, such as the unfortunate canadian cyclist yesterday. e.g., if I read today's numbers: Road accident report 20/6/2022 55 deaths and 3,222 injuries 85% of deaths were motorcyclists 1 child died 2 foreigners died 1 pedestrian died We have to scale things by the number foreigners/Thais, which is of course not 50/50. 2 foreigners out of 55 is ~4%, which compared to the number of foreigners on the road is not just "mostly Thais". But of course this is just one day, someone more perseverant than me might dig out more solid statistics.
  17. I asked if the "new" branch will also provide immigration letters as until now at KSK where I have my fixed deposit, she said yes. I don't know that any branch can do that - I doubt it but I may be wrong.
  18. But you omitted to put "top" in your original post.
  19. Pump prices are going through the roof yes (except Diesel which is subsidized), but 54?? Did you mean 45?
  20. See previous about BKB. About sales and discounts in KSK: today it was madness, people like ants around the sugar. But actually, only the stores closing for good had good offers. TOPS, being just one branch of a chain, will simply move their goods around, no special offers that I could see. Bata: I suspect that 70% sign has been there since KSK was inaugurated. Well anyway they never have my size.
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