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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. They were not called women in the article. But since you have to make this illuminating remark, note that the "financial gain only" is what it may look like if you only see them where there is money to be made. Like walking in Patong after midnight and concluding that most women in Thailand are prostitutes. As you should know, ladyboys are a very accepted component in Thai society, they choose their lifestyle not for money but because of their genetics and/or of the way they are raised in the family. You often see them working in all kind of jobs, some are very feminine and kind, treat them as normal persons and they can have a happy life of their own. No need to judge them.
  2. Which "bigger picture" is not mentioned but there is some sort of context at the end of the original article. First,was she really literally arrested as being put in prison, or just charged? Second, the law is clear: even if she is the manager of a company and thus with regular work permit, she cannot perform different duties inside that company. Example, if a foreigner is the owner or manager of a restaurant, he is not allowed to serve customers. This might look absurd for us used to different systems, but it's the Thai system, take it or leave it. If she was doing that just that one time because the designated company driver was not available, then maybe she can seek leniency.
  3. And I thank you sir for a nice touch of humor. Reading the full story, it looks like a really nice item especially if one can personalize the design, and with a decent price. I'll look for it.
  4. Did you download the latest upgrade to your crystal ball? 71k in 2024 ... for now.
  5. Funny, exactly the same thing happened to me the other day, I apologized, she apologized double, we parted with big smiles. Just like in some European countries (sarcasm intended).
  6. You seem to believe that the average Thai guy who beats up a woman for no reason in a shopping mall sending her to the hospital with a broken nose, resists law officers and refuses to abide by the procedures, can walk away with 1000b and a wai. I don't think so. Now if you want to talk about "important persons" then it's another story, we all know that there are special treatments for some but that has nothing to do with bias against foreigners.
  7. If you charge her a fee, then yes.
  8. I hear you about Thailand being difficult for long-term residency, let alone citizenship, on the other hand the year-to-year extensions are not too bad. About Chile, I would prioritize La Serena which is a decent compromise in terms of climate, size, connections, facilities. Good exploring.
  9. I find him dangerous all right, and not for jaywalking.
  10. TM47 you can write what you want. TM30 requires some supporting documentation. For you and I, staying always at the same address, it seems the same. For immigration, which has to deal with all sorts of customers, it is not. But I agree that the whole thing could be streamlined.
  11. Do you really choose the country where you want to live based on such factors? I would first try and spend at least several months there to see how I like it. Personally, I spent a lot of time in Chile for my job and I could have easily relocated there with a very high salary. Not my cup of tea for many aspects that I don't want to go into for fear of offending chilean people on this forum. At the same time, I know others who did relocate and were satisfied overall. One big plus: if you are into outdoors and nature, Chile is fantastic - except the beaches which are super cold. One big minus: it is really far at least for Europeans. And very, very Catholic in the strictest, old-fashioned sense. Ok, two big minuses for me.
  12. Had to look it up, and I appreciate your irony, especially considering that the majority of the farangs living in Thailand do so thanks to "love for foreigners" by many Thai ladies. Or, in some cases, "love for foreign wallet" , I'll let you find the Greek word for that.
  13. To be fair, this news was published in a main newspaper that cannot be linked, which listed many foreigners found to be on overstay and/or working illegally in Phuket. Part of the increased checks after the Swiss guy incident. In addition to the three russians mentioned here, the list included plenty of other nationalities including Brits and many others. But they are less interesting apparently.
  14. Just a note on this particular statement. True that BTC doesn't pay interest, but some other well established cryptos do. If you stake, e.g. SOL will pay about 4% and DOT even up to 16% if memory serves me. That is in shares.
  15. Well, time to (re)open a TG town office in Chiang Mai maybe?
  16. You confirm that comparing your stocks gains with the other guy's crypto gains made no sense whatsoever. btw, the people who REALLY made money with crypto buying in the early days certainly don't come posting about it here. Also, many who invest in crypto do so with a fraction of their assets, which they can afford to lose. So "risk" is not that much, really.
  17. Mostly a thing of the past. At least in CM, in addition to a very sizeable population of chinese expats, the chinese tourists nowadays are largely independent travellers with quite some money to spend. Just take a walk in the tourist hotspots, starting with Nimman and the main shopping malls. The main private hospitals all have chinese interpreters. A lot of restaurants have at least one chinese-speaking staff. Also on the road, lots of chinese on rented scooters. Chinese signs everywhere. I'd say they bring in more money than the western tourists. Sure there are still large groups and companies operating as you describe, but nothing like pre-covid.
  18. To use the words of another no-coiner before you, if you didn't sell then you didn't make a profit. Good that you are happy with your funds, but your boasting of daily profits doesn't prove anything unless you invested them same amount of the poster you are comparing with.
  19. Funny how no-coiners always have an urge to shoot down those who are obviously very happy with a different choice.
  20. Another Amorn is inside the Big C / HomePro complex on the super highway (between Central Festival and Bangkok Hospital), closer to Chiang Khan if my Google Earth got the correct one.
  21. He was actually on the fire frontline with the firefighters. But keep on, you are oh so funny.
  22. Yes, the so-called journalist who wrote that piece and sensational headline without a shred of support by numbers. While not good at all today, the air quality in CM is certainly nowhere at the top in the world, and in fact still quite acceptable unless you have conditions.
  23. I know you have an urge to comment on almost everything, but clearly in this case you don't have a clue. If you lived here you would know that this is the best Governor the city has had in my memory, and that he is doing a lot including controlling forest fires which are much less than in previous years (with the notable help of heroic fire fighters). What happened in that park is a disgrace, but can hardly be attributed to the incompetence of a Governor.
  24. Your story starts with a suspicious incipit, it shows up in an absurd font (at least for me), and is exceedingly long. So I did not read it. But may I ask why you think it is necessary to explain bitcoin to people who are on this forum?
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