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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. With all the bombastic proclamations, he's after all only one man and he's as good

    as the people that are with him, no way in the world to stamp out corruptions,

    it is here to stay and flourish, the question remains, can you minimize corruptions

    to a mangagable level? if you have done that, your work is done....

    this is something that needs great thought.

    Corruption will never die because it works

  2. Central banks the world over have been competitively devaluing their currency as interest rates have been manipulated for 30 years toward zero. To the extent global economic growth has been the malinvestment of unrepayable credit, the inevitable deflationary (or hyper-inflationary a la Venezuela now, depending on the political control over the central bank) collapse will be global as well.

    Yes, but now we see the Baht at artificially high levels. Demand for it seems to be coming from those who see an economic recovery. The recovery won't come with Thai products struggling to compete because of the high currency. Catch 22.

    The Baht NEEDS to be at 33 or 34...then we would see a pickup ( maybe a pickup in inflation as well, but manageable)

    I couldn't agree more. Thai goods are not competitive overseas. Wages going up here male exports more expensive and so less desirable.

    A higher baht will affect oil gas electricity and luxury items minimally but do wonders to kick off exports which are the backbone of Thailands economy

  3. Its very simple. Less people want to invest here for many self evident reasons and commercial policies that encourage foreign private investment are out dated and uncompetitive. Thailand needs foresight and aggressive commercial change throughout the system. Until then, watch the decline continue.

    So it's not because of the Junta?

    nothing at all. Under previous governments... All ... Not just the last one... Rules for investing ownership. Control and staffing make business hard

    looking at opening up countries like Myanmar Vietnam and so forth... There remain opportunities to have more control of your investment and lower wage costs.

    That's why you invest overseas. Otherwise you keep your money at home

  4. I could not agree more. Under the previous regime changes were DAILY making business here troublesome and full of payouts for corrupt officials. now this is common in Asia but getting to such a high number in the percentage stakes was too much.

    Now things are moving again and there are always TWEAKS that need to be made.

    I am all for seeing what hs been proposed and I congratulate the general on his birthday!

    But my wishes pale to those before me as I am but a speck in the ocean on this earth.

    So all of you who come after demonising this General for trying to get things done, remember you too are nothing in the scheme of things.

    This Japanese businessman is significant and this meeting symbolises that THAILAND MEANS business. i am all for it as this is a wonderful country with wonderful people despite the few negatives - it is still a great place or we would not be here.

    • Like 1
  5. Reading posts here and how people feel there is NO RIGHT for people to recline seats I would like to state:

    People pay for a seat THAT RECLINES. No one has the right to push knees in the back - hello Lite Beer! nor does anyone have the right to recline when food service is happening as most airlines ask people to be considerate.

    I do not like the idea of these devices but there again I do not fly cheapy charlie airlines as I like to recline my seat.

    If you have a problem with leg room, raise this EN MASS to the airlines and protest but if you want cheap fares, then you really should just suffer traveling on an AIR BUS as that is all airplanes are BUSES of mass transport for all of us.

    If anyone uses one to stop me reclining I would trouble the stewards to move them or me. I pay for a seat not to stand or be kicked in the back.

    • Like 2
  6. Its a Junta...nobosy wants to speak out against the Junta. And so much for this so called "Interim" Govt. The military is just giving themselves the opportunity to fill every govt office/ role w military "Yes" men! PATHETIC!!

    please advise us with your wisdom how this differs from before when YES MEN with no knowledge of their portfolios were in power?
  7. In short, the infrastructure projects proposed by the previous government and widely lambasted by so many TVF pundits. Silence now?

    I think you are calling I TOO SHORT. Dual rail is not from previous govt. Yinny and your crooked mates only talked.

    That's why Toyota was leaving right up until Prayuth took control. Toyota believes him..

    High speed rail owned by china was previously proposed but that is not on table. Ict was not on table.

    Think again

  8. Call for special lab to be built for viruses 'with no cure'

    Am I missing something here?

    If they can't be cured why would you build a lab for them? So some Thai <deleted> releases them on the public for a 20k bribe????

    "Such a lab was necessary for Thailand and Asean countries in case of an outbreak and urgent need of microbiological culture and test confirmation, he said."

    Did you not even read the article??

    At present they already get supplies from Australia for FREE - CSL Labs - and the USA CDC. So there is absolutely NO NEED for any such lab here. The more we contain these potential threats the better. Pandoras box is opening.....

    • Like 1
  9. Bht 57 million..wow thats a whole chunk of money...Is there any virus etc that's not treatable ??? I dont know of any but someone on here probably does..

    There are many virus treatable, but I also take this to mean not CURABLE. The simple influenza virus which is a Rhetro Virus of which there are a few are not curable and that is why you get the flu every so often and new vaccines are made. For example we may think this is no bother but in one form of this flu, the Spanish flu of 1918 about 18million dies.



    Herpes (many forms are VERY DANGEROUS)

    And we could go on but I just listed a few you may know of and think - ah that's ok. But they ain't my friend they ain't. NASTY buggers in some forms indeed.

  10. There is no way I would trust any THAI PERSON DOCTOR or otherwise with a Bio Security lab! My GOD the corruption here is so immense how could they be trusted with running such a dangerous place with all the bio threats?

    Australia and USA and Britain have these and they are guarded by enough security that Thailand could not even afford to start to contemplate. These places are so secure because of the threat of bio hazards that not even the Prime Minister can visit.

    All that would be next is "he is a cousin of my sister who is married to the official and I thought he was a nice guy so i let him in to look. I did not think he would steal that Ebola virus."

    What next? Give them nuclear arms to protect? Maybe a few missile silos to control?

    • Like 1
  11. As I said from the start this whole debacle was never about fighting corruption, it was about changing the beneficiary of the corruption. Just a different side of the same sh1tty coin.

    This is actually a replication of the rice scheme, but aimed at the South where the yellow/royalist/elite have their main fan base. This not only keeps their core supporters happy but ensures it is easy to skim off a few percent for themselves.

    Ironically 90% of the pro coup supporters on here seems to live in Issan, the region which will suffer most as government spending shifts away to the South. More fool them when they have to bankroll an even longer list of family members.

    so please inform us of your great wisdom and logic and explain the BILLIONS paid to Issan rice farmers as opposed to the few measilly billions to the south? Your argument is bias only
  12. What do the Americans need special security considerations for?

    They've set themselves up as the ''worlds police force'' thus they should be able to contain any threats real or imaginary.whistling.gif

    Could they be one of the most disliked races nowadays and therefore under threat at times?

    Americans are not a race. In fact, America has one of the most diverse racial profiles of any country. America has whites, blacks, asians, etc.

    America is 2 continents unless you forget. You stole the name and it I NO yours to use solely for describing your dim witted nation
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