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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. Could have been worse, half of an old telephone directory hanging from a piece of string, or newspaper. Like George, been here for so long never notice it now.
  2. Sorry ,Vizol was the one we used, but the others that are similar should do the job.
  3. We have used Thai toilet cleaner, on washing machine filters, and tap parts, works well, cleans out the lime scale.
  4. The Anthrax spoors can live in the soil for a lot of years, normally the first symptoms you see is a dead animal in the field, got to give it to the vets in Laos they did well to pick it up. With what I know of Thai government vet's, they should be the ones responsible for any anthrax cases, the odds of them picking up an Anthrax case is not high, just like if a Thai farmer finds a dead animal he will just phone the knacker man who will just haul the carcass away ,if the animal is sick , the odds of taking a blood sample, the way to detect anthrax, and seeding it to a lab for analyses, not high.
  5. A new 125cc Wave is about 60k baht, a 110 cc Wave about 50k baht, cash, if buying on the never never, add 30%, for interest charges. As has been said not many sales for new motorcycles, you might? get a few baht off some company selling in places like Big C over a weekend, it is a might.
  6. Was known as John "Couger" Mellencamp, Google him lots on they not my cup of tea, never really made it in the UK . Not head of him for a lot of Yeras, must down to his last million, trying for a comeback.
  7. Pigeon Pea to me, is a valuable cattle feed, makes good hay/silage, growing time from seed to harvest is about 3-4 months, or 90-120 days, same time as corn/maize. Best grown in July/August, time when they should be some rain, and a bit cooler. But remember, it is a legume, and the Aphids will attack the crop, that could have been your problem.
  8. As has been said that is a lot of money for a 7.3 km stretch ,is that a typo??? AI again.
  9. In a nutshell not good, I would say the Charolais cattle, the owners will not budge on price, which they what, but above market price, because they are Ch cattle, so they are keeping them, they probably brought them when the price was higher, but it is a catch 22 situation, they are keeping them, but they are still feeding them hoping the price will go up, odds of them making any thing are not high. We have a Ch x bull about 11 moths old I would want 20k for him, I think we would that, he is no problem so we will keep him for another few months. Beef cattle prices are going hand in hand with dairy cow's prices market still not good, dairy farmers are still giving up same problem expensive feed and debt levels. I cannot see the prices going up for a while, it has done this before prices drop then increase, but this time they seem set on a low price for some time to come.
  10. Not easy to find, try patipong.com, they have a lot of chippers.
  11. I use these blades, a lot better than the OP's being serrated do not need sharpening very often, I just touch them up with the angle grinder. These come from my local weekly market, guy sells all thing strimmer's and chainsaws. One other place is out local builders' merchants they now sell all thing strimmer's. They will cut though most things, one set is about 120bart.
  12. I did my retirement visa, plus 90day in and out 40 minuets, no agent, I aways do it myself. Back to the OP, easy solution as has been said, every time I go through immigration, they are at least 30 % of the desks empty, get more staff in .
  13. They is an APP, it is on Google Play ,try it if it works let us know.
  14. It will probably end up being sold off cheap, to Thailand's big livestock feed companies ground down and put in livestock feed.
  15. It takes me 5 minuets to pay my bill at our PE office, it is on one of my regular routes, I think your 180 minutes is ......way OTT.
  16. Thanks for all of the replies, lots of info they. I agree, Wat Sado not cheap, that was basically my starting point. A 2hp brushless DC motor/pump, a good idea, where to buy one, preferably one that does not have made in China stamped on it.
  17. Hi All. The project, we have a large pond on our property, we use it mainly for watering the garden, and we rear some fish, vie an electric pump this time of year with usage and evaporation the level drops quickly. At the back of land is a small river distance about 220 meters, the idea is to use a sola pump to pump the water from the river to our pond. By using a trailer mounted unit, similar to the photo, but a lot smaller, say going out in the morning and coming home in the evening. I aim to use a 2HP pump, with a 2-inch outlet, looking at Google it will need 1600 Wats to power the pump, our local Thai Wat Sado has all the stuff they have 400-Watt panels, inverters, and pumps. The questions are, using a DC pump, you should not need an inverter?? Wat Sado has one a 2HP DC pump 13 000 baht, as far as I can see you should not need a battery, but the guy in Wat Sado said you do, do you? As I said our pump we use in the garden, I brought 10years ago ,it is a Mr. Eco ,Italian made pump ,one of the best you can get ,we had it 18 months brought it out at the new year ,would not start ,took it to our local electric motor guy ,who had to rewind the motor, I said it is an Italian pump, he said no, a Chines copy ,it had aluminum windings ,not copper ,he rewound it with copper ,now no problems. The 2HP DC pump I was looking at was made in China, thinking will it last?13k for a 2HP DC pump, so I thought buy a good quality AC pump and use an inverter? Google said you need 1600 Watt to power the pump, but I have read on start up an electric motor needs more power, just to turn the motor over, once it is going then it will use its 1600 Watt's, if so. would you need say an extra panel, for start-up. Thanks.
  18. Written by AI ,call it being picky, but a sack of rice in one of these warehouses weighs 90 kg not 50 kg, again I am having my doubts about AI.
  19. Tell the tourists to go to the shops down a Soi 2-300 yards from their hotel they can buy alcohol at any time.
  20. For a lot of people selling lottory tickets is a nice easy job, sitting in front of a bank all day, or whatever looking at their phone most of the time, time they got a proper job. It will be the blind and handicaped sellers, a lot who cannot do anything else, will suffer, they should be made a special case and allowed to carry on selling they tickets, a lot of people will still by a paper ticket as they do not have a phone or do not know how the system works.
  21. Gymnopetalum integrifolim (Roxb.) Kurz. I think it is this tree, they one near me, next to the road. which is now red with the fruit?
  22. If you what a weed killer that will kill weeds and not grass look at MCPA or MCPB . If I remember, available on Lazada.
  23. The transport co. the company that runs most Thai buses, have a call center 1490, they should be able to tell you about bus routes. Like the op I have done that journey on the old orange crush buses, now it will all first and second-class air con buses. It would not surprise me if they were not a minibus service now.
  24. What is a cow egg? the distinctive taste is the poor quality of the Thai milk, very little BF, butterfat, the cream on the milk, or anything else. The problem is the diet, especially the forage which is mainly rice straw which is very poor quality and the concentrate is also poor quality, which will give you a poor-quality milk with no flavor, not old, reconstituted stuff being mixed. Farmers get paid a basic price for they milk, then extra for BF containt and protein containt ,Thailand did not have a standard, so they used the American standard, but very few farmers reached that standard due to the above, so now they have they own standard lower than the American one, it works farmers do get paid above the basic price. I am afraid it will not change been like it for 30 years plus now, famers will still feed rice straw, that is all brought in .as most farmers do not have the land to grow any grass, unlike our dairy farmers in the west. They is a lot of dairy farms around the Packchon area some are some of the best farms in Thailand along with and nearby Mortlec and that is where Thai dairy farming started, must be 60 years sago now, with the Thai- Denmark partnership.
  25. Do what, where is the link to that comment, how much of the Amazon rain forest has been cut down over the past 30 years, and other tropical forests, just down the road from us Indonesai. Desert encroachment has become a problem over the past 30 years, not even thinking about building on green fields.
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