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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. My first thoughts where they would have to do some very serious road repairs before they can even think about F1 in Thailand, a trip down to Singapore would be a good idea, to see how it is done, and it works.
  2. Interesting graph, when I first come here in in 1993, I was told Thailand had by then, cut down 75 % of their forests, in my area cental Lopburi, it was all wooded the wife can just remember that, older people can remember hearing elephants trumping. Now, it just an agriculture area, where cassava, corn, sugar cane rules the roost. The wifehas said a lot when she was younger it never got this hot, and she has been in farming for a lot of years and would know.
  3. Up to about 10 years ago, not many people had heard of El Nimo those that had said it happens every so many years, now every one knows about El Nimo it seems to come more frequent now. ...................Explain.
  4. They is definitely sometime well wrong with the management/running of the company they have been the main contractors of Bangkok's BTS ,the sky train, since day one, over 25 years ago now. and it is still on going. If they cannot make any money now, as I said something is well wrong.
  5. Have a look at your foot valve, if you are priming the pump all the time, that could be blocked or a weak spring /seal, I have had that problems with our pump, also check inlet pipe connections, any leaks in the suction pipe the water will not flow properly.
  6. This subject often comes up in the UK, get stuff off the road on to trains, very true. But, more so here in Thailand than the Uk, you first have to get the said produce to a railway depo, that could imply a long road journey, if you live in a rural area like most farms are. And what about the infrastructure at the depo, that will have to be upgraded, for loading, then unloading no single-track roads now. Can not see it working.
  7. Funny you should say that, trying to listen to my radio vie AIS mobile sim and my Bluetooth speaker, it gave up at about the same time, did not think about the lottery.
  8. When Covid was about no lottery tickets were sold, then we found out that the Thai lottery was the biggest sauce of income for the government. With your 60% pay out that would be about right. Another Thai oddity, most countries they biggest form of income would be income tax, but, anther counties do have the underground lottery, plans afoot for the government to sell two and three number ticket like the underground lottery does ,if they do and they is no underground lottery ,very unlikely, that could double they income ,as more than one person as said more money is spent on the underground lottery than on the official government lottery.
  9. interesting they went to the CEO of the Carabao group ,they beer sales I would say are not good, alcohols sales may double but not his that is when you can find it, I give they Bier Dum, the dark Larger, which is their best 6 months then it will be no more, not to the Thai pallet, not sweet enough. Thailand Development Research Institute estimated that road accidents caused an economic loss of over 642 billion baht in 2019, with 19,904 fatalities. The above figures are not good by anyone's reconning, but what percent where due to alcohol? but when governments work out ow much tax alcohol sales bring in, not a lot will change.
  10. Is It?, in my rural area, Lopburi, it has been one of the quietest Songkarn festivals for many a year, they are a few places where lots of people gathe,r but as a rule very quiet, I have been out on my motorbike and come home dry. The reason, the very hot weather, or more likely the economy is not good, not that our intrepid government would say so, in so many words.
  11. Did I read somewhere over the past 2 days?? they are going to send it to Ukraine, if they do it will be a good testing ground.
  12. I do not think Iran will attack, but they are losing face by not attacking, especially after the Israel attack on its consulate in Damascus. But they know if they do attack, they must know they cannot win, if the West joins in which they will, Iran will get bombed, and they know which facilities to attack. If Iran has the bomb, would they use it, again I would say no, but they could well use Hamas, Houthis, and Hezbollah to attack ...who knows what, which will cause chaos.
  13. As someone has used Thai buses a lot over the past 20 plus years it is a good system. Remember once coming back New Year's Eve from Morchit, Bangkok, my bus was full, so they found another bus from somewhere, not nonmale running on that route, me and a lot of other passengers got home that evening.
  14. It is all right taking them back to the UK, but will they grow, they are tropical plants, and will need a greenhouse to grow them in, if it is a hot UK summer you might be able to grow them outside. But Basil and Chiles are continuous grows, and will die in a UK winter.
  15. Cucumbers are a popular farming crop, difficulty to use shade cloth growing them up poles. Or, make a pole frame to grow them up when they reach the top pinch the tops out, that could be covered in shade cloth.
  16. That depends on what you like, being so hot this time of year not easy to say, the wife has been saying Chines Kale and Coriander are getting expensive, as they are most years at this time, and they will grow. You could try long beans, maybe Cucumbers, they will grow, but they will need some poles to grow them up Bambo is the best.
  17. Can you remember if it was a male or female artist or a group?
  18. Wrong yet again, you have got to live somewhere, for me it is LOS, not in Issan, doing what I like doing, rearing our few cattle, something I could not do in the UK, been doing it for 15 years now, the wife helps, she is from farming stock, so we get along OK. Are you one of these Farang that say if you shout loud enough, they will understand you?
  19. That is BS I live in a rural area. the only frang around and no one speaks any English, that includes the wife of 20 years, and all her family so I speak Thai . I can go some weeks without speaking any English, also we have a small holding rearing a few cattle, I can go out and buy all the thing needed for the farm, all from the local shops, no need to drag the wife out to translate, One Kg of 3-inch nails please. And Thais do apricate the fact you can speak Thai, yes, I still get it wrong, and I do meet some interesting people. With the small holding I can keep an eye on cattle prices, feed prices and availability etc. This subject comes up on this forum every few months with mostly the same reply's, sounds if a lot of members just cannot be bothered/lazy to lean even the basics. Boot on other foot, every time I go back to the Uk ,it is getting like the United Nations they, it always amazes me how well outsiders can speak English. If they why can't farangs here in Thailand speak some Thai.
  20. You could use Mie Sorn ไม้สน known as a Thai pine, not the Christmas tree type, a good wood for building, again does not like damp areas, better than Eucalyptus and the insects do not like it. But, I have not seen it about for a while now, you will have to ask around.
  21. I would go with the Icicle Works, they biggest hit was Love is a wonderful color, something different from the Stock, Ake and Waterman crap from the 80's.
  22. The Kwie Lec has a 15 HP single cylinder engine, it relies on the engines toque to power it. What bit I know of electric vehicles they would not produce some toque as the diesel engine, unless they increase the HP of the electric motor then you would need a bigger battery, needing more space for storage and more weight. May be in the next 5-10 years when the technology gets better.
  23. A 74hp tractor the Case tractor is more than needed for your average Thai farmer, unless he is a big cane /corn etc. farmer, he would want to put a 3-furrow plough behind it and go ploughing, ............for how long before the battery runs out. I see the promo pictures show someone just pottering around, not out in a field. As has been said the cost will dictate the market, with import tax here it will be a loge time before we see any working in Thailand. As for an electric Kwie Lec , walk behind tractor nothing like that in electric, again a few yet before we one of those.
  24. Eucalyptus is safe, if it kept dry, we have some Euc in our cattle shed has been they a lot of years, no termites, as it dry's it hardens try knocking a 4-inch nail in to 5-year-old Euc ,but Euc in the ground will only last 18 moths at the most, less if land is wet. You could treat the wood against termite attack. Building foundations is a good idea, about one-foot deep should do, it will keep out most predators, old saying if you have chickens, you have rats, good footings and a block wall will help keep the shed rat proof.
  25. I have been saying that for some time now, the UK will have to adopt another system for health care, it will have to be an insurance based system, with the government subbing the less well off. You cannot tell me somewhere in Westminster they are not budgets proposals etc. about changing the system, but I would say for any government to implement new changes it would be political suicide, put that party in the wilderness for some time, the people would not have, would the present NHS staff have any changes, with the state the system is in now I would say yes.
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