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Everything posted by Myran

  1. Had this issue myself. In my case, I refused to use any communication method that relies on electricity (it's DANGEROUS!), and they were adamant in not accepting my smoke signals. Needless to say, I wasn't a happy camper. I ended up taping a letter to my dog and giving him specific instructions to bring it to the president of Lazada, but that was four months ago and I haven't seen him since.
  2. I'd say you could stay fairly comfortably, if you eat local food, on about 25 000 baht plus rent. Just remember that there are other yearly costs, such as for "visa" extensions and, very importantly, health insurance.
  3. You're being issued with extensions based on marriage because you're supposedly living in Thailand with your wife. She would at least have to return every year in order to do the extension, but if immigration finds out you're not actually living together, they'll probably deny your extension.
  4. "Running sex network"? That's a very strange way of saying that the was producing and distributing child pornography.
  5. Probably the same guy who got deported for mowing his own lawn, or painting his fence, or any other versions of these fabricated stories that are regurgitated ad naseam by some expats.
  6. No, you need to look up what murder means. It might be classified as death due to medical neglicence, but it has absolutely nothing to do with murder.
  7. Take what is written in Gofundme campaigns and tabloids with an immense amount of salt. They often leave out or completely fabricate parts of the story in order to solicit more sympathy and outrage.
  8. "Please contribute to the Gofundme so that we, the family, don't have to sell any of our possessions or take out a loan to pay for it ourselves." This is what these types of campaigns read like to me.
  9. "Thai woman cons rich furniture man out of 7M baht with 'my sick sister with lung cancer' fable" A fable is a story where animals or inanimate objects assume human characteristics, such as speech. It's not synonymous with "story".
  10. Joe Lycett is a comedian, and he doesn't take himself very seriously. He frequently pulls these publicity stunts to draw attention to different things. Like when he changed his name to Hugo Boss just to mess with the company after they did some dubious stuff in regard to copyright infringement.
  11. Here in Ubon, you have to get it from the tourist police. Might not be an option where you are, but perhaps worth investigating if you have no other options.
  12. "Now aged 65 after more than four decades in Thailand he can finally say he is Thai." No, he cannot. He can say that he has Thai citizenship.
  13. Well done by everyone involved. But the Negative Nancy's are of course out in full force, as usual on AN.
  14. Thanks for the input, Captain Obvious.
  15. Of course, plenty of people lead happy lives with former bar girls. But you might as well take precautions.
  16. Calling him stupid will only cause him to dig in his heels. Better to offer honest advice regarding not transferring all his money to the wife's account, putting eventual cars in his name, making large purchases (like houses) after they're married, so at least he'll have a sliver of a change of getting half of it if the marriage goes south.
  17. Different provinces have different rules, but yes, home visits are common for marriage extensions.
  18. Sounds like a recipe for an ear infection, considering how dirty money is.
  19. You can't get a work permit on a retirement extension. You would have to change to another extension.
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