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Everything posted by Myran

  1. Jesus Christ, enough with the hissy-fit. It was a suggestion of a possibility. I'm not the one making claims without proof, you are, by claiming "there WAS a third person". And you don't know for a fact that he "had" to smash the window. He could easily have assumed the door was locked or under surveillance and gone for the window from the get-go. You're the one asking who could have opened the door, and the possible answers based on what little I've read are: Pelosi himself, holding on to the hammer with one hand and opening the door with the other. The police. A third person. But you don't want to entertain the possibility that your version of the events are wrong. I won't respond further, as people throwing temper tantrums are unlikely to actually read what is being written.
  2. Look at the amazing nanny skills of the dog. Such good-natured and stable creatures.
  3. Jesus Christ, I guy kills himself and the headline is basically "German guy sets car on fire". If there's an earthquake in the Philippines, you don't headline the article about it: "Ronald McDonald statue falls down in Manila". The fact that a man has tragically killed himself should be front and center in an article like this, i.e. mentioned in the headline and at the beginning of the article. Not just as a, "Oh, and I supposed he killed himself" at the very end.
  4. Holy <deleted>, whoever's writing these articles has to get their priorities straight. A man tragically killed himself and you choose to focus on a car getting set on fire?
  5. Mate, just stop. You're not bringing anything new to the table. You've taken the concept Universal Basic Income, changed "fiat currency" to "crypto currency", and are now claiming you've "thought of something". You haven't.
  6. Stop using the word "authoritarian" if you don't know what it means. If Google should force people to use MFA if they want to use their services, that's a good thing. Way too many people use 123456 as their password and then complain to Google when their accounts get "hacked".
  7. It's not the same spelling, though. "HERN IN" vs. "HEREIN"
  8. Pro tip: if you're going to correct someone, don't put a space before your question mark.
  9. "I come with tourist visa (60 days) and I pretend to extend it (+30 days)" Immigration won't be happy if you just pretend to do it. You should do it for real.
  10. Don't know what you're talking about.
  11. And I specifically referred to doing it by marriage. Try to keep up, buddy.
  12. And why does the Non-O based on being married exclude people who aren't married? Don't immigration realize that being married is a state of mind?
  13. Myran


    Then everyone should look up the words they don't understand, if they care to know.
  14. Myran


    Just gulp down a loogie and you'll get the same taste experience with zero risk of getting sick.
  15. If it's so profitable, why aren't they just renting out the units themselves? Why "cut you in" on the alleged profit?
  16. Well done by the driver. It's the only decent thing to do, but many would jump at the opportunity to try to take the money themselves, both here and in places like Europe and the US.
  17. It's a shame people even write articles about obvious publicity stunts like this. Don't give these people the attention they so desperately are trying to drum up by making up ridiculous stories.
  18. The world doesn't revolve around Britain and "Europe and the US" consist of quite a bit more than that country. This campaign (any many others like it) are aimed at people who are looking at paying exorbitant energy bills this winter, and might get quite a bit more for their money if they just holiday somewhere warmer during the coldest months.
  19. A Thai who can save 20 000 baht per month does not have a barebones income.
  20. "The customer is always right" doesn't mean what you (and many other customers) think it means.
  21. I use 3BB and have not noticed any issues. Still getting good speeds to Europe and the US.
  22. I'd recommend everyone to check out the longer video in this post. It's an awful occurence, but not nearly as one-sided as some are making it out to be. I
  23. Absolutely no vacuum. Never, ever vacuum a computer. It can build up an elecrostatic chock that can ruin the whole thing. I've worked in computer repair and have seen it happen countless times. Doubtlessly, some individuals are going to chime in and say they've vacuumed their computers for 85 years without issue, but you wouldn't listen to a nutjob who says there's no issue with riding your motorcycle without a helmet, and neither should you listen to these people.
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