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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. The point is not a nationality or a group of people from a certain country. The point is that the Thai authorities are looking for FOREIGNERS Only to climb the ladder of popularity. And it makes no difference that Thai people are more crooked as these foreigners.
  2. Stirring the people up, based on hate against a particular group of people has been proven an asset for the politicians. Hitler and the Jews; ku Klux klan and the black people; the Hungarian president and the illegals; etc. More politicians will jump on the bandwagon to secure their spot in the government. And all on the cost of a few crooked foreigner's. Sad state of affairs for Thailand
  3. The PM go to Chiang Mai to meet square face. Big joke is having to face a lawsuit and maybe will go to jail. the chief of the police is transferred to the office of the PM Square face is going to meet his party Immigration is again anti foreigner I can smell a stinking rat here
  4. Something is wrong with your post. A tourist will spend a lot less money in Thailand than a long time resident A tourist can rent a condominium for about 3,500 a month. No need to spend money on visiting temples or expensive parks. A person who stay in Thailand will spend a lot more to live in Thailand. Specially if he/she is married and has a Thai family to take care of.
  5. As far as I know, Thailand has always been anti-fahrang? Specially with square face in the country.
  6. When a stranger can come into your country and kick a pregnant woman because he/she doesn't want to follow the customs of the country without any consequences, something is wrong with that country. When a country gives you a hard time to get a visa for your partner but let illegal immigrants enter your country, gives them a free hotel room, free meals, free money, preferred court sentences, and other things for free, something is wrong with that country. When a country let his own citizens who have been paying taxes and fighting for their country let these citizens dying in the streets while offering illegal immigrants free hotel rooms and free meals, something is wrong with that country. When a country let a few drag queens teach your children that they can choose their own gender and if the parents object the child will be taken away from the parents.somethingvis wrong with that country. Something is really wrong with this society.
  7. Not a complaint, just writing the Naked Truth of the decline of our society in this century 😭😭😭
  8. Most of the people who responded to this thread are out-of-touch with the reality and should go spend a few weeks in their own country. This kind of judiciary sentences can be found all over the world nowadays. I read yesterday about the court sentence in Belgium handed to a person for exposing a criminal movement on YouTube. The criminal movement was not sentenced. And about 1/2 year ago a truck driver, who was speeding and drunk hit a car and killed a family of 3. He got a suspended jail sentence because "trick driving was his only source of income and he was never sentenced before". This is not a Thai only thing.
  9. What happened to the Thai BUDDHIST people? AFAIK, Thais have always hold the prescription that if you wish bad for someone the bad will hit you in 10-fold (= Karma). Thais were always reluctant to wish anybody being prosecuted for a crime out of fear that their wish would turn into bad Karma for themseleves. The would forgive a person who hurt them and would let Karma do the bad work. Now they changed all of the sudden? Ain't they afraid that KARMA will hit them 10-fold for washing the foreigners bad luck?
  10. History repeat itself: Munich massacre | Facts, Victims, Terrorism, Olympics, & ... Britannica https://www.britannica.com › ... › Crime & Anti-Crime The Munich massacre was a terrorist attack on Israeli Olympic team members at the 1972 Summer Games in Munich orchestrated by affiliates of the Palestinian ...
  11. It's all a guess, without knowing the real reason for asking this question. I remember, long ago when the only Immigration office was at Suan Phlu in Bangkok, I went for my 1st Visa extension. I had the 400 Kbaht (a few years later it went up to 800 KBaht) in a bank account and had all the nexessary documents ready. The Immigration Officer asked from what I was living, outside from the 400 KBaht. He wanted only to know if I had the means to support myself as many expats were using Visa agents who used deposit the money in a bank account for a fee.
  12. Scamming OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS seems to have become a favourite passtime by THAI people. Fake drivers licenses; Fake QR-codes; Etc. I received a phone call from someone who claimed to work for the PEA and notified me that I could claim a refund on my electricity bill from the past 3 years. Closed the call without responding and went to the PEA Office to check the call and it was a SCAM. But they would not help me to bring the SCAMMER to the poilce. Scamming is a job allowed for Thai locals.
  13. The attached document is a NEW DOCUMENT and ask CLEARLY in #2 about my monthly income and where it comes from. This document was not required last year. That's the end of this discussion for me.
  14. Requirement #1: Every officer is entitled to ask for documents outside the list if he/she deems it necessary.
  15. I took already the decision and will travel back to my country soon. Free healthcare and no more P.I.T.A with the ever changing VISA requirements. If I would like to travel to Thailand, I will benefit from a FREE travel insurance and enter Thailand with a VOA.
  16. I had the same problem in Korat. This year, they wanted to see a proof of income and the source of the income. I have been told by somebody at Immigration that this was to proof that I had declard my income to the tax department.
  17. Chasing foreigners seems to be more important now.
  18. The main difference was that the woman was a simple citizen, maybe a farmer, with no school background. The post office employee was a state official who had at least an university degree and took care of his customers.
  19. Thailand has always been ANTI-Foreigner. I remember when I came first to Korat, on a day begin December, I was going to send the "Season Greetings" cards to my family and friends abroad. At the Post Office, I took a queu number and lined up with the queu. Suddenly a Thai woman came into the Post Office and skipped the queu right in front of me. She stated to shout loudly that I was a filthy foreigner and I had to let Thai people go first. You are here in MY country and you should respect Thai people. The officers at the Post Office took the woman outside and warned her to not comeback to THEIR office. But nonetheless, the message was clear.
  20. When I came to Thailand, more than 2 decades ago, I went to The Mall to buy some mfurniture and home utensils. Paid my bill with my Visa card on a "swiping" device and all was settled. Until I received my monthly statement of VISA and several amounts were listed to be baught in Russia and other contries I never visited. Wrote a complaint to VISA and the OmbudsMan and had the odd payments fully returned without discussion.
  21. Many people don't seem to understand that we live in the 21st century. The people who can influence what we think or what their version of the truth is are the "Influencers" on Social Media (read my treath about that). If you look at the numbers of "Followers", "Likes" and "Comments", you will see that these influencers reach more people that anyone in the politics or real life. Thai people have always been ANTI-fahrang and have always been showing their dislike about foreigners seddle in their country/ But in a few weeks, this sentiment has hit an all high. Those who can not see that are blinded by the Rose cloud of Thai life.
  22. There is a huge ANTI-FOREIGNER sentiment at this moment going trough the Thai people and every foreigner is EQUAL to the Swedish guy or the Brit who maimed an old lady at the supermarket. Not only in Phuket but I can see the same feeling in Korat too. Social Media is tarnishing all the foreigners with the same brush and the Thai people are hooked on their phones reading the influencers (my post a few days ago). So, the policeman pointing a gun to this 2 guys would not be strange.
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