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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. I changed the wheels of my gate myself during many years. If I could it on my own, I wouldn't post here for help. PLONK
  2. เดอะเซ้นส์ จอหอ : The Sense Joho, นครราชสีมา, Nakhon ... DDproperty https://www.ddproperty.com › เดอ... Brilliant thread from a would be Thai teacher ....
  3. Thanks a lot for your reply. You just won a price for the most useless answer in ASEANNOW.
  4. I look for someone to change the wheels at my gate. Joho area. I have the new wheels at home. OK to PM me. TIA
  5. Seems that somebody outside this forum has read my thread:
  6. In my opinions, reading the dl scam on facesh&t, Instagram and many other social media outlets, we are talking here of a multi million scam. Second, this is not a scam selling a common thing but a scam that affect the government and the national security. Different subject.
  7. Thaksin is going to end the scam and pigs can fly ......
  8. Strange .... When somebody make a post or send an SMS about the royalty, they have the culpritt arrested with a few hours and send to jail for 18 years. When somebody makes a scam like this, putting several Thai people in misery, he/she can keep the scam up for years without any official lifting a finger for this. Thailand, stop being the country that you are known for by the rest of the world and start to put your act together.
  9. In most countries this would be taken care by the government. But in Thailand, where they are to lousy (Richard Smith) this is a completely legal thing. TIT
  10. Because it is a lot of effort is no excuse to let the scammers continue their filthy thing and put the blame on the tourists. And don't forget that a lot of Thai people are falling in this scam as well.
  11. How difficult is it for the OFFICIALS to arrest these scammers on Facebook? They even give their Bank account number. The DL department should get their act together and start to go after these scammers instead of warning tourists.
  12. A few days/weeks ago, I read somewhere that somebody was asking if there was a General Practionner in Thailand. Today, on my monthly checkup, I noticed a sign which pointed to a General Practionner. Thus, it exists in Thailand.
  13. If adopting a foreign language is "Colonizing" I find it strange. My ex-wife was from Chaiyaphum and the whole viilage spoke "Issan", not Thai. When some food was delicious, everybody would say "Seb illin" instead of "Aroy". A friend of mine, living in Songhkla, speaks mostly some kind of Arab language with his employees and the locals. In Northern Thailand, I frequently meet people who spoke "Lanna". Question is how many people need to speak a foreign language in order to say the territory has been occupied.
  14. I have been looking in TEMU, but found no "Pay On Delivery". So, I gave it a miss.
  15. Is there a list of the rare coins looked by collectors?
  16. Do you have any link to that? Never heard this history.
  17. Many Thai in isaan knows Lao or/and Cambodian Many Thai in the north knows Burmese. And many Thai at the Southern border knows Malay.
  18. Many people will say that Thailand was never occupied. But, the history books (history books that are banned from Thailand) tells an other story. Admitted, Thailand as whole country might be never been occupied. But parts of Thailand, and the capital Ayutthaya have been occupied. The South (Pattani) was ruled by the Muslim And "Isan" used to be a part of Laos and Cambodia before being adhered to Thailand. What's your idea about this? https://www.academia.edu/69988653/Contemporary_Conflicts_in_Southeast_Asia
  19. Like they did BEFORE the motorcycles came in maybe?
  20. Who is talking about "naked" woman? I said very clear that it was pictures and Reels of woman showing their underwear. And I am not supposed to copy and paste their pictures in here because of privacy reasons. If you want to see these pictures, go to Facebook. Besides that, stick to the OP.
  21. I look almost daily into Facebook to stay in touch with friends and family. Facebook (and many Social Media channels) seems to be infested with Thai woman who post daily Pictures or Reels from themselves in underwear and sometimes not even that. These woman, some of them could my grandmother, are posting regularly Screenshots of the money they are earning by doing that. I am not going to start posting pictures or Reels of myself, but I would like to know how they achieve this. A step-by-step manual. In the case of this example (Picture), the woman has earned US$33 with over 1 million views.
  22. Sure, and the punishment will be 10 years in prison OR a 100 baht fine. Mostly it will be the later .... TIT
  23. You don't know anything about the work conditions in Thailand. This is not a "highly developped country" like most countries in the west. Workers need to buy their own safety and work utensils in Thailand. Nothing is provided by the employer in most cases. Compare it tot the USA where people were making a living walking on beams in a skyscraper without safety.
  24. Yesterday, while scanning some documents, I forgot to load a document and the result was like the picture of battlefield. I made 2 scans to test the effects of the different settings on the final result. The first is with the "Grain Correction - LOW" and the second with the "Grain correction - HIGH". Amazing.
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