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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. I go every month to the military hospital to check my blood and get my medication (kidney specialist). First, the nurses measure my blood pressure and my pulse with the usual machines. Every time I have a high blood pressure. When it is my turn to visit the kidney doctor, he measures my blood pressure with a stethoscope, and my blood pressure is normal. I don't trust the machines anymore. I have an appointment next week and will discuss the matter with him. In the mean time no change of medication or food habits.
  2. I check my Blood Sugar lever every day and write the results in an Excell file with a link to a second page with the details of the food and drinks I took that day. I have been able to get my Blood Sugar to an acceptable level and cancel my Blood Sugar medicine. But I rarely checked my Blood Pressure at home (despite that I have a good Blood Pressure device).
  3. A few days ago, I was at the hospital for the extraction of a tooth. As usual, they took my temperature, Pulse and Blood pressure prior to the extraction. The reading was 135/45. The dentist adviced me to go to see a Cardiolog ASAP as 45 was way too low. He adviced me also to eat more salty foods to make my blood pressure go up a little bit. After all these years, avoiding salt intake and taking a lot of medication to get my blood pressure down, I was adviced to eat salty food again. Something sounds wrong here.
  4. I guess he never had a problem to extend his Visa in the Land of Safe Heaven .... Where the RTP sleeps ....(on the tune of the lion sleeps tonight)
  5. If the RTP would be looking for all the THAI scammers on Facebook and other Social-Media (ie fake Driver Licences) I would have some admiration for them. But knowing that the RTP will never waste their time on rolling up the Thai scammers, my admiration for the RTP is below 1 Degree Kelvin.
  6. FWIW, a few years ago I wanted to close a bank account which I barely used. I was told by the girl at the desk that it cost more (fees) to close the bank account than rather take everything out of that account, but leave 100 baht on that account. So, I followed the advice of the girl and the account is still open.
  7. Thailand being Thailand, this would only lead to further inequality between citizens. Kids of a Policeman or kids from a well-known whatever will always duck the law in Thailand. Only kids from poor people (and their parents) will foot the bill for their actions. Before imposing such a law, make everbody be punished for their crimes.
  8. https://www.oxford-street-therapy-centre.co.uk/home/news-and-blogs/essential-oils-can-be-the-natural-way-to-help-with-bites-and-stings/#:~:text=Tea Tree Oil has potent,for bug bites or stings.
  9. A few years ago, I was at Dontan beach (Jomtien) when a young child was sting by a Jellyfish. We brought the boy to the emergency cabin on the beach and they called directly an ambulance. While waiting for the ambulance, a 1st aid guy from the cabin prepared a mixture of plant leaves that were cultivated at the cabin and applied it on the Sting area. The next day I meet the same tourists and apparently the boys life was saved by the mixture.
  10. I guess that she will get another near-dead experience when she will the receive the hospital bill. Watch the GoFund.Me page.
  11. FWIW, a few years ago I wanted to re-paint my bicycle. After looking the prices for DIY and Bicycle/Motorcycle shops, the price was higher that a new bicycle.m A few days later I passed one of these bus shops who do renewal of busses (there are a lot of them with accidented busses on the parking). I asked the price to paint my Bicycle and the guy did it for 500Baht. Real good quality job and even in different colors.
  12. I know that meeting sites have changed a lot and "woman" changed a lot in te last decade or so. But proposing to chat on sex cam for money with 53 years?
  13. Nor anywhere else on this planet. But Pattaya has always attracted the worst of the human race ...
  14. I have a little Buddha statue (about 20 cm high) and the statues of 3 Wise man which I would like to take with me abroad. But to make sure that I would have no problems with the export and import of these items, I would like to get an export permission from a Buddhist authority. Does anybody kniow where to ask for export documents for Buddhist items? Preferable by email or a website. TIA
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawsuits_involving_Meta_Platforms
  16. Why are we keeping seeing these warnings from the useless Thai Police? Can the Thai Police and the DLT department arrest these scammers? They are not exactly hiding themselves but displaying their names and bank account numbers in LINE. Has Thailand not the power to shut Facebook down until Facebook comply with removing these scammers? ------------------------------------------------------ Drivers License SCAMMERS ผู้ดูแลเว็บไซต์ กรมการขนส่งทางบก <webmaster AT dlt.mail.go.th> Wed, Nov 1, 2023, 9:04 AM We are not complacent about the actions of criminals. We are continuously reporting to Facebook because the Department of Land Transport have received a lot of complaints about cases like this. Therefore, if you want information from the Department of Land Transport Please follow the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/PR.DLT.NEWS/ Regards, Department of Land Transport <webmaster at dlt.mail.go.th> <https://www.dlt.go.th>
  17. So many members are totally missing the big deal behind the new tax agreement. The new tax agreement has little or nothing to do with the few bucks Thailand would get from your pension from an expat in Thailand. Rather it is all part of the Digital Wallet scheme that has been in place a few years ago and it's only a new way to know the TRUE income of their citizens. Together with the new bank rules (disclosing your income) and a few other new implementations, there is no way to falsify the income declarations anymore. The citizens of Thailand were very happy to use the Prompt Pay inplementation a few years ago. Every shop or seller in Thailand was happy to use Prompt Pay instead of using real money (by the way, this is also going on in Western countries). There is a HUGE Tax to earn by the governments in the digital era (On-line sellers; Gifts to influencers; etc,) that was kept out of the reach of the taxman and now will need to pay taxes like everybody. No need for extra employees as the control of the citizens is exercised by themselves. World is changing and many people still believe that they live in the world as it was before. Wake up.
  18. I wonder if the IRS will start taxing the monthly allowace sent to the "ladies" from foreign friends abroad. This is a HUGE yearly money transfer and easily to control. Also, many people have switched from "CASH" to phone payment (QR code) which is more easy to trace. And with the Digital Wallet, hiding your income/spending will be more difficult to hide your income. Many "mom and pa" shops who were not declaring their true income over the years will give their data away with the Digital Payment (QR Code). No need for extra employees at the IRS. The Digital Wallet and the requirement if the banks to display the accounts will do the job.
  19. "Can you lick my pussy?" "U can help me for buy gasoline?" "Who wants Freelance?"
  20. What are the prices in Pattaya/Jomtien area for a Kidney Dialisys in non-private hospital?
  21. Today, on Mittraphap Rd. in N. Ratchasima, an Ambulance with the flashing lights was obstructing the right shoulder lane (speeding lane) by driving the whoole time at 90kph. The traffic rules specifiy clearly that minibuses and big buses are not allowed to drive on the right shoulder lane as they have a speed limit of 90kph. Sometimes, the ambulances are getting what they are asking for.
  22. In our standards, looking and marrying a girl/woman online is a complete "NO". But for old people, living alone in the "cold" Europe with no outlook to have the company of another person and maybe need help to keep living, it is their ONLY choice. Living with a person who takes care of them and they will take care (financial) of their partner. I have a friend in Korat who married a girl from Korat who he meet in Phuket 15 years ago. It was his 1st week after retirement in Thailand. Meet and married in 1 week. He is 72 years old and she is 28 years now. They are the best couple if you meet them. No physical attraction, but taking care of each other. On the topic if there is any attraction or whatever, most of the Muslim marriages are made between 2 people who never have seen eachother before and were married at birth. Still, they keep married troughout their life and the woman take care of their husband. No need for physical attraction but taking care of each other. The law of SURVIVAL.
  23. I agree with you that it is very difficult to classify the countries with the most "sex workers". Specially in these times where most of the "sex workers" are selling sex "Online". It is also very difficult to classify them inot Prostitutes; Freelancers; Etc. Also, where draw the border line between a sex worker and someone who post pictures/videos and sex-cam online. Sure thing is that in the era, making sex work illegal and go witch hunt for a single sex worker while there are thousends of them doing the same thing is at the best ignorant for a country. A few months ago, I watched a program on the European television about older people who baught a new wife in East-Asia Online. Instead of using the old way, travel to south-east Asia to find a new wife, they use now the internet to make acquintance and once an agreement is made, they send a non-refundable ticket to fly to Europe to their future wife. Example: Greetings! This is Jesse from the Philippines. I can help you find a filipina girl friend/ wife . I have sister Helen . She is 29 years old, cute and petite 4'9" . She has dark brown skin. She is loving, caring, faithful, family oriented, passionate and open minded. I am attaching her photos and videos. You can have Helen as your wife when you lend me 8 million pesos to buy a beach house i will pay you back in 2 years. hope you consider. She agreed to marry you and relocate to live with you. I will arrange everything for you to marry Helen. If interested please email me back or contact me at Phone (63)9052719575 Philippines Is Helen a "Pimp", selling her sister? Is the sister a Prostitute? To get back to the thread, this witchhunt after 1 woman who chose to sell sex online makes the RTP the laughing stock of Thailand.
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