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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Remember a few years ago when a bus caught fire in korat-saraburi and the double deck busses were forbidden by the government? As long as Thailand will be ruler by corruption nothing will ever change.
  2. I remember a post I did make about "security on the road" and "wearing helmets" and got attacked by a lot of Asoeannow members that they "liked Thailand so much because they were free to drive without helmets and free to clean the floor with all the safety rules in a nanny state". The death toll of this freedom only a "friendly fire" and fully acceptable by them.
  3. 700,000 baht for a severely injured individual? Which severly injured individual can be provided proper health care for that amount. GET REAL THAI GOVERNMENT!!!!! You are a disgrace to the world!!!!
  4. That is COMPLETELY against the majority of the foreigners in Thailand who came to this "lovely" country where they can do as they please and not a "nanny state" ....
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0jwqzzw986o Twenty children dead after Thailand school bus fire https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/school-bus-catches-fire-thailand-with-44-people-board-2024-10-01/ School bus fire in Thailand kills at least 23 https://japantoday.com/category/world/school-bus-fire-in-thailand-kills-at-least-23 School bus fire in Thailand kills at least 23 https://www.manilastandard.net/news/314504892/field-trip-turns-tragic-in-thailand-school-bus-fire.html Field trip turns tragic in Thailand school bus fire https://www.lbcgroup.tv/news/world-news/800568/multiple-deaths-in-school-bus-fire-in-thailand/en Multiple deaths in school bus fire in Thailand https://thesun.my/world/school-bus-catches-fire-in-thailand-25-feared-dead-AE13066053 https://www.thestar.com/news/world/asia/thai-police-arrest-driver-and-work-to-identify-victims-of-school-bus-fire-that-killed/article_40e083e9-c9f1-5d74-999a-29d81c47298a.html Thai police arrest driver and work to identify victims of school bus fire that killed 23 This is only a tiny overview of the news today. I have a tip for the THAI GOVERNMENT: Why don't the THAI GOVERNMENT convert the place of the accident to a SANCTUARY? And ask "La Lita" to visit this sanctuary and write a song about it? Dozens of tourist guaranteed. That's what you want, or not? Think of all that money that will be generated.
  6. Remember the accident with the minibus in Pattaya a few years ago where 14 passengers burned out? A FULL investigation, weeks of talking about new rules, etc. Nothing has changed at the end. Remember the accident with the pick-up truck carrying 14 people in the back a few years ago? A Full investigation, weeks of talking about new rules (reducing the amout of people allowed to sit in the pick-up bed, reducing the amount of people inside a pick-up, etc.) Nothing has changed at the end. THIS IS THAILAND!!!!! A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY RULED BY MONEY.
  7. Amazing how everybody is pointing at the driver, yet nobody is pointing at the REAL CULPRIT. The bus owner and the Minister of Transport who allows an old dodgy bus to be DANGEROUSLY modified and be on the roads. Also, the modified bus was not carrying the necessary SAFETY DEVICES (window smashers on each row, emergency door openers, NGV compartiment shielded from passengers department, etc.). This whole accident will be forgotten in a few weeks, just like the amount of passengers in a pick-up, nobody will face arrests, and Thailand will continue to be a country with the highest death toll on the roads. Shame on you THAILAND.
  8. How many Thai Police Officers are needed to investigate the cause of a battery malfunction on a scooter? Answer: The whole local Police corps.
  9. RIP to the kids and teachers who perished locked-up in a hell of fire. What can be said about this? - Thailand IS AND WILL EVER BE A 3rd-WORLD COUNTRY. - Every bus in Europe needs to have "windows smashers" on every row of seats and most of us know how to use them. Was this feature mounted on the bus and did the children/teacher how to use them? - Who is to blame here? - The driver who knew that he was driving a modified vehicle to run in NGV and did a runner? - The school for allowing the bus company to drive the students/children in a bus that did lack of every security? - The Thai government who allow these buses to be on the road, knowing very well that they are death traps? - THE SMILING SERPENTS WHO HAVE THE GUTS TO PUT-UP A SHOW LIKE THIS IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN WHO WITHNESSED THEIR FRIENDS AND TEACHERS BURN TO ASHES ALIVE A FEW HOURS BEFORE? If the parents of these children have balls, each of these serpents were now declared "Death or Alive".
  10. I don't give a <deleted> where I will die and what they will do with my dead body. What I care about is where I want to live my last years and where I would get the best care. And that place is not Thailand. The countries of the European provides me with FREE HEALTHCARE when I get at an age that I would be dependent on others in daily life (also free services like free meals at home, free home care, free cleaning services, etc.) Thailand "was" a nice country to live in 20 years ago, but I don't want to reach an age where I would be dependent on others in this country.
  11. The truth hurts ... Quick, let's make an other clip on Tik-Tok, IG and other Public Media to gain followers.
  12. The truth hurts ... Quick, let's make an other clip on Tik-Tok, IG and other Public Media to gain followers.
  13. I said the same thing about the months prior to the extension by another IO and my thread was closed because of this. Better simply agree with the "beliefs" of AseanNow members.
  14. 1. Respect for the elderly and the superiors (monks, the King and Monarchy, etc.) is part of the South-East Asian culture and is not bound to "earned respect" as in the Western countries. Any citizen will crawl on the floor for the Monarchy, weither the respect is earned or not in your opinion. Failing to do this will get you upto 18 years behind bars. 2. "A neighbour , Mrs. Jannapa, 52, who lived in the same building, described the victim as someone who enjoyed drinking but generally had a good heart." The "victim" was a woman who generally had a good heart, but taking care of someone elses children and try to raise them with the little or none support from a RICH GOVERNMENT, would make anybody angry. Why can Thailand not provide FREE school for their children despite making zillions of baht from their citizens and the foreigners? Are they not worth it? A TRUE third world attitude. 3. "She added that the granddaughter was polite and obedient, although she had only completed her education up to the sixth grade due to financial difficulties. Neighbours huad attempted to help the girl continue her studies, but her grandfather could not afford the school fees." "School" is free in a Govoernment school. But to increase their tutors wage and the school boards luxury life style, TUTORING is not free and can be higher as in a private school. In the school where my daughter used to go, the Thai department was free. But the uniforms, tutoring material (books and other material), after classes tutoring, school projects, etc. WERE NOT!!!! Many students had to leave the school because their parents of their caretakers could not afford the high prices.
  15. Don't let the door hit you on your way out
  16. Which "helpfull" responses would that be? The usual nose pickers about the visa in every thread? Why not stick to the question?
  17. Not if the amount gets back to 800k in December. The month December would be outside the 3 months.
  18. 1 per month, showing the balance of that month. I need to apply for my extension in April of each year. Thus I get 3 sheets signed and stamped by the bank: January, February and March. I receive each month a sheet showing the balance for the past month.
  19. 3 months prior and 2 months after is required by immigration korat
  20. Was not asked!!!! The original question was to know what the implications was if the account dropped below 400k and how immigration would know. I an not interested in the usual nose pickers about the visa details
  21. I don't have a bank book. My bank gives me 3 monthly sheets of my bank balance and a confirmation of the balance (Euro account) at the date of my application for visa extension (UOB). This has been accepted already more than 10 years.
  22. NO RELATION TO MY QUESTION!!! I didn't asked for the usual nose pickers.
  23. For the Visa extension for RETIREMENT, one of the conditions is to have 800,000 Baht (or a foreign device equal the amount) in a Bank Account. This amount needs to be seasoned at the bank 3 moths PRIOR to the extension and 2 months AFTER the extension. If the extension is granted, the account may not drop below 400,000 Baht. The "exact wording" doesn't change the original question, so refrain of all the posts about that (if possible at all). My question is: , From the moment you do the first 90-days report after the extension to the 3 months prior to the next extension Immigration has no knowledge about the amount at the bank account. So, if the account drops below 400,000 baht, what would be the implications? The bank book shows every year only the Balans at the day I update the bank book. No detail of any movements in between.
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